OK, first thought I had when I saw the title was 'A parody of You've Got Mail or a movie title of the sort is it?'. But heck, the book was so cheap so I grabbed it as soon as I see it. Thi hi hi. OK fine, this is the first book that i finished from all the books that I bought during the book clearance sale.
Hats off to Donna Andrews, it was really out of the ordinary. Well, the book was published back in 2003 and get this right; the main character is a computer! There's no love involved just the computer trying to save its creator from being depopulated.
Turing Hopper (yes, taken from Alan Turing) was an Artifical interlligence Personality (AIP) In Universal Library. Well, it isn't a library but a corporation providing It services and stuff. Turing responded to people based on their personality so no one can have the same response from Turing and she (the creator called it she) became an adjective. People responded to it like 'I'm doing Tur this afternoon' and the like. Cool huh? It's like having a friend online but instead of having someone behind the screen, we are actually talking to a machine that never sleeps, never bore us and will not be able to be tired of us.
Wait, then it turned. Turing actually became sentient and develop human-like senses. When Zack, it's creator went missing, it actually realised that it was concerned; a feeling so alien to it that it realised 'I'm sentient'. The journey started from there with Turing trying to pry into the UL's secret to find out where is Zack and does Zack's disappearance have anything to do with his friend's death.
Turing had to rely to two humans called Tim Pocinscki and Maude Graham because despite the fact that it can retrieve information around the globe, pulling and prying into information that wasn't even hers, clearing Tim's credit card debt and such, Turing was immobile. A middle-aged Maude helped Turing with its speech-recognition and then came the part when Turing downloaded itself into a robot in search for Zack who Tim found but does not wish to come back to UL. Apparently, he knows that someone or some people are looking for him.
A page-turner, engaging, emebedded with computer terms but undertandable enough for a computer illiterate for me. The plot is catching and it's amazing to see all the AIPs getting and thinking together. A nice change indeed and highly recommendable.
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