Friday, July 25, 2008

OK, so I have this habit to love talking to a very old friend for hours. Oh yeah, mengalahkan akap ngan boipren. An yesterday, we were talking about radicals.

Radicals in the community are similar to free radicals in the body; they kill.

It's never wrong to be an environmentalist, food lover, nature lover or whatever it is. But there's one thing you have to remember, just when someone does not live in a so-called energy-efficient home, it doesn't mean that the person does not want to save earth. Just because you LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE nature, that doesn't give you the authority to chastise somebody of polluting the air. Maybe he or she donated tonnes of money to WWF, how would you know?

Radicals, with or without them. Once in university, I had this conversation:

A: I wan tto join the trip to Japan too
B (listened intently)
A: But, where do I pray then?
Me: Wait, you mean Muslim's in Japan doesn't pray? Of course there will be a place for Muslim's to pray right?

And this is a person who you will take one look and say, this person is well-learnt in religious thingy. Well, well well, maybe the person is too religious to think that you can pray everywhere in the world provided it's clean.

Kadang-kadang ko rasa ko bagos sangat sampai lupa orang lain pon semayang jugak, baca Quran jugak, pose jugak.

I love nature too. Seriously. But that doesn't give me the right to say Nokia is a sinner, a big one for making handphones. Necause we are living in the now, in this technology-ridden era. If you want to achieve 0-pollution, I think it will be impossible. To cut it and reduce it, yes. It's possible.

Ah, time to enjoy the cool air in KLCC. So, by people. Have a nice weekend. I won't stop eating until Sunday night. Tata


Unknown said...

apa ini semua pop ups?

apunpital said...

cet,, except overdose tido and time some moth of jahilliyyah before. Wherelese sy pegi, leh je solat~

spin topic-~^

Unknown said...

rosazreen: sorila. mcm semak sgt ke? :D

apun: kan kan kan?