sesungguhnya ade seseorg sgt ingin pergi melihat kelip-kelip
saya sebenarnya nak suruh die kelip-kelipkan mata byk-byk kali je
tapi karang takut kene lepuk saje je
eh sekejap
tujuan sebenar nak mengingatkan diri sendiri ape nak kene bawak
ni kalau SPM, mau kene tolak 40 markah sbb karangan terpesong
1. bawa diri sendiri - oke syud jgn tinggal i tepi highway
2. insect repellent - ye, ini penting. kawan-kawan kunang-kunang juga mungkin terdiri daripada nyamuk, kumbang dan lain-lain lagi. ouh rama-rama pun mungkin juga. tetapi yang paling penting adalah untuk mengelakkan digigit nyamuk secara pukal. nnt bole buat connect the dots kat tangan sbb banyak sgt kesan gigitan, tak bes
3. sunblock - cuaca di kuala selangor agak panas ye dan matahari juga menyinarkan cahaya dengan begitu riang gembira sekali. sebelum pegi melahap seafood...i mean, berjalan-jalan, adelah penting untuk mengenakan krim pelindung matahari. kalau ada yang SPF 50, tolong beritahu saya ya? sebab yang saya beli cuma SPF 30 TSK.
oke nak pegi makan kejap...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
partner in-crime berada di australia
sungguh jauh
beliau batuk-batuk yg agak jahat bunyinye
tetapi beliau dengan jayanya telah menularkan batuk tersebut kepada saya
maka saya pun batuk tanpa henti selama beberapa minit
selepas meletakkan beg di tempat duduk (macam kat sekolah plak)
(dan selepas bermain mata...i mean, said hi)
saya pun memborong ubat-ubatan sambil batuk secara pukal di kaunter kedai
panadol soluble, strepsil
'you are about to catch a cold' kata uncle itu
'yes uncle' too right you are
'there's panadol cold'
'ouh really?'
dan di sini, saya ingin menyatakan bahawa panadol cold adalah sangat berkesan
ye ini adalah iklan percuma untuk ubat yang berkesan
p/s: kalo selalu tak bole tido mlm macam ni, parah la aku
sungguh jauh
beliau batuk-batuk yg agak jahat bunyinye
tetapi beliau dengan jayanya telah menularkan batuk tersebut kepada saya
maka saya pun batuk tanpa henti selama beberapa minit
selepas meletakkan beg di tempat duduk (macam kat sekolah plak)
(dan selepas bermain mata...i mean, said hi)
saya pun memborong ubat-ubatan sambil batuk secara pukal di kaunter kedai
panadol soluble, strepsil
'you are about to catch a cold' kata uncle itu
'yes uncle' too right you are
'there's panadol cold'
'ouh really?'
dan di sini, saya ingin menyatakan bahawa panadol cold adalah sangat berkesan
ye ini adalah iklan percuma untuk ubat yang berkesan
p/s: kalo selalu tak bole tido mlm macam ni, parah la aku
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
i've never watched titanic
not once even when the film has been out since forever
oke tipulah sebenarnya
baru sepuluh tahun kan?
and i finally manage to glimpse the last 30 minutes of the movie
so here's a confession to you (you know who you are)
scene kapal langgar iceberg adelah super awesome
yg part lari-lari cinta-cinta semua i tak nampak
hats off to anda yg tgk sampai 27 kali
not once even when the film has been out since forever
oke tipulah sebenarnya
baru sepuluh tahun kan?
and i finally manage to glimpse the last 30 minutes of the movie
so here's a confession to you (you know who you are)
scene kapal langgar iceberg adelah super awesome
yg part lari-lari cinta-cinta semua i tak nampak
hats off to anda yg tgk sampai 27 kali
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
on one hand, i'm truly ecstatic
on the other hand, its almost unforgivable
but that's just me
i'm torn
currently working on a story and was thinking about multiple endings
i know it will be hard work but heck, the first time i tried
i just abandoned it half way
and so i'm going to try to finish this one
i'm done with the first ending and will soon start to work on the other two
here's to an end to a long (and dreadfully boring weekend. i end up glued to facebook. bluergh)
on the other hand, its almost unforgivable
but that's just me
i'm torn
currently working on a story and was thinking about multiple endings
i know it will be hard work but heck, the first time i tried
i just abandoned it half way
and so i'm going to try to finish this one
i'm done with the first ending and will soon start to work on the other two
here's to an end to a long (and dreadfully boring weekend. i end up glued to facebook. bluergh)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
ada eloknye kalau dibeli topeng spiderman utk bekal sebulan
tapi surgical mask pun mcm cool kan? lagipun tgh heboh juga H1N1 2nd wave
tak pun buat sendiri je topeng
kan senang
apsal apsal apsal?
selamat menyambut maal hijrah
semoga permulaan yang fani ni bakal membawa kepada satu perjalanan yang menarik
tapi surgical mask pun mcm cool kan? lagipun tgh heboh juga H1N1 2nd wave
tak pun buat sendiri je topeng
kan senang
apsal apsal apsal?
selamat menyambut maal hijrah
semoga permulaan yang fani ni bakal membawa kepada satu perjalanan yang menarik
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
a great person once said
oke tipu la
sbnrnya james morrison je
dia cakap
'love takes hostages'
korang penah tak alami bende ni? korang rasa mcm rimas, mcm cacing kepanasan, macam ayam berak kapur, macam cek kene tahan selagi bos besar tak balik dr shanghai lps tu tade duit poket, mcm kene tunggu kedai pau super sedap bukak sebelum boleh brekpas? penah tak?
lps tu mcm kalo korang buat pape pun, mesti dok teringat, terfikir lps tu kene tegur dgn bos apsal sengih sorang-sorang masa tgh buat kopi kat pantri. lps tu mcm kalo nampak derang, korang nampak tu je la. kawasan penglihatan korang dah disengkang dek orang tu je. lps tu pk pasal org tu sikit je dah sengih. ingatkan pakcik kracker (uncle cracker) ckp dlm lagu smile tu tipu, rupe-rupenye beliau bersikap series.
sumpah aku tak tau. now it make sense
oke tipu la
sbnrnya james morrison je
dia cakap
'love takes hostages'
korang penah tak alami bende ni? korang rasa mcm rimas, mcm cacing kepanasan, macam ayam berak kapur, macam cek kene tahan selagi bos besar tak balik dr shanghai lps tu tade duit poket, mcm kene tunggu kedai pau super sedap bukak sebelum boleh brekpas? penah tak?
lps tu mcm kalo korang buat pape pun, mesti dok teringat, terfikir lps tu kene tegur dgn bos apsal sengih sorang-sorang masa tgh buat kopi kat pantri. lps tu mcm kalo nampak derang, korang nampak tu je la. kawasan penglihatan korang dah disengkang dek orang tu je. lps tu pk pasal org tu sikit je dah sengih. ingatkan pakcik kracker (uncle cracker) ckp dlm lagu smile tu tipu, rupe-rupenye beliau bersikap series.
sumpah aku tak tau. now it make sense
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
this has to be the best weekend ever!
i got to meet some friends, catch up with them, celebrate life with them and everything
its just the best
thanks for the free ice-cream
terbaek la cheesecake ice cream itu
i'm not even sorry eating it
dan kamu
saya harap kamu tabah dengan dugaan ini
mungkin sudah sampai masa mereka
kita yang tinggal, marilah sedekahkan al-fatihah untuk mereka
i got to meet some friends, catch up with them, celebrate life with them and everything
its just the best
thanks for the free ice-cream
terbaek la cheesecake ice cream itu
i'm not even sorry eating it
dan kamu
saya harap kamu tabah dengan dugaan ini
mungkin sudah sampai masa mereka
kita yang tinggal, marilah sedekahkan al-fatihah untuk mereka
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
when you were young
you thought that not knowing it is normal
' i will know what it means when i'm older'
the 13th, 14th, 18th birthday came and still you do not know of it
you thought 'grown ups as in proprt grown ups will know it. i shall wait'
still, you find yourself not knowing
even when you are 24, 25 and so on
why can't it be like a mathematical equation like the ones derived by pythagoras?
*saya sedang sibuk dengar lagu earth, wind and fire secara tekun. sekonyong-konyong jadi peminat sekalipun tak lahi rlagi masa derang popular
you thought that not knowing it is normal
' i will know what it means when i'm older'
the 13th, 14th, 18th birthday came and still you do not know of it
you thought 'grown ups as in proprt grown ups will know it. i shall wait'
still, you find yourself not knowing
even when you are 24, 25 and so on
why can't it be like a mathematical equation like the ones derived by pythagoras?
*saya sedang sibuk dengar lagu earth, wind and fire secara tekun. sekonyong-konyong jadi peminat sekalipun tak lahi rlagi masa derang popular
Monday, December 07, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
kalau tak terhantuk dekat peti ais
memori takkan hilang
sayangnya, kenangan manis boleh jadi pahit sekelip mata
lebih malang lagi kenanangan takkan hilang
sekurang-kurangnya untuk masa yang lama.
susah rasanya saya nak lupakan kenangan semalam
terima kasih awak
terima kasih untuk setengah jam yang masih buat saya gembira hingga sekarang
awak tak tau betapa gembiranya saye.
memori takkan hilang
sayangnya, kenangan manis boleh jadi pahit sekelip mata
lebih malang lagi kenanangan takkan hilang
sekurang-kurangnya untuk masa yang lama.
susah rasanya saya nak lupakan kenangan semalam
terima kasih awak
terima kasih untuk setengah jam yang masih buat saya gembira hingga sekarang
awak tak tau betapa gembiranya saye.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
benar tetapi pelik
awak duduk di situ seorang diri
saya jeling bayang di cermin
wah tona pilihan pakaian kita sama hari ini
tapi saya cuma mampu senyum dua saat sebelum berjalan dengan pantas tinggalkan awak
tangan saya jadi lembab
jantung mula kacau-bilau
saya tak mampu
saya masih belum cukup berani
dan sebentar lagi
saya harap saya mimpi saya dapat kekuatan itu
yang akan dipanjangkan hingga pagi esok
untuk tegur awak
awak duduk di situ seorang diri
saya jeling bayang di cermin
wah tona pilihan pakaian kita sama hari ini
tapi saya cuma mampu senyum dua saat sebelum berjalan dengan pantas tinggalkan awak
tangan saya jadi lembab
jantung mula kacau-bilau
saya tak mampu
saya masih belum cukup berani
dan sebentar lagi
saya harap saya mimpi saya dapat kekuatan itu
yang akan dipanjangkan hingga pagi esok
untuk tegur awak
Sunday, November 29, 2009
A wise person one shared her wisdom of shopping with me. She was an avid shopper, not because it was her hobby but rather because she is a housewife. Sod it. She loves shopping, I know it. Nobody can have these tips if she doesn’t like shopping. Read on people (and feel free to add).
Always buy in bulks
This applies for things that we need. No one needs four umbrellas (throws the umbrella in my room, one in the handbag. Gosh, another one at the office). For example, two packs of body shampoo retail for RM 13.90 during sales so grab it as fast as you can because normally, one pack of refill costs RM 8.90. Although it may look as if a few ringgit does not make any difference, let’s face it, if we can buy more things for less, why not settle for it?
However, check your supplies before buying more body shampoos like some people (me) who is now left with shower foam that she really hates but stuck with it for about another two months before she will be able to use the ones that she really likes. dfyuoifubfiu
Buy toiletries at wholesale stores
Cost for toiletries can easily run up to hundreds as in my case. Maybe it is more for other people so in my case, I prefer to buy supplies not at pharmacies, if I can help it. The reduction may not be huge but total it up and you can see a lot of price difference. And going round and round the whole floor is just so healthy (husbands/ boyfriends, stop the snigger).
Look out for sales
Some people are just high maintenance by nature. For example, those with sensitive skin cannot use facial cleansers that cost RM 19.90 but had to use something that cost a lot more than that. I find this website (shoppingNsales) really amazing because it shares all the good bargains all year round.
Ouh and Hush Puppies fans (shoes only), kindly email me so I can keep you posted on sales (if there’s any). Thanks!
Buy in pairs
This is very useful if you are a Padini or PDI fan like me. Sometimes they sell T-shirts (long sleeves) for RM 40 for two. Having another person looking at the same brand will save you about a few bucks.
Before I forgot, Giordano is also having this kind of sale as of today. Don’t know when it will end.
And same goes for 3 for 2 books. Usually, new books cost RM 33-RM35 per book. So, buying three books will actually save you a lot since after splitting, each book will only cost about RM 22.70. I’m so excited that I actually calculated the savings for you guys! And using punctuation marks!
Do research
If you are like me who is currently trying to save money so that hopefully I can go somewhere next year, it doesn’t hurt to do some research. Some places or even stores sell things at higher price compared to other places. A little tip: the price tag for apparel in Jusco, Isetan, Metrojaya differ.
Housebrands won’t hurt your reputation
I don’t care if you are using Watson tissues. Tissues shouldn’t be a benchmark to status, they are just tissues. And if it costs less than RM 10 for 5 boxes, sod it. Just buy it. Will it really hurt if someone is to march to your house and take down all the details on the brands that you use? As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never lost an arm because of it.
Get things we really need
Do we really need another post-paid plan because our mobile operator offers it to us because of our supposedly clean record? This is just a scam. They are after your money. Don’t say yes, don’t blindly tell them your address when they call you up to offer this thing because they do not know when to stop. Just barge in and ask ‘When am I supposed to make a decision on this?’ If the answer is now, just say no and continue watching TV because they are just trying to make you pay more for something that you may not even need.
Remember: say no if you really don’t need it. Ouh this is from my very own experience actually. Thi hi hi. The girl wouldn’t stop talking about the so-called generous offer from my mobile operator that she forgot to ask whether I need it or not.
Be calculative
Rich people care about where their money goes. Life is not charity (as in to big supermarkets or retailers. Feel free to donate to the charity organizations around the world or local ones). Be calculative, a bit stingy and just do what we use to do in school: save up the money just to buy the favorite Little Bobdog pencil case. I mean, revision books.
Be early or just don’t bother turning up at all
This shopaholic makes sure she arrives at least half an hour before the store opens. She says that way, she will be able to become among the first and get most of the good things.
This are the things that she shares with me and as soon as I can remember other things that she told me, maybe I can add more. So have fun spending the rest of the Sunday ahead.
Always buy in bulks
This applies for things that we need. No one needs four umbrellas (throws the umbrella in my room, one in the handbag. Gosh, another one at the office). For example, two packs of body shampoo retail for RM 13.90 during sales so grab it as fast as you can because normally, one pack of refill costs RM 8.90. Although it may look as if a few ringgit does not make any difference, let’s face it, if we can buy more things for less, why not settle for it?
However, check your supplies before buying more body shampoos like some people (me) who is now left with shower foam that she really hates but stuck with it for about another two months before she will be able to use the ones that she really likes. dfyuoifubfiu
Buy toiletries at wholesale stores
Cost for toiletries can easily run up to hundreds as in my case. Maybe it is more for other people so in my case, I prefer to buy supplies not at pharmacies, if I can help it. The reduction may not be huge but total it up and you can see a lot of price difference. And going round and round the whole floor is just so healthy (husbands/ boyfriends, stop the snigger).
Look out for sales
Some people are just high maintenance by nature. For example, those with sensitive skin cannot use facial cleansers that cost RM 19.90 but had to use something that cost a lot more than that. I find this website (shoppingNsales) really amazing because it shares all the good bargains all year round.
Ouh and Hush Puppies fans (shoes only), kindly email me so I can keep you posted on sales (if there’s any). Thanks!
Buy in pairs
This is very useful if you are a Padini or PDI fan like me. Sometimes they sell T-shirts (long sleeves) for RM 40 for two. Having another person looking at the same brand will save you about a few bucks.
Before I forgot, Giordano is also having this kind of sale as of today. Don’t know when it will end.
And same goes for 3 for 2 books. Usually, new books cost RM 33-RM35 per book. So, buying three books will actually save you a lot since after splitting, each book will only cost about RM 22.70. I’m so excited that I actually calculated the savings for you guys! And using punctuation marks!
Do research
If you are like me who is currently trying to save money so that hopefully I can go somewhere next year, it doesn’t hurt to do some research. Some places or even stores sell things at higher price compared to other places. A little tip: the price tag for apparel in Jusco, Isetan, Metrojaya differ.
Housebrands won’t hurt your reputation
I don’t care if you are using Watson tissues. Tissues shouldn’t be a benchmark to status, they are just tissues. And if it costs less than RM 10 for 5 boxes, sod it. Just buy it. Will it really hurt if someone is to march to your house and take down all the details on the brands that you use? As far as I’m concerned, I’ve never lost an arm because of it.
Get things we really need
Do we really need another post-paid plan because our mobile operator offers it to us because of our supposedly clean record? This is just a scam. They are after your money. Don’t say yes, don’t blindly tell them your address when they call you up to offer this thing because they do not know when to stop. Just barge in and ask ‘When am I supposed to make a decision on this?’ If the answer is now, just say no and continue watching TV because they are just trying to make you pay more for something that you may not even need.
Remember: say no if you really don’t need it. Ouh this is from my very own experience actually. Thi hi hi. The girl wouldn’t stop talking about the so-called generous offer from my mobile operator that she forgot to ask whether I need it or not.
Be calculative
Rich people care about where their money goes. Life is not charity (as in to big supermarkets or retailers. Feel free to donate to the charity organizations around the world or local ones). Be calculative, a bit stingy and just do what we use to do in school: save up the money just to buy the favorite Little Bobdog pencil case. I mean, revision books.
Be early or just don’t bother turning up at all
This shopaholic makes sure she arrives at least half an hour before the store opens. She says that way, she will be able to become among the first and get most of the good things.
This are the things that she shares with me and as soon as I can remember other things that she told me, maybe I can add more. So have fun spending the rest of the Sunday ahead.
Friday, November 27, 2009
telefon berbunyi jam 8 malam
waktu itu kau tgh sibuk
sumpah sibuk gile tgk live feed facebook yang makin annoying sbb layout sangat buruk
dan sbb tak sampai hati
angkat jugaklah telefon slps berbulan-bulan
semata-mata sebab nak kasi signal yang 'utk kau, aku sentiasa sibuk dan tade mase :D'
and then,
since that person feels that paying a few hundred per month for phone bill is such a small, minute matter
the person called another person.
'dah berbulan-bulan tak cakap dengan dia'
elok-elok orang sembelih lembu
karang tak pasal-pasal aku sembelih kau
' if radovan karadzic is to end his boycott towards his trial today, march to The Hague and say:
look, i really have no idea what came over me then that i killed all the people; parents, kids and postmen
i'm seriously sorry
world, can you forgive me and forget everything that i did
start all over again without remembering anything?'
get my point? no?
i'm too happy eating nasi himpit at 1 am
ouh hampir terlupa
selamat menyambut eid-ul-adha
waktu itu kau tgh sibuk
sumpah sibuk gile tgk live feed facebook yang makin annoying sbb layout sangat buruk
dan sbb tak sampai hati
angkat jugaklah telefon slps berbulan-bulan
semata-mata sebab nak kasi signal yang 'utk kau, aku sentiasa sibuk dan tade mase :D'
and then,
since that person feels that paying a few hundred per month for phone bill is such a small, minute matter
the person called another person.
'dah berbulan-bulan tak cakap dengan dia'
elok-elok orang sembelih lembu
karang tak pasal-pasal aku sembelih kau
' if radovan karadzic is to end his boycott towards his trial today, march to The Hague and say:
look, i really have no idea what came over me then that i killed all the people; parents, kids and postmen
i'm seriously sorry
world, can you forgive me and forget everything that i did
start all over again without remembering anything?'
get my point? no?
i'm too happy eating nasi himpit at 1 am
ouh hampir terlupa
selamat menyambut eid-ul-adha
Monday, November 23, 2009
percaya tak senyuman sangat berkuasa?
series...tak tipu
ada senyuman yang boleh buat orang jatuh tangga
ada senyuman yang boleh buatkan demam jadi kebah
ada juga senyum yang boleh buat orang angau tak sudah.
korang nampak senyum yang macam mana hari ni? :)
P/S: ckin, ridh, syud...time kaseh byk tolong iklan buku-buku saye. ouh super terharu
series...tak tipu
ada senyuman yang boleh buat orang jatuh tangga
ada senyuman yang boleh buatkan demam jadi kebah
ada juga senyum yang boleh buat orang angau tak sudah.
korang nampak senyum yang macam mana hari ni? :)
P/S: ckin, ridh, syud...time kaseh byk tolong iklan buku-buku saye. ouh super terharu
Sunday, November 22, 2009
berikut adalah cadangan tajuk karangan untuk calon SPM 2010
1. Keburukan blog: Kenapa saya rasa saya akan menyesal mempunyai akaun blog 20 tahun dari sekarang
2. Keburukan blog: Kenapa saya akan mendapat kesusahan semasa saya ingin bertanding menjadi Presiden Persatuan Pelajar di universiti kelak
3. Keburukan blog: Kenapa saya berasakan kerjaya saya akan berada di hujung tanduk akibat tulisan saya
4. Disadvantages of social networks: Predators are out there to get my pictures in compromising positions
5. Disadvantages of social networks: How can I be easily fired because I commented on my boss' credibility on Facebook.
Ini cuma tajuk tetapi eloklah diberikan perhatian sedikit. Kadang-kadang kita terlupa.
Privacy and Internet cannot be arranged in one sentence. In fact, it is a crime to do so. Once a picture is posted on the Internet, kiss goodbye to privacy and say HELLO WORLD!. Practically every single person will be able to access the picture (or cat, if they accidentally place their paws on the mouse).
With the Internet, we can become reporters. We can start to market restaurants that we love, really popular bloggers may end up causing a shop to close. However, although the words can reach the end of the world, it does not mean that it can be wiser than the words being spoken by a man sitting on the stool at the bar. Who had his 30th glass of alcoholic drink. Drunk like a madman. It just works that way.
Be responsible with what you do. Companies have software that can keep track of what you are doing and Google can bring you anywhere. And when it says anywhere, it can really bring you anywhere; to places that you do not wish to visit in the first place. Don't say you have not been warned, especially for those who are about to start a job. Although people might think nobody will ever do that but surprisingly enough, they are people that have no idea that their activities in their cubicle are being monitored.
Keeping blog as a diary? Kiss privacy goodbye. Being a blogger means becoming an open book. There's no such thing as being too open or being a little bit discreet on the Internet. Everything is out there.
You post it and delete it and later thing the problem is solved? Think again. There are ways to retrieve that hate letter you have just finished about your ex-boyfriend. Or hate letter to your postman. Or butcher. And I have no idea why someone would write a hate letter to their postman.
I felt compelled to blog about this because a friend may have just hinted that people will want to add people up and keep a folder about certain parts of the women's body. And I can assure you its not ears.
OK I lied. I know someone who created a special MySpace account just to add sexy girls. I have no idea for what, I'm too scared to ask. So girls, beware.
Its nearly three am. Dang
1. Keburukan blog: Kenapa saya rasa saya akan menyesal mempunyai akaun blog 20 tahun dari sekarang
2. Keburukan blog: Kenapa saya akan mendapat kesusahan semasa saya ingin bertanding menjadi Presiden Persatuan Pelajar di universiti kelak
3. Keburukan blog: Kenapa saya berasakan kerjaya saya akan berada di hujung tanduk akibat tulisan saya
4. Disadvantages of social networks: Predators are out there to get my pictures in compromising positions
5. Disadvantages of social networks: How can I be easily fired because I commented on my boss' credibility on Facebook.
Ini cuma tajuk tetapi eloklah diberikan perhatian sedikit. Kadang-kadang kita terlupa.
Privacy and Internet cannot be arranged in one sentence. In fact, it is a crime to do so. Once a picture is posted on the Internet, kiss goodbye to privacy and say HELLO WORLD!. Practically every single person will be able to access the picture (or cat, if they accidentally place their paws on the mouse).
With the Internet, we can become reporters. We can start to market restaurants that we love, really popular bloggers may end up causing a shop to close. However, although the words can reach the end of the world, it does not mean that it can be wiser than the words being spoken by a man sitting on the stool at the bar. Who had his 30th glass of alcoholic drink. Drunk like a madman. It just works that way.
Be responsible with what you do. Companies have software that can keep track of what you are doing and Google can bring you anywhere. And when it says anywhere, it can really bring you anywhere; to places that you do not wish to visit in the first place. Don't say you have not been warned, especially for those who are about to start a job. Although people might think nobody will ever do that but surprisingly enough, they are people that have no idea that their activities in their cubicle are being monitored.
Keeping blog as a diary? Kiss privacy goodbye. Being a blogger means becoming an open book. There's no such thing as being too open or being a little bit discreet on the Internet. Everything is out there.
You post it and delete it and later thing the problem is solved? Think again. There are ways to retrieve that hate letter you have just finished about your ex-boyfriend. Or hate letter to your postman. Or butcher. And I have no idea why someone would write a hate letter to their postman.
I felt compelled to blog about this because a friend may have just hinted that people will want to add people up and keep a folder about certain parts of the women's body. And I can assure you its not ears.
OK I lied. I know someone who created a special MySpace account just to add sexy girls. I have no idea for what, I'm too scared to ask. So girls, beware.
Its nearly three am. Dang
Friday, November 20, 2009
disclaimer: entri ini mengandungi spoiler the time traveller's wife. kalo tanak tau ape terjadi, sile pergi tulis menebas rumput di belakang sumah. atau basuh baju secara manual. atau taja seekor penyu melalui program WWF. boleh pilih mana nak
anda telah diperingatkan. jangan salahkan saya
anda pasti mahu teruskan?
oke fine la
sesuatu terjadi pada eric bana
mmg sedih la sepatutnye scene tu
okelah scene eric bana nak mati
lps tu ada orang suruh eric bana mengucap
terus tak jadi sedih sampai ke sudah
anda telah diperingatkan. jangan salahkan saya
anda pasti mahu teruskan?
oke fine la
sesuatu terjadi pada eric bana
mmg sedih la sepatutnye scene tu
okelah scene eric bana nak mati
lps tu ada orang suruh eric bana mengucap
terus tak jadi sedih sampai ke sudah
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Anda tahu usia anda sudah makin meningkat bila:
1. Anda begitu teruja dengan sambutan ke-40 Sesame Street. Kemudian, anda pergi melawat meja kawan-kawan di pejabat dan memilih karakter kegemaran anda (I love Cookie Monster by the way).
2. Undangan perkahwinan semakin banyak.
3. Anda sudah mula memilih jenama kosmetik yang dapat menghilangkan kedutan di bawah mata.
4. Bilangan kanak-kanak yang memanggil anda kakak atau abang sudah semaking kurang.
5. Emak dan ayah sudah mula bertanya ‘Dah ada kawan ke?’. Kawan di sini tidak bermaksud sahabat ye. Jangan jadi macam saya yang tidak begitu faham bahasa. Djaudyafnu
6. Anda duduk di kerusi dan lihat sepupu anda main Habbo di Internet. Dan anda mula bercerita tentang permainan yang selalu anda main ketika kecil dahulu seperti tutup botol, batu seremban, konda-kondi, Snap dan Old Maid.
7. Bila anda ajak sepupu-sepupu anda main Monopoly, mereka pandang anda dengan satu pandangan yang cukup pelik bila anda berkata ‘Jom main monopoli dekat beranda?’ sebab mereka hanya tahu Monopoly wujud dalam versi komputer sahaja.
8. Anda mula membenci Simple Plan. ‘What’s up with the song? So your parents love your siblings a bit more. That’s not a real reason to slit your wrists”.
9. Pilihan kartun anda terdiri daripada My Little Pony, Jem (Jem is my name! *pegang subang), Smurfs dan Care Bears.
10. Anda mula tidak suka akan lagu-lagu bising tak tentu hala.
11. BFM, dan adalah pilihan anda kerana anda lebih suka mendengar lagu-lagu zaman 80-an.
12. Rancangan TV kegemaran anda adalah Friends.
13. Apabila anda sudah semakin kerap menyebut ayat ini;
‘ Alamak! Bil, Astro/ Maxis/ Celcom tak bayar lagi!’, anda tahu anda sudah semakin berusia disebabkan lebih banyak tanggungjawab.
14. Anda mula sibuk membeli-belah insurans untuk melindungi yang tersayang.
15. Satu masa dahulu, anda bersumpah tidak akan menonton rancangan memasak (sebab nak tengok cerita kartun). Tetapi kini, andalah yang paling teruja bila ada rancangan memasak.
16. Anda berdiri di belakang sepupu anda yang sedang berbual dengan rakan di Myspace. Dan anda mula berkata ‘Dulu kan, kiterang terpaksa main Pacman bila Myspace down.’
17. Dulu, Pacman adalah yang terbaik. Dan anda masih rasa begitu.
18. Anda hafal lirik Careless Whispers. Dan anda pernah menonton klip video lagu tersebut di TV, bukan di YouTube.
19. Anda tak faham apa yang begitu mengujakan tentang band Indie.
20. Anda begitu terasa kehilangan Michael Jackson (ya ya, buang masa but what to do)
21. Anda mula menjauhi makanan segera kerana anda risau tentang metabolisme diri yang semakin rendah.
22. Sepupu anda sikit lagi muntah darah dengan ayat ‘dulu masa aku amek SPM…’, ‘ dulu masa aku kat asrama…,/’hostel kau tade hantu ke weih? Hostel aku ada…’
23. Anda mula rasa rimas dengan Facebook, Twitter, Blog. Anda rasa rimas dengan keadaan dunia yang begitu pesat membangun.
24. Tempat pilihan untuk lepak sudah bertukar menjadi tempat-tempat yang berciri sedikit kekeluargaan.
25. Ciri-ciri teman lelaki idaman sudah menjadi cirri-ciri suami idaman.
26. Anda semakin kerap menyapa rakan-rakan dengan ‘ Dah lama kan tak jumpe kau? 4 tahun? 5 tahun?’
27. Anda sering mengeluh dengan kesibukan bekerja.
28. Anda mula menghadiri alumni universiti anda
29. Anda sangat rindukan zaman sekolah.
30. Anda mula susah untuk bertemu rakan-rakan sekalipun tempat kerja kamu jaraknya kurang daripada lima minit.
Wow. Tiga puluh. Ouh mungkin ada yang saya lupa. Sila tambah. Terima kasih.
new books at my shop
1. Anda begitu teruja dengan sambutan ke-40 Sesame Street. Kemudian, anda pergi melawat meja kawan-kawan di pejabat dan memilih karakter kegemaran anda (I love Cookie Monster by the way).
2. Undangan perkahwinan semakin banyak.
3. Anda sudah mula memilih jenama kosmetik yang dapat menghilangkan kedutan di bawah mata.
4. Bilangan kanak-kanak yang memanggil anda kakak atau abang sudah semaking kurang.
5. Emak dan ayah sudah mula bertanya ‘Dah ada kawan ke?’. Kawan di sini tidak bermaksud sahabat ye. Jangan jadi macam saya yang tidak begitu faham bahasa. Djaudyafnu
6. Anda duduk di kerusi dan lihat sepupu anda main Habbo di Internet. Dan anda mula bercerita tentang permainan yang selalu anda main ketika kecil dahulu seperti tutup botol, batu seremban, konda-kondi, Snap dan Old Maid.
7. Bila anda ajak sepupu-sepupu anda main Monopoly, mereka pandang anda dengan satu pandangan yang cukup pelik bila anda berkata ‘Jom main monopoli dekat beranda?’ sebab mereka hanya tahu Monopoly wujud dalam versi komputer sahaja.
8. Anda mula membenci Simple Plan. ‘What’s up with the song? So your parents love your siblings a bit more. That’s not a real reason to slit your wrists”.
9. Pilihan kartun anda terdiri daripada My Little Pony, Jem (Jem is my name! *pegang subang), Smurfs dan Care Bears.
10. Anda mula tidak suka akan lagu-lagu bising tak tentu hala.
11. BFM, dan adalah pilihan anda kerana anda lebih suka mendengar lagu-lagu zaman 80-an.
12. Rancangan TV kegemaran anda adalah Friends.
13. Apabila anda sudah semakin kerap menyebut ayat ini;
‘ Alamak! Bil, Astro/ Maxis/ Celcom tak bayar lagi!’, anda tahu anda sudah semakin berusia disebabkan lebih banyak tanggungjawab.
14. Anda mula sibuk membeli-belah insurans untuk melindungi yang tersayang.
15. Satu masa dahulu, anda bersumpah tidak akan menonton rancangan memasak (sebab nak tengok cerita kartun). Tetapi kini, andalah yang paling teruja bila ada rancangan memasak.
16. Anda berdiri di belakang sepupu anda yang sedang berbual dengan rakan di Myspace. Dan anda mula berkata ‘Dulu kan, kiterang terpaksa main Pacman bila Myspace down.’
17. Dulu, Pacman adalah yang terbaik. Dan anda masih rasa begitu.
18. Anda hafal lirik Careless Whispers. Dan anda pernah menonton klip video lagu tersebut di TV, bukan di YouTube.
19. Anda tak faham apa yang begitu mengujakan tentang band Indie.
20. Anda begitu terasa kehilangan Michael Jackson (ya ya, buang masa but what to do)
21. Anda mula menjauhi makanan segera kerana anda risau tentang metabolisme diri yang semakin rendah.
22. Sepupu anda sikit lagi muntah darah dengan ayat ‘dulu masa aku amek SPM…’, ‘ dulu masa aku kat asrama…,/’hostel kau tade hantu ke weih? Hostel aku ada…’
23. Anda mula rasa rimas dengan Facebook, Twitter, Blog. Anda rasa rimas dengan keadaan dunia yang begitu pesat membangun.
24. Tempat pilihan untuk lepak sudah bertukar menjadi tempat-tempat yang berciri sedikit kekeluargaan.
25. Ciri-ciri teman lelaki idaman sudah menjadi cirri-ciri suami idaman.
26. Anda semakin kerap menyapa rakan-rakan dengan ‘ Dah lama kan tak jumpe kau? 4 tahun? 5 tahun?’
27. Anda sering mengeluh dengan kesibukan bekerja.
28. Anda mula menghadiri alumni universiti anda
29. Anda sangat rindukan zaman sekolah.
30. Anda mula susah untuk bertemu rakan-rakan sekalipun tempat kerja kamu jaraknya kurang daripada lima minit.
Wow. Tiga puluh. Ouh mungkin ada yang saya lupa. Sila tambah. Terima kasih.
new books at my shop
this has been along morning and carrie..where are you? you just disappeared
i've uploaded few books at my other kedai buku
feel free to browse
P/s: so tired. so can't wait to finish jodi picoult's
i've uploaded few books at my other kedai buku
feel free to browse
P/s: so tired. so can't wait to finish jodi picoult's
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
'dah makan?'awak tanya saya
sebenarnya saya nak cakap:
belum, saya belum makan lagi. saya tunggu awak ajak saya makan. kita duduk dekat meja sama-sama lepas tu kita berbual panjang. awak berkeras nak bayarkan makanan saya (sekalipun saya amik telur dgn sayur je sebab saya terlalu gemuruh dapat makan dengan awak) lepas tu saya biar awak bayar lalu menyesal kenapa tak ajak awak makan dekat Top Hat biar menangis awak bayar makanan.
kita berbual panjang, tak sedar hujan di luar. kemudian awak lari pegi beli payung dekat 7-Eleven (padahal perjalanan pulang ke pejabat tak sampai 40 langkah), suruh saya tunggu sampai awak datang. kemudian awak payungkan saya sebab awak sangat tinggi berbanding saya yang bonsai.
kemudian awak akan hantar saya depan pintu pejabat saya (yang terletak tak jauh dari pejabat awak) sambil cakap ' nanti kita minum petang pulak ye?'
tapi sayang. saya rasa itu semua takkan terjadi
hoi tido jangan berangan. oketengsbai
sebenarnya saya nak cakap:
belum, saya belum makan lagi. saya tunggu awak ajak saya makan. kita duduk dekat meja sama-sama lepas tu kita berbual panjang. awak berkeras nak bayarkan makanan saya (sekalipun saya amik telur dgn sayur je sebab saya terlalu gemuruh dapat makan dengan awak) lepas tu saya biar awak bayar lalu menyesal kenapa tak ajak awak makan dekat Top Hat biar menangis awak bayar makanan.
kita berbual panjang, tak sedar hujan di luar. kemudian awak lari pegi beli payung dekat 7-Eleven (padahal perjalanan pulang ke pejabat tak sampai 40 langkah), suruh saya tunggu sampai awak datang. kemudian awak payungkan saya sebab awak sangat tinggi berbanding saya yang bonsai.
kemudian awak akan hantar saya depan pintu pejabat saya (yang terletak tak jauh dari pejabat awak) sambil cakap ' nanti kita minum petang pulak ye?'
tapi sayang. saya rasa itu semua takkan terjadi
hoi tido jangan berangan. oketengsbai
Monday, November 09, 2009
'seriously dude, can you keep these all to yourself? I really do not want to hear it. we're supposed to be friends and i do sincerely hope that we can just be friends, can we just be that? can you not pour your heart out about your feelings because i do know for a fact that others want to listen to this. why don't you tell them? it will be nice to tell something to people who want to listen?'
that's what i want to say
but i can't
because i know it will hurt
watching friends made me realize that women and men are not supposed to be to close
look what happened: ross knocked rachel up
and now joey has started having feelings for rachel
things will never be the same again
i love my know who you are :)
p/s: yeah i know. i'm so yesterday
that's what i want to say
but i can't
because i know it will hurt
watching friends made me realize that women and men are not supposed to be to close
look what happened: ross knocked rachel up
and now joey has started having feelings for rachel
things will never be the same again
i love my know who you are :)
p/s: yeah i know. i'm so yesterday
Saturday, November 07, 2009
disclaimer: reality with a pinch of fantasy. or fantasy with a pinch of reality. whatever
'so, i assume you enjoy your relationship with the computer' he asked while he wiped the spectacle frames.
'huh?' she was dumbfounded
'your eyesight. its getting worse'
and she wished that he wasn't speaking in riddles.
she got her eyes checked. she knew it was not going to be good news but she was too happy.
they bumped into each other four times. once, he ignored his friend completely to say hi to her
but no
it wasn't more than that
remember what Greg said, you
remember He's Not That Into You
'so, i assume you enjoy your relationship with the computer' he asked while he wiped the spectacle frames.
'huh?' she was dumbfounded
'your eyesight. its getting worse'
and she wished that he wasn't speaking in riddles.
she got her eyes checked. she knew it was not going to be good news but she was too happy.
they bumped into each other four times. once, he ignored his friend completely to say hi to her
but no
it wasn't more than that
remember what Greg said, you
remember He's Not That Into You
Friday, November 06, 2009
orang tua-tua kata
kalau pinggan di tangan jatuh ke lantai dan pecah berderai
itu tanda tak elok
orang tua-tua kata
kalau kelopak mata bergerak-gerak
itu tanda ada orang jauh nak datang
kalau berus gigi saya diambil dari bilik air lalu digunakan oleh orang lain dan diletakkan di tepi sinki
apa pulak tandanya?
p/s: encik nenek dan atuk, saya dah belikan 3 batang berus gigi untuk anda berdua. tiga tahu TIGA! hnudayr;anf;ohp
kalau pinggan di tangan jatuh ke lantai dan pecah berderai
itu tanda tak elok
orang tua-tua kata
kalau kelopak mata bergerak-gerak
itu tanda ada orang jauh nak datang
kalau berus gigi saya diambil dari bilik air lalu digunakan oleh orang lain dan diletakkan di tepi sinki
apa pulak tandanya?
p/s: encik nenek dan atuk, saya dah belikan 3 batang berus gigi untuk anda berdua. tiga tahu TIGA! hnudayr;anf;ohp
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
this is not a good time to fall sick
maybe you can shoose to fall sick on 18 nov
business going great
life is great
everything is great except this growing headache
hey jgn sakit la nanti stayback membiak lps tu semua org sayang kau bile kau balik opis eemua nak lompat-lompat atas perut kau
lps itu kalau demam nnt tak dpt tgk belakang kerusi BM :(
dah la nak tido la mcm ni
maybe you can shoose to fall sick on 18 nov
business going great
life is great
everything is great except this growing headache
hey jgn sakit la nanti stayback membiak lps tu semua org sayang kau bile kau balik opis eemua nak lompat-lompat atas perut kau
lps itu kalau demam nnt tak dpt tgk belakang kerusi BM :(
dah la nak tido la mcm ni
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Let’s face it, people need a break. Day in day out we go through the daily challenges such as traffic jams, having to become tuna in monorail, suffer from caffeine withdrawal syndrome when you really need it and so on and so forth. Ouh and not forgetting global warming. And due to this, I personally think everyone needs to treat themselves once in a while.
For me, I have my very own five treat list. It starts with shopping of course. No, don’t get me wrong that I’m a total shopaholic. Just look into the benefit of shopping or window shopping and you can clearly see it is actually the combination of several exercises combined into one. Walking around the shopping mall is for the leg, picking up and putting down things are for the arms and looking left and right for sales signs is for the neck. See? You get everything in one go.
OK I lied. I just love to shop. Especially books. I can just get so immersed in my book-searching exercise in a bookshop that time just goes by swiftly and nothing can make me happier than to browse the bookstores. All troubles seem to fly away when I shop, even if its window shopping, especially for books. Am I making sense?
Body massage. Just imagine lying on the bed, with the relaxing music and the scent from the oil and lotions. I can imagine me slipping in and out of consciousness during the session. All the stress will be massaged from my body, taking away the stress that have nestled into my shoulders and head especially. Ouh gosh, I should really consider taking the massage session *stares into empty space.
Three, holiday in an exotic island. Of course, I would love to go to Necker Island but I don’t really have USD 24,000 for a night so I can really do with a vacation in Redang Island . The blue ocean, calming waves and I can always pretend I’m wearing a sundress, walking along the beach back and forth in the hope of bumping into someone who looks a bit like Jason Mraz. That will be so relaxing.The holiday part, the day-dreaming part may be a bit pathetic.
Another option is to take pictures around KL. Another option…a great one really, looking at my really pathetic financial situation. It has been one of the things that I really want to do one of these days, which is to discover the unique part of KL. I discovered one in Jalan Raja Chulan. And then, I can just upload everything on flickr and have fun telling people where this is and where is that.
Finally, Dell Inspiron 13. Tell me why shouldn’t it belong to my list? It can help me share my shopping experience through my blog as well as my body massage experience, communicate with my friends and family during my holiday in Redang Island and last but not least, upload the pictures that I take using the device. Dell Inspiron 13 will become the one very important thing to enjoy all the treats. I will be able to share all my experiences with my friends through Dell Inspiron 13, which is always connected to the Internet with enhanced wireless support, wherever I go. I can be sitting under a shade in Redang Island , sipping coffee in a bookstore or in Central Market after taking pictures. With Dell Inspiron 13, I will be able to do mostly all the things on my 5 treat list.
Ah this had been a really long day. I’m going to print this thing up and think about it really hard and try to find a way on how to get it.
So she finally got to treat her skin
it seems that she had to pay a very high price for what went under the skin
luckily it has not entered the second layer of the skin
apparently, stress level, how much water do you drink all make up for one's skin health
'take very good care of the skin'
the place was really serene and the lulling sound from the music calmed her down
apart from the facial treatment, she also got couple of massages
ouh gosh she really need that
although it might not be for the whole body, it is kind of enough to make ger forget some of the many worries
it was great
with that, she had to agree with carrie
'its wuality, not quantity'
Friday, October 30, 2009
First, I'm auctioning this book by Rhonda Bryne called The Secret. The price starts from RM15 and mine is the hardcover version. second hand but in good condition.
Still in good condition. ni takde dok makan sambal petai sambil membaca buku
that's my initial on the page so that explains the very cheap price despite it being hardcover version.
Second, I'm selling this The Manny from Holly Peterson
I'm selling this at RM15 only and this is first-come-first-serve basis. ouh inclusive of postage fees.
abaikan tangan hobbit sesat
Rhonda Brynes on auction basis. Auction will end on 4 November 2009, 3 pm.
The Manny, first-come-first-serve-basis.
1. you bid thru uculer[at]
2. i read sambil nyanyi lagu jason castro - let's fall in love again kuat-kuat
3. i send an email to the winning bidder
4. winners will have 24 hours to take up the challenge eh silap to proceed with buying or not
Please ensure to make your decision wisely because goods that have been sold are transferable/ returnable or refunded.
Rhonda Brynes on auction basis. Auction will end on 4 November 2009, 3 pm.
The Manny, first-come-first-serve-basis.
1. you bid thru uculer[at]
2. i read sambil nyanyi lagu jason castro - let's fall in love again kuat-kuat
3. i send an email to the winning bidder
4. winners will have 24 hours to take up the challenge eh silap to proceed with buying or not
Please ensure to make your decision wisely because goods that have been sold are transferable/ returnable or refunded.
any question, just send me an email at uculer[at]
Thursday, October 29, 2009
tulisan budak derjah empat
someone wants her to edit things on paper
look at her handwriting (which her grandfather thought was her cousin's handwriting. her cousin was then 9 years old. thanks atok!)
the person asked,' takkan tulisan tak paham kot?'
look at her handwriting
it goes up and down, swayed right and left
sometimes she couldn't even understand what she was scribbling
actually, most of the time
look at the picture
do you seriously think her handwriting can be read?
apparently, she doesn't think so
look at her handwriting (which her grandfather thought was her cousin's handwriting. her cousin was then 9 years old. thanks atok!)
the person asked,' takkan tulisan tak paham kot?'
look at her handwriting
it goes up and down, swayed right and left
sometimes she couldn't even understand what she was scribbling
actually, most of the time
look at the picture
do you seriously think her handwriting can be read?
apparently, she doesn't think so
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
As usual, she waited for the bus. It was close to 7pm but she decided that she will have dinner at home, instead of eating out.
Loud noises surrounded her. It was normal since she was standing smack in the very center of the chaos in Central Market. But it was part of her daily dosage of drama, she didn’t care. Relieved at the thought of finally being able to reach home, she inched closer to the bus stop.
That was when the terrible sound hit her. The sound of girls laughing…no, cackling like hyenas. She looked to the right and there they were; girls shy of 16 years old, talking loudly and laughing openly. She didn’t have anything against the laughing and talking but…why the need to do so at a very high decibel?
She didn’t remember her schoolmates like that. And their hairstyle, what’s up with that sanggul high up on their head? The last time she saw that was when her auntie gave birth to a baby.
She looked at them, eyes full with sorrow. She knew the name of the school these girls go to, she was supposed to go to that particular school. But she really can’t remember any of her friends from that particular all-girls school like that. It was hideous and a tad insulting to the women of the earth.
Never mind, she thought maybe that the kids were too stressed as the exams are approaching.
The bus arrived and all hell seem to break lose then and there. These girls, who came from an all girls schools that name was quite looked-up upon, became herds of sheep. They forgot how to queue up, never mind the manners. She couldn’t help but smile.
The girls clearly couldn’t behave themselves. It was like going on a bus with a herd of cattles; she said this because the bus will pick a lot of pupils from different schools; all-boys and co-ed but this particular group was the worst. It was totally embarrassing to see one of the girls called one of the guys; supposedly the one that she liked, to come sit next to her. She didn’t want to say what she really thought of that. She knew it wouldn’t do justice.
Time has educated her long enough to see right through these kids. They don’t care about themselves, what will happen to them in the future. She knew this because she met them almost daily on the bus, listening to their loud conversations. School is not really what they think. In fact, it’s a doubt if they think about school at all. Most of the time they will be talking about where to hangout at night. On schooldays.
She shuddered at the thought if maybe, just maybe, this is exactly the things that all schoolchildren are doing. They don’t care about their future but instead, other people cared for them.
Take for example this entry from shazmiey:
“Saya mengenali ramai pelajar SPM. Saya sayang kebanyakan mereka kerana saya tahu mereka ada potensi dan saya cuba sedaya mungkin untuk mencungkil potensi mereka. Cuma mungkin cara saya tidak pernah sama dengan apa yang orang lain fikirkan. Kerana saya bukan fikirkan pencapaian akademik mereka. Saya fikirkan tentang mereka dan apa yang ingin mereka cari.”
How can they have such little care for themselves when teachers are trying so hard to make them realize that :
“Bukan kualiti akademik yang saya mahu banggakan. Saya mahu mereka mengenali diri mereka dan mencari sesuatu yang dinamakan kehidupan yang cemerlang. Saya masih berpegang pada kata-kata saya. Hanya itu barulah mereka boleh mencapai akademik yang cemerlang.”
She hoped that everyone who is studying; in school or not to read this entry from shazmiey. Feel and understand the entry. And realize that it’s wrong to let go of the time when people still care for us.
She stood up, preparing to leave the scene. Amid the noises, she made a mental note to bring her cousins to a bookstore this week.
Loud noises surrounded her. It was normal since she was standing smack in the very center of the chaos in Central Market. But it was part of her daily dosage of drama, she didn’t care. Relieved at the thought of finally being able to reach home, she inched closer to the bus stop.
That was when the terrible sound hit her. The sound of girls laughing…no, cackling like hyenas. She looked to the right and there they were; girls shy of 16 years old, talking loudly and laughing openly. She didn’t have anything against the laughing and talking but…why the need to do so at a very high decibel?
She didn’t remember her schoolmates like that. And their hairstyle, what’s up with that sanggul high up on their head? The last time she saw that was when her auntie gave birth to a baby.
She looked at them, eyes full with sorrow. She knew the name of the school these girls go to, she was supposed to go to that particular school. But she really can’t remember any of her friends from that particular all-girls school like that. It was hideous and a tad insulting to the women of the earth.
Never mind, she thought maybe that the kids were too stressed as the exams are approaching.
The bus arrived and all hell seem to break lose then and there. These girls, who came from an all girls schools that name was quite looked-up upon, became herds of sheep. They forgot how to queue up, never mind the manners. She couldn’t help but smile.
The girls clearly couldn’t behave themselves. It was like going on a bus with a herd of cattles; she said this because the bus will pick a lot of pupils from different schools; all-boys and co-ed but this particular group was the worst. It was totally embarrassing to see one of the girls called one of the guys; supposedly the one that she liked, to come sit next to her. She didn’t want to say what she really thought of that. She knew it wouldn’t do justice.
Time has educated her long enough to see right through these kids. They don’t care about themselves, what will happen to them in the future. She knew this because she met them almost daily on the bus, listening to their loud conversations. School is not really what they think. In fact, it’s a doubt if they think about school at all. Most of the time they will be talking about where to hangout at night. On schooldays.
She shuddered at the thought if maybe, just maybe, this is exactly the things that all schoolchildren are doing. They don’t care about their future but instead, other people cared for them.
Take for example this entry from shazmiey:
“Saya mengenali ramai pelajar SPM. Saya sayang kebanyakan mereka kerana saya tahu mereka ada potensi dan saya cuba sedaya mungkin untuk mencungkil potensi mereka. Cuma mungkin cara saya tidak pernah sama dengan apa yang orang lain fikirkan. Kerana saya bukan fikirkan pencapaian akademik mereka. Saya fikirkan tentang mereka dan apa yang ingin mereka cari.”
How can they have such little care for themselves when teachers are trying so hard to make them realize that :
“Bukan kualiti akademik yang saya mahu banggakan. Saya mahu mereka mengenali diri mereka dan mencari sesuatu yang dinamakan kehidupan yang cemerlang. Saya masih berpegang pada kata-kata saya. Hanya itu barulah mereka boleh mencapai akademik yang cemerlang.”
She hoped that everyone who is studying; in school or not to read this entry from shazmiey. Feel and understand the entry. And realize that it’s wrong to let go of the time when people still care for us.
She stood up, preparing to leave the scene. Amid the noises, she made a mental note to bring her cousins to a bookstore this week.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
introducing ivan mclloyd. he comes from australia (with syud and aisya1987. this is my birthday present anyways :D). i don't care if ivan is a vampire's name. i just like it. i thought about lucerne that i remembered lucerne was my MP3 player. it is now history.
ok i lied. i can't remember where i put lucerne *looks sheepish

ivan believes that we have to love the trees. yes, love the trees like what our seniors want us to do during orientation week except back then, we have to hug the lamp post and love the tiang letrik. gosh, lucky it wasn't me who had to kiss the tiang letrik and love it.
this plant is actually a bio-plant. let's go to midvalley and answer their survey and win this plant. its very easy to take care of. seriously, i didn't need to wake up at 6 am to put it outside the house in order to make sure it receive enough sunshine.

don't have to take out of the bottle, just leave it there. this is banana anyways (according to the note attached to the bottle)

ivan believes in caring for the world. why not take this opportunity to grow one plant as a contribution to save the earth? (yah right. as long as its free, we will take it. hohoho)
ivan does look a bit skinny here huh? he looks a little bit more healthier. see, just a little oxygen from the tree makes him look better already. i should try sniffing the oxygen everyday from this particular plant then.

' this is the SOP (standard operating procedure) on sniffing he oxygen. in order to sniff the oxygen, we have to climb up the bottle and put the string that ties the bottle to our necks. then, inhale deeply,' Ivan said when I asked how are we going to sniff the oxygen.
are you sure, ivan? that looks a bit suicidal

and this is ivan 'contributing carbon dioxide (with a pinch of methane)' to the tree.
haish kau ni. byk btol masa lapang.
eh no seriously, i'm very busy but this is like loonnggggg overdue so here it is. sorila tak cukup fani
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
credit to
the anonymous lawyer may live a lie but whatever he posted in his blog, he tells the truth. well, some of it.
i can't remember when or where did i buy this book but that little to do with its quality. the novel is made of up blog entries from the anonymous lawyer. at first, he was just testing to see how the blog works and before he knew it, he is pouring everything into it.
he was a hiring partner in the firm, running for the place as a chairman. but there's a rival and he started to talk about it. the novel was really funny with really evil lines. unfortunately, i can't share here with you. ok, i lied, i can't find where i put Anonymous Lawyer: A Novel by Jeremy Blachman. BUT, you can actually take a sneak peak at what you can expeect from this novel at the Anonymous Lawyer blog.
Anonymous Lawyer: A Novel is highly recommended for those who love dark humour and something witty.
* * *
the train was full and she was hanging to the only holder that she can find
she threw a glance outside and there he was; looking a bit flustered but not too much
but bm did not manage to get in
and then, like fate, they met again
this time in the lobby
but he seemed to need to listen to the music
'its ok. people need space too'
and the day has never seem so happy blue
Monday, October 19, 2009
'say what?'
(it may be true. it may be a fragment of imagination. whatever'
it was a really great start of the day
things couldn't get any better
that explains her bright, wide eyes at 1.30pm
and then she arranged fate
they met
bm did not have 5 o'clock shadow but facial hair had started to invade his upper lids
the sign of neglect, not caring of the physical appearance perhaps
'so, how are you?'
the question was thrown amidst the chaos, amidst the clashes of spoons and foorks
'there's a lot of work to do'
she was not happy of the answer
she doesn't care about bm job's
she cared about him
but then again
the conversation has progressed
was she happy?
on the contrary;
she forgot to ask the very important question
'what's your height?'
well, she has her own reasons
it was a really great start of the day
things couldn't get any better
that explains her bright, wide eyes at 1.30pm
and then she arranged fate
they met
bm did not have 5 o'clock shadow but facial hair had started to invade his upper lids
the sign of neglect, not caring of the physical appearance perhaps
'so, how are you?'
the question was thrown amidst the chaos, amidst the clashes of spoons and foorks
'there's a lot of work to do'
she was not happy of the answer
she doesn't care about bm job's
she cared about him
but then again
the conversation has progressed
was she happy?
on the contrary;
she forgot to ask the very important question
'what's your height?'
well, she has her own reasons
Sunday, October 18, 2009
she was rubbing her eyes at 1 am. but still, she had stacks of papers to complete. but heck, it was a good day.she was happy and satisfied.
she was very busy these days. she even forgot to write an entry about The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole. it was a present from a very very very good friend. a birthday present. she thought it'd be weeks before she managed to finish reading the book from Sue Townsend. How wrong, how very very wrong. she dropped everything and peeled the book from page to page. Adrian Mole never change. He still speaks in the same voice, echoing the loneliness with a touch of snooty-ness that she can barely understand. but heck, it was one hell of a book. she loved humour and nothing can beat dark humour. she lived on it and she realised that most of her collection are about dark humour.
adrian mole is now in his 30's and are left with two young kids. a single father, jobless and still trying to get his writings published. still, to no avail. if that's difficult, the marriage of his parents continues to confuse him. it was this and that, this partner and that.
the Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole was set back before the time he was arrested for organising a protest to protect mohammed; his friend. and the diary is for the duration between 1999-2001. its a lot of emotion to see him standing up for glenn; his son, as well as fighting a losing battle.
'thanks, girl,' she's still smiling when i type these words. nothing beats a very good book, in my case at least. i love it.
she needs a break today. and she's going out for a while. not for long, just a couple of hours. her legs are tied with an avalanche of work.
or maybe she'd just stay at home. maybe take a peek in MPH. or not. she's not even sure.
she was very busy these days. she even forgot to write an entry about The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole. it was a present from a very very very good friend. a birthday present. she thought it'd be weeks before she managed to finish reading the book from Sue Townsend. How wrong, how very very wrong. she dropped everything and peeled the book from page to page. Adrian Mole never change. He still speaks in the same voice, echoing the loneliness with a touch of snooty-ness that she can barely understand. but heck, it was one hell of a book. she loved humour and nothing can beat dark humour. she lived on it and she realised that most of her collection are about dark humour.
adrian mole is now in his 30's and are left with two young kids. a single father, jobless and still trying to get his writings published. still, to no avail. if that's difficult, the marriage of his parents continues to confuse him. it was this and that, this partner and that.
the Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole was set back before the time he was arrested for organising a protest to protect mohammed; his friend. and the diary is for the duration between 1999-2001. its a lot of emotion to see him standing up for glenn; his son, as well as fighting a losing battle.
'thanks, girl,' she's still smiling when i type these words. nothing beats a very good book, in my case at least. i love it.
she needs a break today. and she's going out for a while. not for long, just a couple of hours. her legs are tied with an avalanche of work.
or maybe she'd just stay at home. maybe take a peek in MPH. or not. she's not even sure.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A fantasy with a pinch of reality. Or the other way round. Whatever.
‘ Are you ok?’ that was the question that she wanted to ask. The question hovered in her head, like some kind of a bile that wanted so much to escape her body. But no, she won’t ask it. And she grimaced when she thought what the answer would be.
Ea was still feeding herself with the food. It was not normal to see her plate looking so pathetic like that; pathetic-looking cabbage and pathetic-amount of rice. There was sadness that lurked behind Ea’s eyes. OK behind the lenses maybe but still, it was there.
Grieving period. She knew about grieving period. It was something she had to go through the previous two years. But she didn’t talk about it. She can’t talk about it because she knows she will be crying and God knows when it will stop. And lately, she found herself crying herself to sleep a little bit too much, thinking that the baby will never see his grandfather. How it pained her so to think that if someday, she has kids, the kids would never know their grandfather. But there’s nothing that she can do. Talking about it wouldn’t help so she tried, ouh how she tried to make everything feels normal again. No, it was not normal.
The watch that her father gave, she kept it like a treasure despite the fact that it was broken. And the necklace, she was heart-broken when it was spoilt. It was one of the few things that connect her to her father. And despite her age, she kept the musical box. It was a present when she was 15.
To say that she didn’t understood Ea may be too much. But they deal with grief in their own special way. She’s not an expert to calm people down but she knew that she will try her best if Ea wants some distraction. They can talk about anything, the new Japanese Prime Minister, the latest absurd fashion or the reality TV show. Although she didn’t watch the reality TV shows, she will do her research.
‘ Eh, berangan?’ Ea asked.
‘ Tak. Nak balik dah?’
And she wished; like she always did; that she will be able to help.
‘ Are you ok?’ that was the question that she wanted to ask. The question hovered in her head, like some kind of a bile that wanted so much to escape her body. But no, she won’t ask it. And she grimaced when she thought what the answer would be.
Ea was still feeding herself with the food. It was not normal to see her plate looking so pathetic like that; pathetic-looking cabbage and pathetic-amount of rice. There was sadness that lurked behind Ea’s eyes. OK behind the lenses maybe but still, it was there.
Grieving period. She knew about grieving period. It was something she had to go through the previous two years. But she didn’t talk about it. She can’t talk about it because she knows she will be crying and God knows when it will stop. And lately, she found herself crying herself to sleep a little bit too much, thinking that the baby will never see his grandfather. How it pained her so to think that if someday, she has kids, the kids would never know their grandfather. But there’s nothing that she can do. Talking about it wouldn’t help so she tried, ouh how she tried to make everything feels normal again. No, it was not normal.
The watch that her father gave, she kept it like a treasure despite the fact that it was broken. And the necklace, she was heart-broken when it was spoilt. It was one of the few things that connect her to her father. And despite her age, she kept the musical box. It was a present when she was 15.
To say that she didn’t understood Ea may be too much. But they deal with grief in their own special way. She’s not an expert to calm people down but she knew that she will try her best if Ea wants some distraction. They can talk about anything, the new Japanese Prime Minister, the latest absurd fashion or the reality TV show. Although she didn’t watch the reality TV shows, she will do her research.
‘ Eh, berangan?’ Ea asked.
‘ Tak. Nak balik dah?’
And she wished; like she always did; that she will be able to help.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Book Review- The Necklace
This is the book that I won from BookXcess so yeay! Thanks a lot BookXcess.
There’s so much to learn in this book or rather, this true story. 13 women bought a diamond necklace. Yes, you read that right, 13 of them formed a group and bought the necklace. The idea was founded by Jonell McLain and although a lot of people tried to talk her out of it, she proceeded with the idea.
The 13 women came from different backgrounds; some had to deal with blow after blow of losing their loved ones; either physically or mentally, who signed the check to buy the necklace that they finally named as Jewelia (after Julia Child) without even looking at it and there are also some who were attracted to get into the group after seeing how the pioneers managed to raise money through a diamond necklace. And surprisingly enough, they did not sell Jewelia to raise the money. Really creative, isn’t it?
I personally think this story is really beautiful. Beautiful because I can relate to it. Most of the women find themselves unable to buy the necklace, which price was originally USD 32,000. Furthermore, it happened during this time. Of course I do like Anne Frank but having to relate to it is a bit difficult given that Holocaust was really a long time ago, right?
This is the book that I won from BookXcess so yeay! Thanks a lot BookXcess.
There’s so much to learn in this book or rather, this true story. 13 women bought a diamond necklace. Yes, you read that right, 13 of them formed a group and bought the necklace. The idea was founded by Jonell McLain and although a lot of people tried to talk her out of it, she proceeded with the idea.
The 13 women came from different backgrounds; some had to deal with blow after blow of losing their loved ones; either physically or mentally, who signed the check to buy the necklace that they finally named as Jewelia (after Julia Child) without even looking at it and there are also some who were attracted to get into the group after seeing how the pioneers managed to raise money through a diamond necklace. And surprisingly enough, they did not sell Jewelia to raise the money. Really creative, isn’t it?
I personally think this story is really beautiful. Beautiful because I can relate to it. Most of the women find themselves unable to buy the necklace, which price was originally USD 32,000. Furthermore, it happened during this time. Of course I do like Anne Frank but having to relate to it is a bit difficult given that Holocaust was really a long time ago, right?
I learnt about a lot of things after leafing through the 120 pages. The power of dream, never stop dreaming. And never stop to work for the dream because dreaming without working for it is useless. The founder of the group dreamt about having the necklace and when she don’t think she can do it alone, she tried to rope in more people to agree to buy the necklace and she did manage to buy the necklace.
Some of the women in the book see little need to wear the necklace but that did not stop them from buying it. The rule is to circulate the diamonds among members for 28 days. Some of them, instead of wearing it themselves, shared the experience to wear the necklace to someone else. Although it was only for just one day or even a few minutes, it made a whole lot of difference. It was repeated in the book how a child, an old woman, a worker in the post office, cherish the moment they had with the necklace. One story struck at me when one of the women brought the necklace around to the hospital and gave an ald dying lady to wear it. The old lady wore it in the hospital bead and combined a smile into it. Although the necklace did not cure her, she was happy throughout the day. A picture was taken and it happened to be the last picture her children ever had of their mom. They liked it because it was their mom’s last picture and she looked happy in it.
It seems that if we want to be happy, we don’t necessarily have to own the thing and use it for ourselves. It seems that making other people happy matters the most.
I think this is a very good book. Although I can’t tell the rest of the lessons in in, if you happen to see this book by Cheryl Jarvis with the title The Necklace, it’s worth the peek.
Ha bace syud jangan tak baca review I
Some of the women in the book see little need to wear the necklace but that did not stop them from buying it. The rule is to circulate the diamonds among members for 28 days. Some of them, instead of wearing it themselves, shared the experience to wear the necklace to someone else. Although it was only for just one day or even a few minutes, it made a whole lot of difference. It was repeated in the book how a child, an old woman, a worker in the post office, cherish the moment they had with the necklace. One story struck at me when one of the women brought the necklace around to the hospital and gave an ald dying lady to wear it. The old lady wore it in the hospital bead and combined a smile into it. Although the necklace did not cure her, she was happy throughout the day. A picture was taken and it happened to be the last picture her children ever had of their mom. They liked it because it was their mom’s last picture and she looked happy in it.
It seems that if we want to be happy, we don’t necessarily have to own the thing and use it for ourselves. It seems that making other people happy matters the most.
I think this is a very good book. Although I can’t tell the rest of the lessons in in, if you happen to see this book by Cheryl Jarvis with the title The Necklace, it’s worth the peek.
Ha bace syud jangan tak baca review I
Friday, October 09, 2009
Starter for 10 - book review
Seriously I could not remember why i bought this book. but i personally think its worth the monet.
brian jackson was 19 and he got to college. he imagined about having a don quixonte moustache, starts smoking, among others. but things are a lot harder than what he thinks it would be like.
jackson struggles with adjusting, trying not to be a prick to his friends, to be more in touch with his mother, to set things straight with a few female friends, trying to study, party hard, make it to the University Challenge and a few others.
as usual, the book is full of dark humour and getting drunk that i can nearly feel the hangover that was never there. it was entertaining to see jackson stammer when he apologised to rebecca and then confessed he wasn't sure what he was apologising for. it was like reading into a guy's mind, literally.
things went out of hand during a university challenge qualifying round. somehow brian tried too hard and ruined everything. he did patch up things with his mum and soon-to-be-dad uncle des. but things got awry and in the end brian chose to start things over; his studies, his love relationship, his relationship with his mum.
if you like dark humour, then this is something that maybe something you should look for. but of course, i like stephen clark's merde happens more.
Seriously I could not remember why i bought this book. but i personally think its worth the monet.
brian jackson was 19 and he got to college. he imagined about having a don quixonte moustache, starts smoking, among others. but things are a lot harder than what he thinks it would be like.
jackson struggles with adjusting, trying not to be a prick to his friends, to be more in touch with his mother, to set things straight with a few female friends, trying to study, party hard, make it to the University Challenge and a few others.
as usual, the book is full of dark humour and getting drunk that i can nearly feel the hangover that was never there. it was entertaining to see jackson stammer when he apologised to rebecca and then confessed he wasn't sure what he was apologising for. it was like reading into a guy's mind, literally.
things went out of hand during a university challenge qualifying round. somehow brian tried too hard and ruined everything. he did patch up things with his mum and soon-to-be-dad uncle des. but things got awry and in the end brian chose to start things over; his studies, his love relationship, his relationship with his mum.
if you like dark humour, then this is something that maybe something you should look for. but of course, i like stephen clark's merde happens more.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Writers, don’t put that pen down (or keep the keyboard away)
I have this dream of wearing a round-rimmed spectacles, wearing a black top, black shirt, grey veil and sit nearby a river, writing a poetry. I think becoming a writer is classy and mysterious. Sadly, I have a round face so round-rimmed spectacles are a big No-No. I’m chubby enough already, thanks. And one day, I told a very good friend that I would love to get a Masters in English.
She asked,’ Why? What are you going to do with it?’
Why not? What is wrong with studying something that I like, let alone the very medium of communication? And then it dawned in me that she was concerned on what I am going to do after that.
I do not know if other people face this kind of questions; especially those who has the chance of studying any kind of languages (ouh dear me I envy you). Have you ever been asked this question? I mean, someone asked me this question although I have not even registered or even applied for that kind of subject.
I know people are going to be concerned if say next year, I try to apply for another course like that. People will be asking ‘ Why that? Why not a continuation of your degree?’
Can we have verbal communication in formulas or codes? I mean, if you are in an organization, that may work like my job for example. But what about living among people, for example in KL (citing the numbers on buses do not count anyways). Of course we string words together to make sense. In that, I see that we need language to communicate. With this, I see that language is indeed important. Can we really understand E= mc2 if its not for language then?
If you are worried; those who are currently studying or plans to study anything about art, here’s some consolation taken from ‘Starter for 10’ by David Nicholls, page 114-115
‘The written appreciation and understanding of literature, or any kind of artistic endevour, is absolutely central to a decent society. Why d’you think books are the first things that the fascists burn?’ – Rebecca.
A Samad Said, Tongkat Warrant, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord William Goldings, Dame Agatha Christie. These are just some of the celebrated names in literature. Their works are timeless and although most of them are not with us anymore, their works on architecture are really here. They dabbled with language, experimenting with sentences to draw a picture, make us imagine the world that may or may not be fictional and personally, I think that is not easy to achieve.
Take Diary of a Young Girl: Anne Frank. Anne Frank was one of the most celebrated figures that emerged after World War II and she was really young, less than 16 years old. Why? Because she kept a diary during the Holocaust on what was happening to her and the family. If she did not appreciate literature, no one will know about what happened then, even the gist of it. She did not make it in the end; she died two weeks before the liberation in the concentration came but her words in her diary lived. Why again? Because she appreciated literature.
Some will take the stance that ‘a picture tells a thousand words’. I had the chance to look at a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in a carmaking company. There were tons of pictures and yet, if the SOP is given to a newcomer to the factory, it will take God-knows-how-long to explain the steps. Of course a picture tells a lot but adding sentences to them may it more easier to understand for novices, no?
Medical diagrams, charts, mathematical derivatives; all of these may not make sense to a layman if it isn’t for literature. Not that flowery kind of literature but you know, the normal sentences that people can actually understand. So, the next time people ask you why you might want to write, maybe you can come up with some point.
As literature or any other art representation is very important to a society, this means that each those involved in the sector has huge responsibility. Think before you do anything. We understand that you would want to tell the truth but stop and think for a while that ‘the end does not justify the means’ (niat tidak menghalalkan cara). Isn’t it nicer to have a story or a blog entry with clean representation of things? Although sometimes saying it in a blunt and maybe, quite controversial way may drive the point harder, think about the responsibility. I mean, this applies to me too.
So, I’m going to continue reading this book (seriously it’s so funny) and wish you a happy weekend. Do share any experiences if you have a good comeback on this.
She asked,’ Why? What are you going to do with it?’
Why not? What is wrong with studying something that I like, let alone the very medium of communication? And then it dawned in me that she was concerned on what I am going to do after that.
I do not know if other people face this kind of questions; especially those who has the chance of studying any kind of languages (ouh dear me I envy you). Have you ever been asked this question? I mean, someone asked me this question although I have not even registered or even applied for that kind of subject.
I know people are going to be concerned if say next year, I try to apply for another course like that. People will be asking ‘ Why that? Why not a continuation of your degree?’
Can we have verbal communication in formulas or codes? I mean, if you are in an organization, that may work like my job for example. But what about living among people, for example in KL (citing the numbers on buses do not count anyways). Of course we string words together to make sense. In that, I see that we need language to communicate. With this, I see that language is indeed important. Can we really understand E= mc2 if its not for language then?
If you are worried; those who are currently studying or plans to study anything about art, here’s some consolation taken from ‘Starter for 10’ by David Nicholls, page 114-115
‘The written appreciation and understanding of literature, or any kind of artistic endevour, is absolutely central to a decent society. Why d’you think books are the first things that the fascists burn?’ – Rebecca.
A Samad Said, Tongkat Warrant, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord William Goldings, Dame Agatha Christie. These are just some of the celebrated names in literature. Their works are timeless and although most of them are not with us anymore, their works on architecture are really here. They dabbled with language, experimenting with sentences to draw a picture, make us imagine the world that may or may not be fictional and personally, I think that is not easy to achieve.
Take Diary of a Young Girl: Anne Frank. Anne Frank was one of the most celebrated figures that emerged after World War II and she was really young, less than 16 years old. Why? Because she kept a diary during the Holocaust on what was happening to her and the family. If she did not appreciate literature, no one will know about what happened then, even the gist of it. She did not make it in the end; she died two weeks before the liberation in the concentration came but her words in her diary lived. Why again? Because she appreciated literature.
Some will take the stance that ‘a picture tells a thousand words’. I had the chance to look at a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in a carmaking company. There were tons of pictures and yet, if the SOP is given to a newcomer to the factory, it will take God-knows-how-long to explain the steps. Of course a picture tells a lot but adding sentences to them may it more easier to understand for novices, no?
Medical diagrams, charts, mathematical derivatives; all of these may not make sense to a layman if it isn’t for literature. Not that flowery kind of literature but you know, the normal sentences that people can actually understand. So, the next time people ask you why you might want to write, maybe you can come up with some point.
As literature or any other art representation is very important to a society, this means that each those involved in the sector has huge responsibility. Think before you do anything. We understand that you would want to tell the truth but stop and think for a while that ‘the end does not justify the means’ (niat tidak menghalalkan cara). Isn’t it nicer to have a story or a blog entry with clean representation of things? Although sometimes saying it in a blunt and maybe, quite controversial way may drive the point harder, think about the responsibility. I mean, this applies to me too.
So, I’m going to continue reading this book (seriously it’s so funny) and wish you a happy weekend. Do share any experiences if you have a good comeback on this.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
i think sir arthur conan doyle is classy. if he is still alive, i would like to stalker him. like really stalk him and paste his pictures to cover my walls.
why? because his classy. i'm repeating myself. ouh gosh! that is not good.
i managed to get myself The Lost World from this writer. i read his sherlock holmes series. in fact, i have the whole compilation that i know i haven't finish reading but it is certainly delightful to see him manage to keep the humour.
in this book, we travel with Professor Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee and Edward Malone to venture into the land where dinasours still live. No, it was not time travelling but Challenger gathered these people to go into some part of South America and witness the existence of the prehistoric animals.
Challenger went to the said place in the previous two years before reaching London and being ridiculed by the science community due to his far-fetched ideas. hence, he gathered the company with Summerlee, whos is the chief in ridiculing Challenger's ideas at the time. Not known as someone who has a calm nerves, it was not difficult for Challenger to get into the bad books of everyone else.
the story was told in such a way that i can really picture myself being in the plateau full of boiling asphalt, facing the great iguanadons and also witnessing the cruel 'jumping-off-the-cliff' game of the ape-man. everything that happened; be it the shooting of one of their slaves, the nightwalk edward malone took, the war between the indians and ape-man, each and everyone of it kind of stuck in my mind. like it was literally a journey.
reading the book was definitely a joy. added with the sarcasm and dry humour of all the characters, i kind of agree that this book must be read before dwelling into jurassic park.
why? because his classy. i'm repeating myself. ouh gosh! that is not good.
i managed to get myself The Lost World from this writer. i read his sherlock holmes series. in fact, i have the whole compilation that i know i haven't finish reading but it is certainly delightful to see him manage to keep the humour.
in this book, we travel with Professor Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee and Edward Malone to venture into the land where dinasours still live. No, it was not time travelling but Challenger gathered these people to go into some part of South America and witness the existence of the prehistoric animals.
Challenger went to the said place in the previous two years before reaching London and being ridiculed by the science community due to his far-fetched ideas. hence, he gathered the company with Summerlee, whos is the chief in ridiculing Challenger's ideas at the time. Not known as someone who has a calm nerves, it was not difficult for Challenger to get into the bad books of everyone else.
the story was told in such a way that i can really picture myself being in the plateau full of boiling asphalt, facing the great iguanadons and also witnessing the cruel 'jumping-off-the-cliff' game of the ape-man. everything that happened; be it the shooting of one of their slaves, the nightwalk edward malone took, the war between the indians and ape-man, each and everyone of it kind of stuck in my mind. like it was literally a journey.
reading the book was definitely a joy. added with the sarcasm and dry humour of all the characters, i kind of agree that this book must be read before dwelling into jurassic park.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
nothing interesting really
i've been working on this story that has been in my head for quite sometime
nearly a year to be exact
being the usual me, i would love to put everything down ASAP but then rome wasn't build in one day
lesson learnt
on another note:
i have to choose either to let go of the responsibility or go on with it
i don't have enough time for myself, let alone to give it to another activity or another website
so i guess the best way is to let go
it's hard but seriously,
why do i want to be in a certain position when i can't contribute?
i think it's much better this wasy
less obligation and i don't feel so bad of not commenting or anything
i just do not have the time
it's hard
i woke up in the morning and remember being sad of letting go the position but what can i say? something has to be done
i glad i stayed all these while and it's not like i'm going to be a non-member
i will still be there, provided that i have the time
p/s: kalau awak berpakaian begitu, saya kelu. kalau awak cakap begitu saya malu. jangan cuba untuk tafsirkan, syud. anda tidak akan berjaya :D
i've been working on this story that has been in my head for quite sometime
nearly a year to be exact
being the usual me, i would love to put everything down ASAP but then rome wasn't build in one day
lesson learnt
on another note:
i have to choose either to let go of the responsibility or go on with it
i don't have enough time for myself, let alone to give it to another activity or another website
so i guess the best way is to let go
it's hard but seriously,
why do i want to be in a certain position when i can't contribute?
i think it's much better this wasy
less obligation and i don't feel so bad of not commenting or anything
i just do not have the time
it's hard
i woke up in the morning and remember being sad of letting go the position but what can i say? something has to be done
i glad i stayed all these while and it's not like i'm going to be a non-member
i will still be there, provided that i have the time
p/s: kalau awak berpakaian begitu, saya kelu. kalau awak cakap begitu saya malu. jangan cuba untuk tafsirkan, syud. anda tidak akan berjaya :D
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Disclaimer: Exclusively for girls.
Me and the song You Belong With Me from Taylor Swift. Please, don’t get me wrong. Personally, I think she is absolutely talented, has a very nice voice and extremely cute. It’s the song that I have issues with.
Imagine you seeing a guy or being friends with a guy for years and years. Both of you have you own private jokes that nobody can understand and you know what this guy is feeling or thinking just through the rise and fall of his tones. He knows you absolutely; what your likes and dislikes, your eating habits and even your sleeping pattern. That is rising no less at 11 am on weekends. And yet you pine for him, not being able to say anything because according to you, he just didn’t realize what he wants is just right in front of you.
He pours his heart out to you, tells his deepest secrets, shares his darkest (and perhaps) the silliest fantasies, talks about nothing absolutely important and yet you still wait for him. Listening to all his sad stories about the girl he’s seeing and stuff.
Stop. Don’t flatter yourself. If I were you, I’d make the most out of it. Listening to his whines for half a day entitles me to a tall glass of Starbucks (we will cure the addiction of coffee later shall we?). I mean come on. It’s not the issue of him not realizing who you are but it’s the matter of you realizing that HE IS JUST NOT INTO YOU. Why?
First, why would he want to get closer to you because you are really accessible like 24-hour a day? Like the moment he calls you, you’d be running to the phone. Don’t lie, honey and stop being in denial. I have been there and I know for a fact quite a few people has been in that situation.
Second, why would be want to chase you because he already has this control over you? Remember the time when he asked if you can just do him a favour about something and you just say yes without thinking? Like helping him to order a dress for his sister and despite the fact that you have no idea what a cocktail dress is, you went to approach the Barbie Brigade just to get their advice. Please, we can do better than lying.
Third, you will never say no. Admit it girls; it is very hard to say no to someone that we absolutely like and this guy I’ve been talking about fits every description like he understand you, gets your joke and bla bla bla. I know stories like that and may have been in situation like that.
Who doesn’t like a girl like that? A person who will never say no to anything, listens to him regardless how stupid a conversation can be and be an extremely faithful friend. Honestly, the disasterous word is just there: friend. You will always end up being his friend although you can end up writing a biography about him because (as it may hurt, I know), he is not into you.
And this waiting like the Taylor Swift song is excruciating and not only that, it will just throw your confidence out of the 88th floor of KLCC, slamming face first into a huge bowl of poo. Don’t ask me what the poo is dong in KLCC, I;m just painting an image here of how waiting for an absolutely clueless guy can do to your confidence. Like attending job interviews, loss of confidence in matters like this is completely disasterous.
If you have been in the situation like the one in the song, wake up and stop pining. If he calls you every now and then, be kind to your own heart. Just hide your handphone somewhere like under a stack of fluffy pillow just to silence the sound and cleanse your system. You can be more than just a person who says yes to everything.
If you are in the situation, pull the strings a little bit. Run away a little bit but never be afraid of getting the results. If he really is into you, if there is a future, he will chase and run for you. Never mind what will happen in the future but this is definitely better than having to start a blog and talk about the guy without knowing if he loves you or not. Three weeks later he has a girlfriend and where are you? Turning lesbian? Is that what you really want?
If one day you may be faced with this situation, don’t wait too long. You are worth it, you are more than worth it. Anyone who comes and smashes your confidence should not be in your life. I’m not telling that you should dump him but think multiple times before you agree to go here and there with him.
I’m talking from experience and in fact, I’m going through the very thing. I know I don’t have any problems going out with this particular guy but then I find him messaging me like every single day, talking about nothing important at all and then asking me for a movie or the likes can be confusing. And I got the confirmation that I’m just a friend so I think it is just appropriate to not watch movies, shop together and stuff like that like normal couples do, right? I can still do it very often if say… I’m 17 but not at this age. If I were to invest my time in it, it had better be worthwhile. I don’t want to feed his ego. Well, admit it. Guys like girls hanging out with them with no strings attached right?
I’m not a pro in this kind of things but there are some kind of things that I may have a clue about. And this is clearly it. Quit wasting your time for someone who doesn’t see you as someone who is special. Of course there is the stories like the girl you sister knows that end up getting married to her bestfriend but let me ask you a question; how many Bill Gates do we have in this world? If you answered one, then you should know the answer that the kind of stories are not applicable to everyone. Yes, it is indeed a very rude awakening but believe me, once you do it, you will emerge feeling a whole lot better about yourself.
Having said that I’m going to have another dose of Jared Padalecki in Supernatural. Have a nice week ahead!
Me and the song You Belong With Me from Taylor Swift. Please, don’t get me wrong. Personally, I think she is absolutely talented, has a very nice voice and extremely cute. It’s the song that I have issues with.
Imagine you seeing a guy or being friends with a guy for years and years. Both of you have you own private jokes that nobody can understand and you know what this guy is feeling or thinking just through the rise and fall of his tones. He knows you absolutely; what your likes and dislikes, your eating habits and even your sleeping pattern. That is rising no less at 11 am on weekends. And yet you pine for him, not being able to say anything because according to you, he just didn’t realize what he wants is just right in front of you.
He pours his heart out to you, tells his deepest secrets, shares his darkest (and perhaps) the silliest fantasies, talks about nothing absolutely important and yet you still wait for him. Listening to all his sad stories about the girl he’s seeing and stuff.
Stop. Don’t flatter yourself. If I were you, I’d make the most out of it. Listening to his whines for half a day entitles me to a tall glass of Starbucks (we will cure the addiction of coffee later shall we?). I mean come on. It’s not the issue of him not realizing who you are but it’s the matter of you realizing that HE IS JUST NOT INTO YOU. Why?
First, why would he want to get closer to you because you are really accessible like 24-hour a day? Like the moment he calls you, you’d be running to the phone. Don’t lie, honey and stop being in denial. I have been there and I know for a fact quite a few people has been in that situation.
Second, why would be want to chase you because he already has this control over you? Remember the time when he asked if you can just do him a favour about something and you just say yes without thinking? Like helping him to order a dress for his sister and despite the fact that you have no idea what a cocktail dress is, you went to approach the Barbie Brigade just to get their advice. Please, we can do better than lying.
Third, you will never say no. Admit it girls; it is very hard to say no to someone that we absolutely like and this guy I’ve been talking about fits every description like he understand you, gets your joke and bla bla bla. I know stories like that and may have been in situation like that.
Who doesn’t like a girl like that? A person who will never say no to anything, listens to him regardless how stupid a conversation can be and be an extremely faithful friend. Honestly, the disasterous word is just there: friend. You will always end up being his friend although you can end up writing a biography about him because (as it may hurt, I know), he is not into you.
And this waiting like the Taylor Swift song is excruciating and not only that, it will just throw your confidence out of the 88th floor of KLCC, slamming face first into a huge bowl of poo. Don’t ask me what the poo is dong in KLCC, I;m just painting an image here of how waiting for an absolutely clueless guy can do to your confidence. Like attending job interviews, loss of confidence in matters like this is completely disasterous.
If you have been in the situation like the one in the song, wake up and stop pining. If he calls you every now and then, be kind to your own heart. Just hide your handphone somewhere like under a stack of fluffy pillow just to silence the sound and cleanse your system. You can be more than just a person who says yes to everything.
If you are in the situation, pull the strings a little bit. Run away a little bit but never be afraid of getting the results. If he really is into you, if there is a future, he will chase and run for you. Never mind what will happen in the future but this is definitely better than having to start a blog and talk about the guy without knowing if he loves you or not. Three weeks later he has a girlfriend and where are you? Turning lesbian? Is that what you really want?
If one day you may be faced with this situation, don’t wait too long. You are worth it, you are more than worth it. Anyone who comes and smashes your confidence should not be in your life. I’m not telling that you should dump him but think multiple times before you agree to go here and there with him.
I’m talking from experience and in fact, I’m going through the very thing. I know I don’t have any problems going out with this particular guy but then I find him messaging me like every single day, talking about nothing important at all and then asking me for a movie or the likes can be confusing. And I got the confirmation that I’m just a friend so I think it is just appropriate to not watch movies, shop together and stuff like that like normal couples do, right? I can still do it very often if say… I’m 17 but not at this age. If I were to invest my time in it, it had better be worthwhile. I don’t want to feed his ego. Well, admit it. Guys like girls hanging out with them with no strings attached right?
I’m not a pro in this kind of things but there are some kind of things that I may have a clue about. And this is clearly it. Quit wasting your time for someone who doesn’t see you as someone who is special. Of course there is the stories like the girl you sister knows that end up getting married to her bestfriend but let me ask you a question; how many Bill Gates do we have in this world? If you answered one, then you should know the answer that the kind of stories are not applicable to everyone. Yes, it is indeed a very rude awakening but believe me, once you do it, you will emerge feeling a whole lot better about yourself.
Having said that I’m going to have another dose of Jared Padalecki in Supernatural. Have a nice week ahead!
Friday, October 02, 2009
ye kawan-kawan. hari raya sudah tiba. ini sebenarnya nasi himpit yang dimakan pada hari ketiga di rumah orang lain kerana tidak boleh memaafkan diri sendiri kalau memakan makanan ini di rumah sendiri kerana sudah makan secara pukal pada hari raya yang pertama. T_T
ni bukan nak buat ensiklopedia tentang makanan yang popular pada hari raya. saja je nak amek gamba keputat .. eh i mean ketupat sehari sebelum raya.
sedang memasak rendang untuk keesokan harinya
ini adalah supervisor; memastikan tukang amek gambar tidak membuat sebarang onar seperti mengacau rendang hingga hancur
tukang amek gamba terpaksa buang masa amek gamba kerana dia telah terhiris tangan sendiri semasa menghiris bawang. lain orang suruh buat, lain yang dia buat TSK
semangat kene jitu masa nak masak rendang. dah yang kau tu dok amek gamba semate tak reti-reti nak tolong?
tangan nampak shaky sebagai tanda beliau ingin berlalu pergi meninggalkan saya dengan kamera
penat jugak bercerita. mari kita minum dulu
ini pula wajah sepupu saya yang mungkin sedang mengira duit raya yang diberikan oleh sanak-saudara di pagi hari raya. sorikan i kasi duit raya yang kecl jumlahnya. i dah belanja u buke pose oke what?
ni pulak...bukan kuih di rumah sendiri.
ya begitulah cerita raya saya. saya kembali bekerja pada hari raya keempat. sekian terima kasih
Thursday, October 01, 2009
I find my happiness in a cup of coffee. Yes, it doesn’t take that much to make me happy, especially in the morning. I don’t need 20 kg of exorbitant chocolates (although the idea of eating products from La Maison du Chocolat may bring bigger smile). I don’t need Starbucks, San Francisco or Coffee Bean. My dear brother (panggil deat sebab dapat duit raya. Kalau tak dapat, jangan harap. Ye, saya MASIH dapat duit raya. Sila jeles) has showed that Kopi Kapal Api is really good. Thanks bro. Tahun depan jangan lupe kasi duit raya lagi. Hiks.
Where was I? Ouh coffee. I’m an addict. Even the smell of coffee can jolt me into several moments of complete awareness. I don’t know how it started but it doesn’t matter; I need that dose of coffee daily. And I’m sad to say that I suffer caffeine-withdrawal symptom the most during Ramadhan. Although I can always have a cup of steaming Nescafe during sahur, the feeling is different. Having a rushed coffee is totally different from sipping it once in a while in a stretch of an hour; for example. But still, it’d fall into a deep stupor within the first half an hour of work if I don’t drink the beverage. I know that coffee will make me dehydrated but even the idea of starting the day without one just makes me think of throwing myself over a cliff.
My normal consumption per day is two per day although it will dramatically increase if I am attacked by the mosquitoes at night. But I realized that I’m craving for more these days and I must say that I’m lucky that I had a long, peaceful, dreamless nights these days.
I’ve a good mind to own a coffee plantation because then I’d be fulfilling my own craving for the said beverage, which is one of the most popular beverages across the globe. Last year alone, the commodity ranked top in a total of 12 countries. And imagine me selling Kopi Luwak. This is the rarest gourmet coffee in the world where it was found to be selling at AUD 50 per cup at a cafĂ© called Heritage Tea Rooms in Australia. But no thanks, I don’t think I can swallow it because the beans are taken after they have ‘exited’ the system of a certain animal. I’d rather have mine clean. Check out Kopi Luwak (bukan Kopi Lawak)
If I find myself being tired or stressed, I find that the coffee smell calms me down. Ok bunyi dah mengalahkan orang hidu gam la kan but that is the truth. I am so addicted to coffee that there are times that I’d be running up and down looking for coffee and ended up being really cranky because of its action.
I do enjoy a cup of coffee when I was in university but it wasn’t this bad. Back then, a cup of coffee is all I can take. Now, I’m afraid that it has turned into cola; I do not even have trouble sleeping even if I take it at night.
I know that addiction is not good. It doesn’t matter which addiction are you referring to; cigarettes, drugs, shopping (yikes) or coffee. I know that too much coffee will cause osteoperosis but seriously, I just can’t stop.
Heck, if it’s any consolation, luckily I am not addicted to Coffeebucks. Ouh the coffee in the picture is courtesy of my colleague for my birthday. Thi hi hi.
Anyone suffers from caffeine addiction?
Where was I? Ouh coffee. I’m an addict. Even the smell of coffee can jolt me into several moments of complete awareness. I don’t know how it started but it doesn’t matter; I need that dose of coffee daily. And I’m sad to say that I suffer caffeine-withdrawal symptom the most during Ramadhan. Although I can always have a cup of steaming Nescafe during sahur, the feeling is different. Having a rushed coffee is totally different from sipping it once in a while in a stretch of an hour; for example. But still, it’d fall into a deep stupor within the first half an hour of work if I don’t drink the beverage. I know that coffee will make me dehydrated but even the idea of starting the day without one just makes me think of throwing myself over a cliff.
My normal consumption per day is two per day although it will dramatically increase if I am attacked by the mosquitoes at night. But I realized that I’m craving for more these days and I must say that I’m lucky that I had a long, peaceful, dreamless nights these days.
I’ve a good mind to own a coffee plantation because then I’d be fulfilling my own craving for the said beverage, which is one of the most popular beverages across the globe. Last year alone, the commodity ranked top in a total of 12 countries. And imagine me selling Kopi Luwak. This is the rarest gourmet coffee in the world where it was found to be selling at AUD 50 per cup at a cafĂ© called Heritage Tea Rooms in Australia. But no thanks, I don’t think I can swallow it because the beans are taken after they have ‘exited’ the system of a certain animal. I’d rather have mine clean. Check out Kopi Luwak (bukan Kopi Lawak)
If I find myself being tired or stressed, I find that the coffee smell calms me down. Ok bunyi dah mengalahkan orang hidu gam la kan but that is the truth. I am so addicted to coffee that there are times that I’d be running up and down looking for coffee and ended up being really cranky because of its action.
I do enjoy a cup of coffee when I was in university but it wasn’t this bad. Back then, a cup of coffee is all I can take. Now, I’m afraid that it has turned into cola; I do not even have trouble sleeping even if I take it at night.
I know that addiction is not good. It doesn’t matter which addiction are you referring to; cigarettes, drugs, shopping (yikes) or coffee. I know that too much coffee will cause osteoperosis but seriously, I just can’t stop.
Heck, if it’s any consolation, luckily I am not addicted to Coffeebucks. Ouh the coffee in the picture is courtesy of my colleague for my birthday. Thi hi hi.
Anyone suffers from caffeine addiction?
Monday, September 28, 2009
I am still reading the book about the qualities of the leader. Ouh no, I'm not planning to take over any major seats in the company that I'm attached with but the idea of taking over Richard Branson's company does not sound too bad. Yeah, wishful thinking.
I would like to share this part where the writer touches on loving what you do. Well, that's not the exact word in the book but I am too lazy to walk to my room and take the book so bear with me.
When we were young (I don't think small is appropriate because some people stay small and slim forever.nblasyfafbeufho. Lucky them), we have a lot of fantasies. I remember wanting to become a scientist (nowhere close), a teacher (no chance), a lawyer (loyar buruk bole la) and I may have the dream to become the person who discovers artifacts and fossils. I was driven, reading books after books upon my current fascination then and nothing seemed like a rouutine. Every day was filled with excitement, there never was a moment to feel bored because there's so much things to imagine. Like how I'm going to discover new viruses and teach my soft toys some idioms. Well, being the only girl has its own disadvantages like you'll end up a tree if you really want to push your brothers to play without.
Wait. Maybe I did ask them to climb the tree with me. Well, never mind.
But as we get older, we forgot how to imagine. And when we forgot how to imagine, there's no fun anymore. I personaly sometimes feel trapped. I go through this whole routine of waiting for the bus, walking to the office, pretend to be busy, do the job, read some work-related emails (well if not all the time, almost all the time then) and then go home. Repeat the steps like ten times and be ready to fall into a coma. I'm just painting the scenario though because I'm blessed with an office full of fun people. But I had the experience when I worked with other places. I feel there's nothing that iIcan do. I feel trapped. And I realised that it happened because I let go of the thing that I love to do.
Its good to be doing something that you like and good at. Like, some peope are good at playing the piano but sometimes they forgot to allocate the time to play it, citing reasons like busy, no time bla bla bla. But after reading the particular chapter, I realised that doing something that we love to do is a good way of de-stressing out selves. And doing something that we are good at and honing the skill might even become more satisying.
Go back to the root. Reflect back to the time when we are young (if can, innocent). What are the things that we spend hours doing that we forgot to sleep, eat or even play with other people. Playing hide-and-seek may not be applicable here. Find that activity and start doing it again. Break the routine of just going to work and returning home to sleep. Break it by doing the thing that we love. I love reading and I really can't wait to go back and read something. Reading is something that I love doing since I was a little kid and i can just get lost in the midst of the sea of books. Which reminds me that I didn't manage to get Time Traveller's Time *cries.
I don't know Zila. Maybe my Personal Legend is not teaching. Because I remember writing stories when I was young. A LOT. I spent hours writing and perfecting the characters. Maybe that's my Personal Legend because I enjoy it the most. But I do appreciate you trying to suggest what my Personal Legend is because I was blur. Maybe this is the path that I should take although I may not end up as JK Rowling (imagine having lunch in Buckingham Palace weih) or Stephen King (gile bes ni byk buku jadi movie).
I know what I need to do now. I know what gives me the satisfaction (apart from eating). So, why not go find the thing that you love to do to break the routine? And tell me how it feels.
I would like to share this part where the writer touches on loving what you do. Well, that's not the exact word in the book but I am too lazy to walk to my room and take the book so bear with me.
When we were young (I don't think small is appropriate because some people stay small and slim forever.nblasyfafbeufho. Lucky them), we have a lot of fantasies. I remember wanting to become a scientist (nowhere close), a teacher (no chance), a lawyer (loyar buruk bole la) and I may have the dream to become the person who discovers artifacts and fossils. I was driven, reading books after books upon my current fascination then and nothing seemed like a rouutine. Every day was filled with excitement, there never was a moment to feel bored because there's so much things to imagine. Like how I'm going to discover new viruses and teach my soft toys some idioms. Well, being the only girl has its own disadvantages like you'll end up a tree if you really want to push your brothers to play without.
Wait. Maybe I did ask them to climb the tree with me. Well, never mind.
But as we get older, we forgot how to imagine. And when we forgot how to imagine, there's no fun anymore. I personaly sometimes feel trapped. I go through this whole routine of waiting for the bus, walking to the office, pretend to be busy, do the job, read some work-related emails (well if not all the time, almost all the time then) and then go home. Repeat the steps like ten times and be ready to fall into a coma. I'm just painting the scenario though because I'm blessed with an office full of fun people. But I had the experience when I worked with other places. I feel there's nothing that iIcan do. I feel trapped. And I realised that it happened because I let go of the thing that I love to do.
Its good to be doing something that you like and good at. Like, some peope are good at playing the piano but sometimes they forgot to allocate the time to play it, citing reasons like busy, no time bla bla bla. But after reading the particular chapter, I realised that doing something that we love to do is a good way of de-stressing out selves. And doing something that we are good at and honing the skill might even become more satisying.
Go back to the root. Reflect back to the time when we are young (if can, innocent). What are the things that we spend hours doing that we forgot to sleep, eat or even play with other people. Playing hide-and-seek may not be applicable here. Find that activity and start doing it again. Break the routine of just going to work and returning home to sleep. Break it by doing the thing that we love. I love reading and I really can't wait to go back and read something. Reading is something that I love doing since I was a little kid and i can just get lost in the midst of the sea of books. Which reminds me that I didn't manage to get Time Traveller's Time *cries.
I don't know Zila. Maybe my Personal Legend is not teaching. Because I remember writing stories when I was young. A LOT. I spent hours writing and perfecting the characters. Maybe that's my Personal Legend because I enjoy it the most. But I do appreciate you trying to suggest what my Personal Legend is because I was blur. Maybe this is the path that I should take although I may not end up as JK Rowling (imagine having lunch in Buckingham Palace weih) or Stephen King (gile bes ni byk buku jadi movie).
I know what I need to do now. I know what gives me the satisfaction (apart from eating). So, why not go find the thing that you love to do to break the routine? And tell me how it feels.
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