Friday, May 08, 2009

I have too much time in my hands

Need proofs? I have been thinking about useless things and things that really do not need noticing

1. Why does boy bands and girlbands (do you even have that term?) have a lot of members
My theory: because they can’t really sing. Having a lot of members means that they will have one who can sing fairly good, not really good, horrible or can’t sing at all. Hence, if the lead singer can’t really sing, the terrible singing quality of the other members will make the singer end up looking like he or she can sing quite good.

2. Continuation of the above question
My theory: there will be one or two seriously good looking or hot member(s). These good looking ones will be the one who will attract the buyers.

3. As kids have the tendency to change their name to some trendy nicks to be used online, I will be naming my kid D4ni37 as in Daniel. So, he would not have to change his name online. He only needs to use the given name as a nickname.

And I will be naming my daughter Thoraya but of course it will be pronounced as Suraya. It’s just that I changed the spelling of my name to look a bit unique online. So I am actually doing her a favour.

I hear someone say ‘Have mercy on your unborn child’ but I’m just trying help this little guy and girl.

O boy. My kids will be beaten to pulp in the playground. They will even have to turn into bullies to defend themselves.

4. I hereby conclude that free food at the office does not count as calories. The free foods in the office (namely cakes, biscuits, chocolates (from Dubai T_T) , butter cakes, sesame buns etc) are nothing. They are free food and do not contribute to the expansion of the waistline.

See? I have too much time in my hand. Why do I even bother thinking about all these stuff, I seriously have no idea. I have nothing else to do, apparently. And my brain has this ability to think multiple stuff when I was busy doing work at the office.

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