Ma mere was admitted to the hospital on Saturday midnight. Doctor said Mum suffered from heart attack, a mild one. But her being her, she happened to be the healthiest patient in the ward. Everybody was lying on the bed while she's the only one sitting on the bed and chatting with visitors.
She refused to be brought to the hospital when she first felt the pain at 8pm. And when my big brother arrived at around midnight she decided to agree to be brought to the hospital (I am not living with them). And the doctor said: 'You had the pain at 8 and waited until nearly midnight to go to the hospital? That was very brave"
And when I knew what happened, of course I nagged like there's no tomorrow. About the part when she insisted to wait instead of rushing to the hospital of course.
A very simple test can help save lives. It is actually very easy to detect heart attack. The early sign could be the failure to have complete use of the left hand, be it difficult to raise the hand, bending it or moving it either. Mum said that's what exactly happened to her. Because this is the first time that it happened to her, she was actually not aware of what she was going through. But she did confirm of feeling painful on her left arm.
Another tip is to test whether the patient has difficulty to speak. Ask them to say the simplest or words and see if they are able to say it without difficulty.
In this age, we have to admit that heart attack is no longer 'penyakit orang kaya' (sickness for rich people). Everyone is actually prone to it now, regardless of their income, age and race. A simple knowledge can help us save lives.
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