OK, don't kill me. the pictures are taken after after we have eaten. so tired after the pictures we took in KTM

star of the day. dhamia is it?

dayya and syud berebut star

ok yg pakai topi belakang tu pak tam, tepi die teratak. baju hitam putih kesuma, sebelah kiri itu NJay, yg pakai tudung pink tu tuan punye kamera, sebelah kanan tuan-punye-kamera (apsal panjang sgt), safina17. egyptian sebelah kiri tu tatau sape. (jgn pukol jo)
oh btw i was supposed to place this pic at the end of the entry but too lazy to move it. thi hi hi

apun was playing host. maybe. ouh he's the one wearing the black t-shirt

ape bende la lagi tu apun oi

ape bende la tu apun. the biscuits on the table was courtesy of imran

four tables, reserved for us

this is the thing about amek gamba suke hati. people won't look at your camera

melissa, what are you staring at? look at apun again. sungguh aktif bersosial

kesuma@ alifah dok jauh sgt :(

dayya dayya (the one in green), plis jgn balik dulu

nia and the cake. the cake itu is the sedap (jahanam bahasa)

plis saf. kalo nak cake tu ckp je. jo was looking at imran actually

nia's expression says it all about the cakes and biscuits. ekspresi tidak pedulikan benda lain dlm dunia selain biskut-biskut itu

dah la bawak kek, lps tu amek gamba lagi. terbaik la

org nak amek gamba die ke die nak amek gamba org?

muke kekonon tak bersalah padahal baru je tumpahkan air

jurugamba sedang berfikir mcm mane nak susun budak-budak ni

the white blur was jo actually, nothing scary so no worries
ah there you go. there are other pictures in someone else's cameras too i think . soory, was too tired so had not much energy to push the buttons anymore T_T
yeay! thanks ucu for uploading... hehehe.. btw, sy sndiri blum rasa lagi kek air tgn mak mertua..(eh?)
aah!! jeles ah, jeles ah!
thanks ucu. :D yeayy yeayy.
waa..sy sungguh keibuan ^__^
ida: nnt ade lagi kot. takpe takpe nnt ade la tu
alifah: tq jugak sbb tgk
syud: yes very
thanks ucu..btw sy bkn interframe..
khairulzuan: tak tak tak ckp pun interframe :((
oh la..
tetibe cm tak puas lak tgok gambar sikit je..
btw thanks for uploading the pic ucu!
ade lagi tu maul kat camera org lain
jelesnyaa...sepatutnya saya ada disitu..eh? dialukan tak?hehehe..
tak puas la ngk gambar sikit! nak lagi!heeee~~
kinkin: mestilah dialu-alukan. sorry la ade lagi kat kamera org lain anyways
thanks ucu sbb upload gambar. nnt kalo free tolong upload gambar2 ko ke gmail aku ek?
thanks :D
ah, tahap cemburu saya memuncak kala ini! mengapa saya dikehendaki pergi ke seminar itu??? apa salah saya? mengapa tak boleh suruh orang lain ganti? huh!
waa... nak sangat jumpa semua tapi dipaksa pergi ke seminar tiga hari di Machang. Last minute calling. Saya dah siap tempah baju lip-lap, lip-lap lagi nak pergi majlis iftar tu. huhuhu...
tak apalah, tak ada jodoh nak ketemu. mudah-mudahan, di lain masa, Insyaallah...
by the way, thanks for uploading the photo. terasa seperti berada di sana juga.
p/s: kenapa tak nampak gambar caha?
oh ye lupe. itu bukan Star. Itu Jack Jack :P
yer, kek itu sangat sedap. sorry shaz, nia rasmikan dulu. huhu..
looks like you had a ball :D
ridh: caha yang berbaju hijau itu
jp: ya btol
nia: sedap kan kan kan?
ade: ouh thanks. yes we did
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