Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Perihal Kucing dan Raya

Di rumah emak ada seekor kucing bernama Min. Dia sgt comel, selain daripada berbulu karpet. Mula-mula aku sampai sini, dia perhati tak sudah-sudah. Maklumlah, belum biasa lagi.

Sehari, dia rajin duduk di tepi tengok aku buat kerja. Hari kedua, dia kembali duduk di atas peti sejuk. Itu memang kediaman dia. Tak boleh nak buat apa dah.

Sehari sebelum raya, aku gatal buat chocolate dengan cornflakes. Saja, bukan nak sangat pun. Har har. Dalam proses menghancurkan cornflakes, aku telah menekan plastik sampai pecah bungkusan cornflakes sedikit. Bertaburlah sikit cornflakes atas lantai. Min yang tadi duduk atas peti ais (peti ais kami rendah sahaja), melompat turun ke lantai nak terkam cornflakes.

Ye, kucing ini suka makan benda yang rangup-rangup. Kalau kami makan kerepek atau rempeyek lepas buka, mulalah dia buat muka Pussycat Dolls eh I mean Puss In Boots mintak sikit.

Aku pun biarkan dulu cornflakes di lantai sbb takut coklat beku dalam periuk. Harus kene panaskan lagi sekali. Akak malas u'olls. Min makan sekepin cornflakes kemudian lari ke luar. Tak sedap la tu. Asal sihat je tamau. Pfbt.

Aku pun berlari-lari nak siapkan kuih. Masa tu Min dah pegi mana tah. Lama juga aku nak siapkan kuih tu maklumlah akak jarang buat kuih u'olls.

Lps aku habiskan kuih tu dan sejukkan, aku pergi dapur balik nak bersihkan kesan sepah aku tadi. Boleh pula aku lupa cornflakes yang beberapa keping kat lantai tu, leka basuh pinggan, rendam periuk and whatnot.

Dah habis kemas barang dalam sinki, bila pandang ke lantai, bersih. Ni mesti budak Min ni yang perabih. Tadi sombong, nak kerepek je. Sekali licin.

Tapi tak boleh bagi selalu. Gila. Gaji aku bukan 400 pound satu minggu.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Perihal Tidak Sensitif Di Pasar Ramadhan

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, aku bekerja di tengah bandar KL. Salah seorang daripada rakan sekerja aku cakap kat aku:

'Jahilnya. Mestilah kita tak pergi month end dekat disko.' dia maksudkan majikan kami yang bukan beragama Islam.

Wow. Dia tak salah (majikan itu) sebab mungkin dia tak tahu. Tetapi yang mengeluarkan perkataan itu, bagaimana pula?

Sekarang ini, timbul pula soal orang berpakaian tidak sopan dan makan di bazaar ramadhan. Ia ditimbulkan oleh penganut agama Islam. Iye, aku tau, 54 tahun merdeka maka sepatutnya orang patut lebih sensitif. Tetapi mengapa mesti marah-marah?

Kenapa kita mesti expect orang hormat kita berpuasa lebih-lebih lagi yang bukan Muslim (alhamdulillah, sangat ramai kawan-kawan saya yang menghormati bulan Ramadhan sedangkan ia tidak wajib bagi mereka)? Aku kurang faham sebenarnya mengapa kita mesti memberatkan soal itu pada mereka. Tak perlu pun. Kalau mereka nak hormati bulan Ramadhan, bagus tetapi aku selalu ckp, kalau rasa nak minum depan aku, takpe. InsyaAllah aku boleh tahan lagi.

Kadang-kadang aku rasa kita ni expect banyak sangat daripada orang lain. Kita bising-bising orang tah hormat Ramadhan, pernah tak kita terfikir akan Lent? Atau pernahkah kita ambil tahu tentang agama lain?

P/S: kawan aku pernah diajak berkali-kali pergi lunch masa dia puasa masa kat luar negara. Takde pulak minah tu mengamuk. Kita ni dah cukup bertuah, tahu?

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Giveaway: Austin Chase Groupon Voucher

Baiklah. Memandangkan entah bila tahun saya nak jejak Midvalley/ Gardens tu kan, saya nak beri sesuatulah.

Itu hari ada beli voucher dari Groupon. Voucher yang ini [51% Off] 1 Regular Caramel Macchiato at Austin Chase for RM7 instead of RM14.30. Choose Hot or Iced Macchiato. tapi voucher cuma ada satu sahaja.

Jadi kepada sesiapa yang berminat, bolehlah email di uculer[at]gmail.com. siapa cepat dia dapat. tarikh tutup nak redeem tu lama lagi, 17 November 2011. 

jadi, silalah siapa yang berminat :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Perihal Shopping Sebelum Raya

Aku ni jarang sebenarnya nak pergi Chow Kit hape bende ke nak beli barang raya. Bukan memilih, ramai-ramai orang sangat ni takut kene culik (perasan).

Tapi tadi telah pergi ke pasar di Klang. Kamon, selama ni selalu sangat nikmati kesesakan laulintas di KL. Kali ini kita bersesak-sesak di Klang pula. Hui...baru rasa meriah raya ye tak?

Seronoklah kali ini dapat berkumpul sama-sama. Tadi pun pergi scouting parking sama-sama. Pergi tengok orang auction bunga macam auction pasu bunga. I mean 
Asu dan bunga. Meriah oke. Daripada RM 100 boleh turun sampai RM 40. Tapi aku tak tunggu lama pun sbb nak pergi langsir, tudung, baju, kerepek, alas meja (yang akhirnya tak dapat semua pun. Saja nak panjangkan karangan).

Ramai sungguh orang tadi. Mestilah kan? Takkanlah kucing pulak nak beli tudung. Tapi yang buat aku rasa kecewa tu, tak nampak pun tudung bawal. Why? Mengapa tudung bawal dipinggirkan? Kecil hati oke macam ni. Takpelah, ai beli shawl saja la gini.

Bagus tau taktik perniagaan mereka. Sepanjang-panjang lorong orang jual tudung stokin telekung tudung bunga, memang dah sedia depan tu jual air. Ai loike!

Tapi maaflah. Tiada gambar. Kerana itu penceritaan tidak best pon. Excited je pehi beli barang sambil ikut emak dari belakang. Risau aku. Punya sesak gitu, jangan kata budak kecik, aku pun boleh sesat. Lainkali ak pakai tag RFID la sebelum pegi tempat gitu.

Dah sekian. Saja je nak ckp aku pergi padahal orang dok pergi sokmo. Eh btw, Sekinchan Ikan Bakar kat Bandar Botani Klang tu sedap ke? Ada sesapa tau?

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Perihal Orang Kampung

Kenapa kan, kita selalu dengar kalau orang nak menghina dia akan sebut 'Kampung!', fesyen huduh macam orang kampung? Kenapa? Orang bandar tak selekeh ke? Tak boleh pakai huduh ke? Pakai tudung, pakai baju dengan lengan singkat gila, pakai pulak legging. Tak huduh ke macam tu?

Kalau mekap tak elok sikit, sebut 'kampung'. Apa salah orang kampung? Dan kalau kita hina orang lain kampung pun, kita tak jadi urban. Hak hak.

P/s: sekarang aku dah jadi orang kampung. Dan aku oke.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Perihal Gambar Diculik Orang

Hati kalau dicuri, susah nak pulangkan kembali. Kalau pulangkan kembali pun, mungkin sudah berbirat.

Baik, itu bukan fokus kita pada hari ini.

Hari ini, saya nak jadi Auntie Ruth(less) bukan Aunt Agony. Mari lihat permasalahan hari ini.

Auntie Ruth,
Saya ada masalah. Seperti gadis-gadis lain, saya suka tangkap gambar dan upload di Facebook, blog, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Myspace, Friendster dan...saya lupalah. Saya pasti ada lagi.

Orang ramai kata saya comel, saya pun rasa saya comel. Setiap kali saya upload gambar saya, pasti ramai yang akan Like, Repost atau komen gambar saya. Bukan itu sahaja, saya dapat tahu yang gambar saya banyak dimuat turun oleh orang lain lalu disalahgunakan. Mereka telah menggunakan gambar saya untuk diletakkan di profil. Auntie Ruth, tolonglah saya.

Penyelesaian dia mudah sahaja. Auntie Ruth cadangkan awak bawak-bawaklah tengok Criminal minds, contohnya. Sebenarnya tak kisahlah cerita apa pun yang penting awak tengok sikit cerita-cerita atau berita berkaitan jenayah siber ni.

Lagi satu, awak  lupa. Mereka bukan saja mungkin muat turun gambar anda untuk gambar profil. Mungkin juga  mereka buat modal untuk 'sabun di bilik mandi'.

Auntie harap jawapan Auntie memuaskan kati anda.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Perihal Mengelak Baca Blog-blog Begini

Di dunia maya ini, terdapat pelbagai jenis blog. Maklumlah, sejak adanya Internet, semua orang rasa mereka perlu berkata sesuatu (macam aku) sekalipun dia tak pasti itu betul atau tidak. Kalau ada orang baca lagi seronok kan? Ya, anda yang sedang membaca tulisan ini, terima kasih banyak-banyak.

Seronok membaca blog yang sinis dan sarkastik. Aku juga suka baca blog yang penuh dengan cerita. Susah oke nak tulis cerita. Belit jalan cerita sampai silap-silap terbelit leher sendiri. Blog yang menulis gaya comel pun aku suka seperti blog sepupu aku (fuh fuh mintak-mintak dia masak pasta esok ke minggu depan ke). 

Selalunya, aku jarang komen dekat blog orang di comment box. Bukan sombong, kadang-kadang memang sibuk. Tetapi aku cuba juga balas komen yang ada. Ada sebab kenapa aku tak follow atau baca blog seseorang. 

1. Emo around-the-clock
Cakap banyak pun tak guna. Hujan pun tau berenti, dik. 

2. Entri macam diari
Bangun jam 8, cari berus gigi, 8.02 terpicit ubat gigi banyak, buang separuh. 8.03 gosok gigi, 8.05 habis gosok gigi. Mungkin kalau aku dah tukar kerjaya jadi tukang culik ke, mungkin aku akan baca blog begini. 

3. Blog berlagu
Rasanya, sudah banyak peralatan yang membolehkan kita simpan lagu contohnya komputer, telefon bimbit dan pemain mp3. Rasanya tak perlu letak lagu kat blog. Kami boleh pilih sendiri. 

And that was so 90's. 

4. Blog minta puji
Penulis sentiasa mengutuk diri sendiri: gemuklah (tapi berat badan 44kg), tak lawalah (manusia ni, Tuhan jadikan semulajadi lawa), meja sepahlah (padahal nampak sangat baru lap sebelum gambar diambil), muka tak siap (padahal fake lashes tu baru je letak, dahi tu baru sgt tepek dgn loose powder). Kalau Tuhan ambil balik semua tu, kau nak?

5. Konspirasi
Illuminati, Freemason bla bla bla. Aku tak pandai sangat macam diaorang. Aku tak faham sangat point mereka ini semua. 

Aku listkan ni bukan saja nak mengutuk tetapi mungkin boleh jadi panduan la kepada sesiapa yang berminat nak jadi blogger ulung.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Perihal Blog Tanpa Iklan

ada beberapa blog yang aku nampak ada tag ini 'Blog tanpa iklan'. tak kisah, beb. itu pilihan kau. aku tak takde hal. macam aku pula lain. nak juga kumpul duit sesak-sesak kalau terbeli kasut lebih daripada satu. tak pun, kumpul duit nuffnang untuk beli jam seketol ke. tadehal. 

cuma blog yang penuh dengan iklan ni aku tak gemar sangat. kiri-kanan depan belakang ada iklan. lagi-lagi kalau ada iklan rollover terpampang besar-besar. aku yang tadi rasa macam nak klik iklan, terus bertindak menekan [X] pada sudut hujung kanan sekali. 

aku tak komplen byk-byk. cukuplah aku tak jenguk dah blog mcm tu err contoh tak mampu beri sebab sumpah tak ingat nama. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Less Saliva Gland (2)

Another Friday swooped in and still, there was hardly change. I was beginning to develop a severe depression and the longing for coffee was cut down drastically (a point that I really begin to think irrelevant). 

My blood was taken for lab test and I was also exposed to the radiation via X-ray. And again: 

' We'll look at the result on Monday. If we found out that something is irregular with your blood, I will refer you to the hospital.' I know I shouldn't but seriously, it worried me more. And of course I pretended I was oke. 

Monday came and by lunch hour, I was carrying the huge X-ray film to lunch. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with my chest (phew!) but my erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was slightly higher than normal. My stomach felt like it shrank to the size of a plum. It was scary to hear those words. I was then referred to the hospital. Took the next day off and head to the hospital.

I went to the Emergency Room first and upon examination, they asked another question that if I have a cat. I spent about an hour behind the curtain before I was referred to the specialist clinic. It was not something that I want to do but heck, early detection is better (as in detection for anything). So to the specialist clinic I march since I also would like to make sure that I am oke. 

I had to come the next day as the doctor has already gone for an operation. He is actually the general surgeon specialist (based on the plaque outside his room). I was sick to the stomach. I was thinking about TB and importantly, cancer. Everytime I touch the swelling, I wish it would subside just a little bit until it was gone. 

I was lucky that the doctor was in the next day. Again, I carried the X-ray to his room and guess what? He said it was not clear. Another blood test and X-ray because he said he can almost see nothing. 

I had to admit, when I when down to the lab and let them take more blood, I was feeling a bit feverish. It must be my nerves because I was not having fever or anything. Imagine having a lump somewhere on your neck, with the doctor saying that the location is near to the lymph node, there's only one thing. I began to sweat just to think about those words. 

The X-ray room was quite pack but the queue is moving pretty fast so phew! again. But I did not come just for the X-ray, I also had to do ultrasound. Many of my friends have went through this except that they were doing it as they were carrying a baby. So that was how it was. Gel on the neck with the device, which surface is very cold to the skin. I became a guinea pig because there was also a student in the room when the doctor was doing the check up.

I did the check up during weekdays and had to come pick up the report on Saturday. It was during this time that the doctor told me that I need to undergo a small operation to check what was wrong near my neck. By that time, it was very close to being determined as infection but again, it is better to be sure. 

I almost backed out because I know the operation will cost a bomb. And then I remembered that I have insurance. Darn it. I blame in on panic. 

The check up also discovered a very small tumour (about 9mm) near my thyroid. This tumour is now being monitored with my first treatment scheduled in September 2011. 

Nevertheless, the operation took place on Thursday afternoon. The report came out and it severe infection and my submandibular is removed. A month later, the pain is nearly gone but there were times when it became unbearable. But alhamdulillah, no complications or stuff. 

So, that is my journey. Swelling that goes on for more than a week should not be neglected. I;m no doctor but please, if any of you are looking for the answer for 'a lump on the neck', I suggest to find them from a certified doctor. 

Selamat hari raya. 

One Less Saliva Gland (1)

a few people has asked me how did I ended up being wheeled into the operation theatre with one less saliva gland. plus, I'm also seeing several searches for lump on the neck. something good must come out from the operation, so I say. why not i blog about it?

It started with a noticeable lump on my neck one morning, Friday morning in fact. It appeared suddenly one morning and it was painful. I clearly remembered that I was having trouble to move my head and the lump area was hot. I panicked. at this time and day, any weird lumps are considered dangerous. i keep thinking 'cancer'.

as usual, i picked up the phone to call a friend and decided that I really have to go to the clinic at 11.30am, during lunch.

That started it. The doctor said that we have to wait for one week and at the time, she just said that we had to prepare if its tuberculosis. there were the usual questions like 'was i sick a few days ago?', 'was there any coughing?'. As the answers were no, the doctor began to relax and scheduled for another appointment in one week for blood test and x-ray.

I was worried, almost could not concentrate. My energy was focused on not googling anything on cancer because self-diagnosis only leads to self-destruction. On one sitting, I discovered that I was the perfect candidate of about three deadly sickness. having said that, yes, I succumbed two days later. i wasn't proud of googling the information.

then came the slow wait to the next week.

during the course of one week, i wasn't feeling any pain on the lump when not touched. It was not terribly painful when touched either. But what got me really worried was the fact that the swelling did not show any sign of getting smaller. There was very slight change.

And another Friday arrived.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Playing Aunt Agony

You know when people call radio stations to tell the radio announcers (or rather, the whole nation) about their problems. That is rather expensive, don't you think? So, I thought, hey! I can give them solutions for free. So, why not do it here? 

Dear Aunt Agony,

My name is Ina and I am 24 years old, currently seeing someone. My boyfriend is 26 years old.

My boyfriend is not working in the country and honestly, we are not sure when he is coming back.

At the same time, I'm also seeing an older guy, kind of a family friend. He's 44 years old with stable income.

Who should I pick? I love my boyfriend but I would love to have a rich boyfriend. And the 44-year old guy always bring me gifts and such. My mother really like him.

What should I do?

Answer: You are certainly materialistic so I really do not see the problem here. Your type (falls under the gold digger category) should always choose the rich ones and never marry them because I believe you'll have a hard time being loyal when the bank account gets smaller. If you truly love your boyfriend, you won't be writing in for the whole world to know that you are not wife-material, based on your statement: I would love to have a rich boyfriend.

If I was your boyfriend, I'd dump you at a heartbeat. And I would also leave you if I'm the 44 year old guy.

Hope this helps you!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Perihal Duit Raya

Aku bertuah kerana anak buah aku tak ramai. Oke sebenarnya mungkin ramai tapi aku buat-buat macam tak perasan sahaja. Haha memang nak minta kaki.

Yang sepatutnya perlu aku beri hadiah adalah dua sepupu yang di rumah.

Tahun pertama, kandungan sampul duit raya adalah sama.

Tahun kedua, aku isi duit secara random (RM 50, RM 30, RM 10) dan mereka perlu pilih secara random. Sungguh mengujakan, bukan?

Mungkin tahun ini....

Sampul duit raya.
Kertas surat khabar.
Duit syiling lima sen dua keping.

Kira macam cabutan bertuahlah.

Agak-agak, nanti sepupu aku buat patung voodo utk balas dendam kat aku tak?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Perihal Chuzzles

Ah, a blast from the past. Ini antara permainan yang digilai ketika di universiti dahulu. Boleh main permainan ini berjam-jam lamanya kerana sangat comel. Main sambil ketap-ketap gigi sebab adalah sangat comel. Bola-bola kecil yang berkelip-kelip yang sumpah comel rasa nak gigit. 

Adakah anda sudah bersedia? Ah deng kenapalah perlu mengalih bahasa? Oke sengaja.

Ah lihatlah.

 Lihat lihat lihat. Comel comel comel. Nanti mata kelip-kelip. Grrr.

Tengoklah bola biru muda yang sangat comel itu. Temok-temok. Ah comelnye. Rasa nak picit-picit.

Ah oke. Gila tau. Sanggup beli ni. Dah sudah. Nak main solitaire ke dominoes ke.

Perihal Horrible Bosses

ini adalah pendapat peribadi. ia tidak boleh diambil sebagai sumber informasi yang utama dan konkrit.

Horrible Bosses. sudah lama aku tak keluar untuk berjimba-jimba. Sejak pembedahan rasanya jadi apalagi, pastilah kita mengambil kesempatan untuk menonton wayang. Sayang, aku memang nak tonton Harry Potter tapi tak mengapalah, Horrible Bosses pun boleh juga.

Aku sebenarnya tak tahu pun kewujudan cerita ini sebenarnya tetapi kemudian aku telah menonton trailer cerita ini (tanpa sengaja) pada suatu hari. Nampak macam ada Jennifer Aniston jadi mestilah aku mahu tonton. Mula-mula hanya sekadar mahu tetapi kemudian terdengar pula perkataan 'murder plot for their bosses'. Maka, perlukah dicucuk-cucuk untuk menonton cerita ini? Pastinya tidak. 

Menjadi seorang majikan bukan mudah. Mahu jaga anak-anak buah mungkin menyebabkan kita menjadi serigala jadian daripada seekor Puss in Boots. Tetapi ini pula cerita majikan-majikan yang memeningkan kepala. Seorang maneater, seorang lagi psiko dan seorang lagi pothead. 

Sila bayangkan seorang majikan anda psiko. Beri harapan untuk kenaikan pangkat dan kemudian ambil jawatan itu sendiri. Tak cukup dengan itu, dia pecahkan pula bilik kerana dia mahu ambil jawatan itu. Memang calon terbaik untuk Horrible Bosses (ha tengok teknik SEO aku? hebat, bukan?).

Kemudian, anda bekerja untuk seorang lelaki budiman tetapi anak lelakinya pula kaki kokain. Anda tahu bahawa syarikat anda akan lingkup kerana anak majikan anda. Kemudian, bos anda yang budiman mati, diganti pula dengan pothead yang hanya mahu membelanjakan duit syarikat.

Anda seorang pesalahlaku seks. Anda pernah ditangkap kerana berkelakuan tidak senonoh, kencing di taman permainan kanak-kanak pada waktu malam ketika mabuk. Disebabkan itu, anda sangat tidak boleh memilih kerja kerana hampir semua majikan tidak mahu menggaji anda. Ini adalah watak Dale. Kesian Dale kerana kena buli dengan Julia (Jennifer Aniston), maneater. Ini adalah bos yang boleh membuatkan anda kurus pahala puasa dengan sekurus-kurusnya. Beware, people.

Mereka berasa sangat tertekan dengan keadaan majikan mereka hingga timbul 'hypothetically killing our bosses'. Daripada small talk di pub, mereka telah melangkah setapak lagi. 

Dale adalah watak yang sangat suka bercakap. Memang rasa nak kasi kaki. Dave mempunyai muka yang lebih serius manakala Kurt pula watak yang mula-mula buka topik tentang 'have you ever imagined killing you bosses?'. 

Horrible Bosses adalah menghiburkan, bagi seorang peminat dark comedy. Tapi mungkin juga aku yang naik syeh sebab lama dah tak keluar. Lokasi yang dipaparkan adalah tempat-tempat yang unik, yang tidak seselalu dilihat di dalam filem-filem yang lain. Tapi memang teringatlah dekat bekas bos yang psiko bila tengok cerita ni. Yes, I have had one.

Dan twist dalam cerita itu yang aku suka. Kau rancang nak bunuh bos kau, lepas tu kau dilepaskan daripada idea itu. Kira macam outsourcing yang tak sengaja. Har har har har.

The Rotten Tomatoes memberikan rating 6.75/10 (last I've seen it).  

Tapi serius. Kalau puasa, consider not watching this. Ah dem, terbayang Dale nyanyi 'That's Not My Name'. Haha. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

The One With Being The Patient

I finally found out how it felt like be treated as a sick person. Fevers and headaches are temporary but recovering from an operation is something different. Try feeling like someone is clutching your right jaw constantly for about three months.

The experience changed the views that I had of people who are sick. I used to tiptoe around a subject when I talk to a sick person or try to constantly talk about the person's illness or something. I felt that it was important to ask how they are feeling AS FREQUENT AS POSSIBLE so they will know that I care. I felt that it will be very insensitive to not talk about how they are feeling, my comments will be dripping with sympathy.

Now that I've gone through the experience, I learnt that less is more. It was a mixed feeling, really.

On one hand, I have been in the viewers' shoes, wanting to show people that I care for them and now I am the person feeling it. I need distraction from my pain; laugh at silly stuff as a deflection of the sharp pain on my jaw. Now, it's the neck, it used to be the jaw. I'm sure it will be near the chin later. Nevermind.

So, I know this is difficult. Not asking entirely will be insensitive but maybe the patient wants something to distract them. Being sympathetic is allright but making them at least smile can be a good thing.

Positivity helps during the recovery process and I'm truly glad to have positive people around me. I love their dark humour, silly humour, fun humour and other types of humour; I truly love them. And my mother. The first night I had to stay alone at the other bed was empty. She asked 'aren't you afraid of sleeping alone? You know...' Ghosts, I know. It is good that she still can joke with me about the stuff. Ouh and I love chocolates from visitors.

The experience has been an eye-opener (and pocket burner. Can't wait for the claims to be approved). I don't have everything but I'm happy with whatever I have. Great people, you know who you are :).

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Perihal Tarik Trafik

dulu-dulu kan, dulu-duluuuuu la (punyalah tarik huruf nak tunjuk dah lama), aku kan selalu feeling-feeling tulis bahasa omputih. kononnya, nak push trafik. aku ingat, dengan cara itu akan makin tinggi trafik ke blog aku.

adalah dalam beberapa bulan aku perhatikani perkembangan trafik ke blog. ala bukan susah pun, tgk je la stat. macam tak biasa buat. bukan banyak sangat kerja pun. sebelum nak tidur tu, check stat sikit. tak pun masa menyelit bawah ketiak org dalam putra ke. ikut kesesuaian.

apapun, lama aku perhatikan stats tu. takdelah berubah mana. mungkin takde isu hot kot seperti New Arrivals, Freemason, Arlene Tan dan lain-lain dalam bahasa inggeris. yang ada cuma entry bercuti di sabah. aih...tiba-tiba terasa angin sejuk ranau. ah, lupakan.

lalu, aku kembali beralih-arah kepada medium perantaraan bahasa ibunda sendiri. dari situ aku perasan yang boleh tahan juga banyak keyword yang masuk. kerana blog ini tidak meletakkan gosip artis, maka tidaklah begitu ramai yang masuk tetapi lebih banyak daripada masa aku menulis menggunakan bahasa inggeris.

jadi, bolehlah disimpulkan jika kita mahu menulis untuk trafik (no one is judging. someone has got to pay for my  spectacles and even a few extra hundred comes in handy), tidak salah kalau nak berbahasa malaysia.

hingga di kapasitor sekalipun, entri dalam bahasa malaysia adalah lebih banyak dan lebih kerap dikunjungi berbanding bahasa inggeris.

sekian, dulu. pemerhatian di atas tidak dijalankan menggunakan kaedah saintifik maka keputusannya boleh diragui.

selamat berbuka semua!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beware of 'The Spa'

lamalah tak tulis dlm bahsa inggeris. kakunye tangan. 

Nobody knew the exact name of the spa. Even the sign at the front shows The Spa. Despite this, nobody showed real curiosity on its name or even approached the owner to ask about it because nobody really knows the owner.
The Spa appeared posh with a serene air around it; beckoning women of all ages to its bosom. Stepping past the doors of The Spa was like being cut out from the hustle and bustle of a busy town and transported to the suburban. It was like being teleported from Bukit Bulan to a location in Bungsar.
During its opening, people paid no heed to it. There was a Turkish restaurant on the left, a store selling musical instruments on the right as well as a huge shopping complex right smack in front of the beauty parlour. The surrounding area was full with restaurants offering different cuisines that made Bukit Bulan a haven for people who looked for fun, not really a place to sit back and relax.
The situation changed abruptly, without anyone able to explain why. One day, nobody paid any attention to it and a total 180 degree turn the next. The lobby became pack with women and next thing people know, neighbouring stores started to close down, The Spa has taken these stores over.
The place was reaping good profit, so it seemed. One of the people who saw this transformation was a woman working in the area.
Aisha was one of the women who always walk past the place since she was working in the area. Usually, she her choice was a spa in KLBB and it has been years since she had an account there. Normally, Aisha did not have much confidence in spas or beauty parlours in the area. There were too many scam cases reported that turned her off. Unprofessional beauticians, suspicious looking outlets, dirty spas; the list goes on. At one time, a friend and Aisha spent about 15 minutes to tell the masseuse how they like to be massaged because the woman could not understand what they were trying to tell, both in English and Malay. It was frustrating and took up so much of their lunch hour that they had to call fast food delivery instead. It was not a good business for a busy city with people busy taking part in the Rat Race.
The reason why Aisha was becoming more interested in the place was when the Turkish restaurant was closed. She discovered this when she visited the place one day and found a notice on the door. It was her favourite restaurant and it came as a surprise when Aisha discovered that The Spa bought the place.
' Business must be very good for this place. Its service must be top-of-the range.'
Aisha the visited The Spa one next day. There were women sitting at the lobby. There were either deep in discussion with the beauticians or just sipping their drinks; obviously just finishing their treatment. Aisha just stood at the front door, as if rooted to the tiles. The serenity embraced her so tight that she was taken aback.
' Miss?' a voice called her, bringing her back to earth. Aisha turned to face the owner of the voice, nearly twisting her neck in the process.
A face greeted her with a smile. A woman with jet-black cropped hair greeted Aisha. She looked like a local but yet her eyes betrayed her look. It was grey.
' First time here?' must be contact lenses, thought Aisha.
' Yes.'
' Would you like a tour?' the woman now stepped in front of Aisha, dominating the situation. Aisha just nodded, as if she had lost her tongue. It was Friday and the traffic will be terrible at this hour. Everybody will be rushing after work so Aisha decided to kill time here. The women seemed to have the ability to read Aisha’s mind.
' This way, please,' the woman gestured for Aisha to step towards a corridor. ' My name is Elly.'
' Hi, Aisha,' Aisha brushed her hair. She must looked ridiculous now, what with the shock and forgetting to reapply her lipstick. It was so unlike Aisha to appear in such a way.
 Aisha cannot remember whether she was brought for a tour during the first time she visited her usual spa. It was as if Elly was reading her mind, which was thinking what made this place so special.
 The light in The Spa was dim and in certain places, it was almost totally dark. There were many treatment rooms including rooms with bath tubs. There was a locker room with electronic locks and a spacious changing room on one side of the premise. The Spa appeared to be quite huge and the whole of it featured the same thing. The corridors may be dark but the individual rooms were not. These rooms appeared to be very clean. The beds were covered with white sheets while the machines were stacked neatly at one corner. The walls were only accompanied with a single picture.
 ‘Very neat and very chic,’ thought Aisha.
 It was as if Aisha was doing an inspection in the premise. If it was not the fact that Aisha was a bit too tired, the discussion may have continued. Instead, Aisha left the premise with a brochure about The Spa.
 During Aisha’s journey back home, she kept thinking about The Spa. The cleanliness of the place really caught her eye and ignited an interest. She had enough experience of spas that used yellowish lighting to cover the real state of the place. It was easy to hide the imperfections on the tiles in such lighting. However, The Spa was bold enough to cover the floor with thick carpet and even have bright lighting. It was a joy to walk on the floor. There was nothing for The Spa to hide.

It was a blessing in disguise to have to go back late in a big city on a Friday night since Aisha got the chance to explore the premise. For the brochure, it had the same look of a booklet. The Spa apparently offered services like facial and also body treatment care, not much of a difference compared to other premises. But the premise was brave enough to be putting their charges on the brochure. It was; at least for Aisha, an extremely confident move. There was nothing to be afraid of and The Spa was ready to be in the competition. It was like coming head-to-head with a competitor. The one with the most advantage will have nothing to be afraid of.
 ‘ They know what they are selling and they know they are top of the game,’ Aisha said before throwing the brochure to the passenger seat and hit the pedal to speed back home.
 The Spa was so bewitching that after dinner, Aisha sat in front of her laptop to find more information regarding the place. She looked for reviews,;mainly, and also tried to look up who owned the place.
 Reviews on The Spa appeared to be sporadic. However, most of them gave extremely good reviews. Actually, all of them. There were a few blogs that reviewed The Spa. Weird, all of the pictures on the blogs appear edto be in poor quality. Some of the pictures had very bad lighting while others looked as if they were taken in motion.
 ‘ Weird,’ thought Aisha but that totally slipped her mind when she looked at the other reviews and The Spa’s official website.
 There were no mention of who owned the place but by then, Aisha was captivated by The Spa. The brands used at the place were of the top range and this was what mattered most to her.
 Aisha made a note to cancel her appointment at the usual place and try to get one at The Spa instead.
                                                               * * *
The next day, the first thing on Aisha’s list was cancelling her appointment and making another one at The Spa. It was almost like in a movie when her mobile rang right after she called to cancel an appointment. Elly was on the line, asking whether Aisha was interested to come in on Saturday. Two days away and The Spa actually had a slot for Aisha. This was beyond good.
Aisha was glad that she left her card during her visit.
                                                                    * * *
The Spa greeted Aisha with the sound of the waterfall and birds chirping. It was very calming. The tension, stress and the frightening amount of paperwork on Aisha’s table all ebbed into nothingness, like those things did not matter anymore. That was the same emotion she felt every time she went for an appointment but this was special. This was Aisha’s first intimate date with The Spa. It felt almost sacred.
 Elly and Aisha discussed on what the treatment would be. The ambiance was all very calming that Aisha was in the danger of saying ‘Yes’ to everything. Instead of warm water, Aisha was offered with fruit juice. For this, The Spa gained her approval as this was something different.
 Everything was going very smoothly. It seemed too good to be true for Aisha when everything that she asked for seemed to be available at the premise. But then again, she wanted the basics only like facial and also the usual skincare brands that she used like Derm-logic. Instead of pushing Aisha to take up this package and that, The Spa allowed her to match and mix whatever she wanted with a condition that they will have to charge her and she had to attend specific treatment visits.

‘ Unless you can add body scrub after say five treatments,’ Aisha added jokingly.
 ‘ I’ll see to it,’ replied Elly, with a poker face. On cue, Aisha swallowed saliva that tasted like wood chips. It was as if Elly was promising something sinister to happen to her.
 What happened next was almost uneventful. Nothing was out of ordinary that Aisha felt she was able to totally relax. She changed into a robe and next went into a room with light just enough for the beautician to work on her face.
                                                                  * * *
 ‘ Hi, my name is Jane,’ said the girl; almost whispering actually. Aisha uttered an almost half-hearted ‘Hi’ and Jane went on to proceed with her task. Aisha seemed to be in a haze; all she could see was Jane with her face covered with surgical mask. The sound of Jane mixing chemicals for her treatment and even the massage she received almost did not happen. Aisha plunged into a totally relaxed state that she did not seem to notice much anymore. This never happened to her.
 The last massage given to Aisha finally woke her up. Two and a half hours just passed by. It was rejuvenating and Aisha felt energetic again.
The treatment ended with a drink in the lobby. This time, Aisha was left alone to finish her drink.
 Aisha continued to visit the place and the visit became more frequent as The Spa added manicure and pedicure services for loyal customers. One of such lucky customers was Aisha.. From one every fortnight, the visits turned into a weekly event. Customers; women and men, entered and left the premise at a steady stream. There never seem to be a full room at any given time.
 It was unlike Aisha not to share anything good with her friends. But not this. The Spa was like a hidden jewel that Aisha just discovered. It was too precious to be shared and Aisha really did not want anybody to find out about it. She knew that she was entitled to more perks if she bring in more people but she did not care. It was hers. The greed was illogical and cannot be explained.
 Aisha had enjoyed the massages and The Spa’s special bath. The special bath took place in another section of the place that consisted of rooms with bath tubs and a restroom. This was also brightly lit where the light will only be dimmed based on customers’ request. There were flower petals in the bath and the smell was truly superb. According to Elly, the essential oils available were made in the premise.. Aisha did not know what was actually in the essential oil but once she stepped into the room, the curiosity vanished. It was replaced by such wanting for luxury of being pampered.
 Elly and Aisha were now friends, a natural thing to happen when a customer visited the place for nearly six months, frequently. Stories were exchanged but it was mostly on Aisha’s part. Elly seemed to be on guard every single time.
 Thinking about Elly, Aisha noticed that the woman seemed to be surrounded by an air of mystery. She was like a hawk that circled the area, more of a warden rather than someone who acted as the Relationship Manager of The Spa. And Aisha could not determine whether Elly was the owner, a worker or anyone important at the place. Not that it was of the utmost importance. This was only driven by curiosity. It was natural to be curious on who owned a successful spa like this.
 And the workers; they seemed to be of the same build and with faces that were almost similar. Either The Spa was a family business or it purposely employs people with the same features.
 Six months of becoming The Spa’s customer, Aisha has turned the place into her sanctuary. By now, the place has taken over another store on its right. It was renovated into a café with a chic and elegant look with places for selected customers to hang out. Aisha earned the spot, of course.
A phone call arrived on Tuesday, right after an important meeting with Aisha’s future client. The contract that Aisha was trying to secure was an extremely tricky one. The investors were very thorough, they had tons of question. The phone call was all that Aisha needed.
‘ Hi Aisha, Elly here. Are you coming in today?’ Elly’s voice was in its usual crisp and business-like tone.
Aisha thought for a bit. The last meeting was tiring, like the rest of the previous meetings. Some questions have been raised before but the investors kept firing the same ones apart from new ones that nearly drove her up the wall. With this, she decided that a nice relaxing massage was what she needed most.
‘ Yes, I will be popping in,’ Aisha answered, her hand busy flipping through several thick files. Tricky tender and the approaching end of year; never a good combination.
‘ Any requests?’ it was a standard script.
‘ What about body massage?’ it was not something that Aisha had to had but it would nice to have one of those at this time.
‘ Sure. And what about a free special bath?’ Elly threw a question that made Aisha’s day.
‘ Ah thank you, Elly! You just made my day.’ And now, the rest of the day seemed bearable although Aisha regretted a bit that she was not too chatty with Elly today.
When Aisha arrived; right after she left the office at 5.30pm, there were already a few people in the lobby. It was not something that she usually see happening in The Spa. And it did not make her happy. It has been a very stressful week and Aisha preferred to be in a place that was not packed with people.
 Aisha turned her head to the right, bring the VIP cafe to view. The café appeared to be quite full too. Aisha sighed. This was not something ordinary.
 ‘ Hi Aisha!’ Elly materialised from nowhere. ‘ Are you ready?’ Aisha was greeted with a motherly smile.
 ‘ Yes.’ Aisha answered with relief. Lucky she did not have to wait any longer. All the stress for today have been piling and anything as small as someone accidentally stepping on her shoe can make her explode.
 ‘ This way.’
 Perhaps, Aisha never visited The Spa on Tuesday. That or this was an extremely busy day for the premise but there seemed to be more people at The Spa. When she was about to enter the changing room, Aisha noticed several boxes tucked in one corner. Elly followed Aisha’s gaze.
 ‘ Renovation,’ Elly volunteered with an almost eerie smile.
 Usually, Aisha did not have to walk far to get a massage or facial but not today. There were eight rooms in a corridor, sitting opposite each other and Aisha had to walk to the end of the row. These women sure were having a hard day or week.
 There was that calming or rather numbing sensation again. And Aisha could never tell whether it was Jane, Anna or Susan that was in the room since all of them have the similar mask on. It did not matter whether she was having a massage or facial, they will be wearing the mask.
An hour later, Aisha was escorted to another room for a session. Again, there were many people since all the doors were closed. But for some strange reasons, it was pretty cool in the area.
However, Aisha refused to dwell on it any longer. Enough on thinking about stuff, all that was left to do now was to relax, she thought when she stepped into the tub. One of the workers was sitting beside here and chatting about something. It must not be important or Aisha would have remembered it.
As soon as the worker left the room, smoke filled all the spaces. That was what Aisha remembered last.
What happened next was so confusing that Aisha could not make the head and tail of it. First, she felt a sharp pain on her right side. Then, she felt a sudden coldness all over her body.
‘ …conscious….ambulance…yes.’ Aisha heard a guy’s voice. There should not be a guy in here, Aisha wanted to protest but she could not. It was a struggle to even open her eyes. Her breath came in jagged fashion.
A woman or someone pulled her hand and handed her a piece of paper.
‘ ..help…you need help,’ the voice said. And all went blank. Just before Aisha fell into unconsciousness, she could see ice in the tub was pink. Some one turned her back on her holding a container, which looked like a cool-box.
Nobody knew how long time has passed but this time, the cloud in Aisha’s head was gone.

                                                                             * * *
At a hospital in an unknown location.
‘ The same thing...’ a paramedic called Zarina said onto the mouthpiece while sipping coffee.
‘ Seriously?’ the voice on the other line asked.
‘ Yes. One missing right kidney. Also happened to the other eight women that we found,’ Zarina flipped through several documents that looked like medical records. One of those belonged to Aisha, a survivor. Barely but she survived the ordeal.
‘ Wow. And the building was deserted?’ the unknown voice asked again. The Voice heard the story of women that were left half dying in bath tubs in buildings alleged to be spas but this was the first time the case happened as close to the city center.
‘ No one and nothing was there. Everything was stripped bare. There was no evidence of the building ever been a spa except for the bath tubs.’ Zarina massaged her left temple.
‘ And the method used to put people to sleep?’ asked Zarina, almost to herself.
‘ I know.’ The voice on the other side went silent.
This was the fourth case. Who knew if it will happen again?

Perihal So-Called Freedom of Religion

aku kelakar betul dgn orang-orang yang kononnya promote freedom of religion tapi buat page khas untuk kutuk agama lain terutamanya agama Islam. Di mana kebebasan beragama itu kalau anda kutuk orang Islam sekali dengan agama, begitu juga dengan agama lain? Do us a favour; stop contradicting yourselves.

tak, aku tak marah pun kau buat page tu. aku faham setengah orang memang dia akan hidup selama-lamanya :).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Terima kasih

Terima kasih. Thank you for the wishes. It's a very quiet event but very meaningful.

Bes juga birthday bulan puasa ni.

Sent from my iPad

Monday, August 08, 2011

Perihal Mamai

I have the ability to sleep that any cub (be it lion or bear) will envy. I know this shouldn't happen but almost everyday after work, I will succumb to the temptation and accompany my pillows on the bed. I woke up at five-ish am, rush to work in order to punch out no later than 3.15 pm. Hence, by 4pm, I'd be dead to the world. Don't ask me what time I wake from slumber. 

Today is no different except that I came back with beef and ingredients to marinate it. Last week, my auntie said something about beef so I think why not try it again. But of course, I didn't prepare the ingredients, it comes in a package hence no need for me to upload the pictures.

So, at three something, I marched to the nearest supermarket to get the ingredients. I was by then, walking in clouds. But I managed to complete the task anyways. The journey back was almost uneventful (or I was too engrossed in Guards! Guards! Guards from Terry Pratchett). 

Upon reaching my station, I hardly can open my eyes anymore. I jumped into the nearest taxi that I sawand head home. I have to sleep. With four hours sleep yesterday, of course it'd be very difficult to stay awake. 

Reach home, walk past the door, open freezer and stash everything in. I know I stashed the pre-mix too but I couldn't care less. I was too sleepy to think about it.

One long dream and one series of dream (I sometimes dream when I take afternoon naps), I woke up and marched to the freezer. The pre-mix wrote '30-minute' hence I was not in a rush to marinate the beef earlier. So, coolly (or rather, groggily) I reached for the white plastic bag in the freezer ( I AM THAT bad when I'm really sleepy). 

And then, I feel something thick. This was unlike the think container of the beef. Next, I saw something green peeked out of the plastic bag. It was not the green colour you find on bad meat, just the kind of green you found from Buncho (I kind of miss the brand's crayon. Do you know that the price has gone down? I might get the crayon and water colours one of these days. Not to use it, really, but just because I can. Sheer madness).

I am lost between the brackets. Let me see....

Oke green. It felt a bit thick like...

Darn it. I put my book into the freezer too. I was lucky no one discovered it or I'd have to endure a few hours lecture on " Expected Behaviour from A Lady".

Never, people, expect anything sensible when I'm sleepy. 

I guess it is not too late to wish Selamat Berpuasa!
P/S: Motif tajuk dalam Bahasa Melayu tapi tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris? 

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Perihal Ular

Beberapa minggu lepas, orang yang sewa tapak sebelah ni, jumpa ular sawa. Panggil bomba, rasanya macam dah setel. Hentah, tak tanya pulak.

Petang semalam, waktu nak buka, tiba-tiba kecoh sekejap. Waktu tu dah dekat jam 7. Tengah tunggu masa je bila nak susun makanan untuk membaham.

Kucing main dengan anak ular. Tak panjang dan diameternya pun tak besar. Lebih kurang jari hantu aku. Kalau jari syud, mungkin ibu jari. Orang yang jarinya runcing (beserta fizikal yang kurus dan ramping) mungkin perlu gabung dua jari kalau nak ukur anak ular itu. Kalau jari anak buah aku...

Ah sudah. Bergaduh pasal jari pula.

Pendek kata, kucing kami main ular sampai ular mati. Bagus juga adakucin kat rumah ni. Tapi aku paling meluat kalau semua tempat pun dia nak buat jamban.

Sudah lapan hari. Cepatnya masa berlalu.

Sent from my iPad

Friday, August 05, 2011

Perihal Jadual Bulan Puasa

saya pulang dari pejabat jam tiga petang selalunya. sudah lima hari, berjaya pulang pada waktu tersebut. tradisi ini perlu diteruskan kalau tak mahu berbuka tengah jalan.

seringkali saya bersikap bongkak di Twitter kerana pulang awal (oke baiklah mengaku, maafkan saya). keji sungguh perangai berikut tetapi sedarkah anda sebenarnya saya sudah sangat penat di pejabat?

bangun: 5.15 pagi
kemudian sahur, siap bla bla.
6.15 sudah tunggu bas. sampai pejabat jam 7 lebih.

print berita, ringkaskan. submit. print lagi dan ringkaskan lagi. ulang selama lapan jam.

sangat mencabar keimanan, oke? jadi, tidaklah perlu sesiapa (baca: syud) jeles. koh koh.

P/S: hujung minggu untuk bekerja. see? saya jeles anda (baca:syud) tak keje.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Perihal Pac Man

Bukan bukan. Bukan main Pac Man. Dah lama tak main benda tu. Bukan sebab tak jumpa tapi sebab aku tidak hebat main Pac Man. Sokmolah kan termakan hantu. Mencik tapi sayang jugalah.

Bukan. Bukan tentang game. Tetapi tentang pola pemakanan. Minggu ini, rahang masih sakit. Waktu orang makan untuk berbuka seperti Pac Man, aku cuma makan perlahan-lahan di tepi. Sungguh rindukan zaman berebut semua benda. Dan aku tak semangat nak makan lama-lama. Elok jugalah. Tapi hari ni, memang sakit leher bila nak bercakap. Rasa macam tisu tertarik.

Hurm...I have a feeling that I shouldn't go on. Why? Someone cringed when I asked if the person can take a look at my scar. Nasib baik sepupu cukup berani untuk tangkap gambar parut. Gambar yang akan disimpan jadi kenangan. Hak hak.

Patutlah derang buat muka. Ngeri juga walaupun luka dah kering. Dahlah. Marilah tidur awal hari ini.

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Perihal Memori Ramadhan (2)

Ini kisah lebih kurang sepuluh tahun dulu. Waktu itu, buka puasa dalam bulik je dengan kawan-kawan. Tah, kenapa tak buka kat tempat yang lagi luas pun tak tahuh. Malas nak berjalan mungkin. Entah, dah lama sangat.

Waktu itu, hostel sebelah masjid je. Oke bila teringat, malu juga ni tak pegi buka kat masjid terus. Cis. Anyways, mudahla, tak perlu pasang telinga dgn gigih pun boleh dengar azan.

Bukan macam kat rumah, buka di hostel cuma perlu tatang sebuah pinggan dan bawa diri ke kawasan berbuka. Mudah sangat-sangat. Tetapi biasalah, bkn macam dekat rumah, perlu menyibukkan diri dengan susun makanan, berebut ambik pinggan, berebut amik air tuang dalam cawan. Memang sengsara juga nak tunggu buka puasa.

Jadi, untuk membuang masa, aku lun mengadap word game dekat yahoo. Ala macam Scrabble lah. Maka, aku pun mainlah, dengan tunggu opponent semua. Dah set table, macam biasalah invite pemain. Yang bencinya, main game ni memang resminya kene tunggu orang. Lemah betul tapi nak buat macam mana.

Jadi tunggulah. Nak dekat buka tu, ada pulak orang US masuk table. Kalau ikut ID, bukan orang-orang yang berpuasa. Tapi takpe, itu tak penting.

Beberapa minit main, dah mula dengar orang nak azan. Apa lagi, terus terjun ke tenpat duduk. Game aku biarkan.

Kalau buka ramai-ramai ni, patut bole siap makan dalam 10 minit tapi siap dalam masa 20 minit. Bila aku teringat aku tgh main scrabble, aku tgk opponents aku dok terhelo-helo dah dekat 20 minit.

Kesian. Saya tidak sengajalah.

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Perihal Memori Ramadhan

Lapan tahun. Waktu itu hanya ada aku, nenek dengan atuk di rumah ini. Memang manjalah jawabnya. Puasa pun bila dah berapa tahun. Lambat juga. Dulu, meja makan kami kat atas. Sekarang je meja makan dekat dapur.

Walaupun aku sekolah perempuan, aktif boleh tahan. Jadi bila dah balik rumah, memang leper la jawabnya. Tapi kene tolong juga siapkan tempat makan. Bila makanan dah dibawa naik atas, yang tinggal cuma jag berisi teh. Akulah kena bawa.

Masa tu tinggal berapa minit je lagi nak buka. Serius berapa minit je lagi. Tapi memang dahaga gila, Tuhan je yag tau. On the way nak bawa jag naik atas, aku minum air. Ceh! Sungguh tak senonoh. But desperate times call for desperate measures (konon). Tak semenggah betul.

Terus serta-merta rasa segar-bugar. Bila naik atas, atuk aku ckp 'dia dh minum air tu'. Haih. Memang tak boleh sorok apa-apalah.

Nasib baik tak kena marah.

Sekarang tak buat dah. Walaupun tersentak bila ada bau kopi dekat pejabat.

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Monday, August 01, 2011

Perihal Ikea

Emak saya super comel. Beliau nak pergi ke Ikea padahal saya jarang sgt ke sana. Boring kot jalan kat Midvalley je. Tapi saya risau juga. Pintu keluar ikea tu rasanya tak byk. Bagaimanakah kalau beliau tidak larat berjalan? Kesian beliau.

Rasanya, elok kalau saya bawa bakul piknik sekali. Dalam tu ada makanan dan minuman kalau beliau tak larat. Mungkin beliau tidak akan berasa penat hinggalah sampai ke bahagian katil. So, breakfast in bed, mom?

Nantilah aku usahakan. Aku bukan suka sangat pergi Ikea tu. Sekejap, jangan lahar aku dulu. Itu semua salah aku. Lepas terpaksa jalan tiga jam dengan high heels, aku tobat dah nak pergi situ. Serius.

Lagi-lagi pulak aku ni gilakan buku lebih daripada benda lain. Semalam bole pulak beli the Big Friendly Giant dan George's Marvellous Medicine sedangkan baru je beli Guards! Guards! Guards! dan Eric (Terry Pratchett). Padahal ada lagi dua buku tak habis baca, sentuh pun tidak.

Sudah lewat. Patutnya dh mengantuk sekarang. Marilah rangsang rasa mengantuk.

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Ramadhan muncul lagi

Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik daripada Ramadhan yang lps-lps. Alhamdulillah, jumpa lagi kita dengan Ramadhan kali ini.

Selamat berpuasa :)

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