Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Disclaimer: This is based on personal opinion. Proceed at your own risk

Do You Come Here Often? by Alexandra Potter

Chic list are mostly full of cliches. Well, undeniably true? But still, there are times that I would l
love to be reading something that is rather sweet, not totally horrific or downright funny like the usual choice of My favourites. And a friend mentioned about this book from Alexandra Potter. Since my high expectations were crushed when I read Carole Matthews, I decided to try reading is book.

I fell in love with this book from Alexandra Potter in the first few pages. It's funny and witty.

What do I like about it?
1. The story seemed close enough. Like, it happened in real life. A struggle of finding the right person rather than becoming the person someone wants you to be. The struggle to keep thin when someone expects you to be although you are pretty comfortable with yourself.

2. The dilemma is true enough like the struggle of women finding partners. Now now, I'm sure guys face the same problem too but this is a chic lit so bear with me.

3. The ever lingering question of whether there will be someone for us. Yes, scary. What if there isn't?

4. It gives hope that some people change. After some life-changing experience that is.

Would I recommend it to anyone? I think I would. Cross that, I recommend it. I can't wait to take a look at Alexandra Potter's other books.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I don't know about you guys but I kind of grew up during the time Freddy Krueger is a famous figure. Not famous like Barney (I hate Barney and so does Mosh) but I really have a fear for him. Maybe like Voldermort in Harry Potter but in real life.

I'm starting to confuse myself so I'm just going to make a summary of it: when I was young, I watched Nightmare on Elm Street. I'm scared of him. It. Freddy. Ok, whatever.

Anyways, you might think that the movie is just going to scare the daylight out of you but I digress. I think there are a few valuable lessons from the movie.

1. One should not sleep in class. To quote from Freddy 'You shouldn't sleep in class, you know' (insert the sound of knives being scratched over the blackboard).

2. This advice is not for those under the age of 12 - wet dream is not always fun you know. Especially when you are swimming in blood.

3. United we stand, divided we fall (right?). This is pretty obvious during the scene when all the parents gang up...hurm... one shall not spoil the story for everyone. Keyword: the parents gang up to do something; sign of them working together.

4. Remember to activate the alarm in your house when you are alone.

5. For those who are about to work in pharmacy/ hospital (points to syud), ignore the person's requests for a certain drug if you do not have the authorization to do so. If it means they will die writhing on the floor, be it. Proceed to arrange and rearrange the drug bottles on the shelves lovingly while victims scream their heads of off on the floor.

6. History puts you to sleep, when we are supposed to be reading it straight from the textbook. See point number 1. Avoid teaching history in the usual, conventional manner. Proceed to teach using pantomines and acting. Plus the dresses and make ups.

See? I told you. Six valuable points to take note from them movie. However, I have to share with you the scariest part in the event. It happened before the movie started.

Well, my friend and I came late to the movie and we had to get to our seats that are very close to the middle on the 2nd last row. Our row is nearly quite full so my friend suggested that we try to get in from the back row, which of course means climbing onto the seat on the front. For those who know me, you'll know that my height will be of a problem to do so However, I tried because my friend managed to. Well, I was having doubts then and I should have known that having doubts while attempting a stunt (I would like to think) is not good. Take for example going on a roller coaster. Err, except I never have been on one, too scared.

Anyways, it was already dark in the cinema and of course, couldn't watch my step. Guess what? I got stuck for a good half minute. Between the seats. It was really a scary situation to be in. Just imagine if I to stumble and roll all the way to the front. Wow, that would teach me for attempting such moves. Should make a note to be more proper and be less boyish.

And the thing that is scarier than Freddy Krueger is I still have the purplish-black-blue-gray with a hint of indigo bruise on me, a good five days after the event. Totally scary. Not even Freddy can beat that.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion. Proceed at your own risk

its about a road trip. how a person who were released from prison early only to found out that his life is already dead. Shadow has already lost Laura.

It seems that the gods are trying to take away the people's believe from modern gods (Internet and Media). its like the same case with the Greek gods; they won't last if the people stop believing. Ouh ya, a bit like Freddy Krueger too.

So he went with Mr Wednesday (or so he said) to gather all the old gods in other to beat the modern gods who really want to keep them off the world. He moves from one site to another; looking and meeting other gods. He tries to eliminate Wednesday's enemies while at the same time trying to stay alive after being beaten by the modern gods' team.

Shadow practices coin magic and in one incident, he gave the wrong coin to the wrong person who later saves his life. He also learnt tricks that he never knew he can do; putting ideas in people's and make them believe it. He found mysteries and solve them (like the city where each kid got lost during the winter). He kind of gave Laura another life before death without him knowing so.

It is hard to say the genre of this book. There's love, mystery, thriller, drama, fantasy, fiction and history. It was rather heavy (compared to Terry Pratchett) but I enjoyed it. Obviously, Neil Gaiman did a thorough research on the gods and I can imagine it is not easy. There's a glimpse of famous ones like Easter, Odin while there's also Horus and Ifrit. Although they make short cameos, one will still have to know their function to make the story believable, right?

I was kept wondering what happened from one page to another; why was he released from prison too early, was it the dead Laura that walked with him in the city, was he hallucinating or it really happened when he decided to be Wednesday's vigil? It was definitely a page turner.

There are many gods in books (feel free to browse yourself). Although Internet, Media and TV are not considered as gods, don't you think we are putting more faith in them?

I give four chocolate doughnuts. Ouh strictly not for anyone who prefer not to read about others' beliefs.

p/s: pinggang masih steady la dukung imran hari ni. heh

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

berbaloi balik lmbt sbb nan cis kj. heee

btw, tq azreen share pasal buku alexandra potter. baru sampai page 25, aku tak boleh letak dah buku tu. :)

p/s: dah tak payah buat muke sedih. tanak kawan dah bye

Sunday, May 16, 2010

urm...jgnlah ini jadi false alarm
tanak sedih-sedih pls
byk lagi bende nak fokus dan fikir
cthnya ....
bagaimanakah untuk menyelesaikan masalah 'spare tyre'

time kaseh kepada semua yang menggembirakan saya pada hujung minggu yang super sibuk ini
kepada imran juga
kepada along yg bawak imran
kepada emak yang bawa imran
haha semua pun imran la
nnt addin dah sebut baru sebut nama addin lagi byk

p/s: part time board review is here
kalau kau sakit, maksudnya kau pernah sihat
kalau kau pernah sedih,  maksudnya kau kenal akan erti gembira
kalau kau kecewa, maksudnya kau pernah meletakkan harapan.

sakit, memang sakit. tapi rasanya lebih elok menangis tiga jam, kemudian jadi seperti biasa.
daripada senyum, sembunyikan rasa dan merana tiga bulan.

tapi tadi imran datang riang, tersenyum buat kusenang jalan terkengkang-kengkang
terus terbang semua kesedihan
siapa sangka, tak sampai 3 jam bersedih
dah ada pengubat.

p/s: rasa macam nak cari kerja part time? cuba di sini

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

orang sentiasa tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita tapi dia tak pernah tahu apa yang sebenarnya perlu dia buat. kerana itulah kita memang akan mempunyai sangat ramai tukang nasihat tak bergaji; beri nasihat bila kita tak perlukan pun. minta pun tidak tiba-tiba terasa nak jadi kaunselor.

baguslah kalau ada orang begitu risau sekali kalau kau ambik PTPTN. risau sehingga dia annoy kau sebab kau dah nak masuk Uni pun time tu. kalau dia risau, baguslah. make sure la PTPTN yang dia pinjam tu dia bayar balik.

bagus juga kalau dia risau course yang kau ambik tu susah dan mengikut kata dia, banyak saingan. pelik juga aku, yang berkata ni datang dari mana? dari mana dia dapat teori sesiapa yang belajar akaun pasti akan jadi akauntan, yang berlajar undang-undang pasti akan jadi peguam?

ini bukan zaman 40-an lagi. if you want that thing to happen, it will happen. on one condition; you make it happen. malas nak buat poll berapa ramai budak IT tak end up buat IT langsung pun. konon terjamin masa depan last-last buat benda lain.

jadi sepupu, orang boleh cakap apa dia nak. ko tak payah risau la. bende ni semua ko akan lalui dan kalau ko berjaya lalui, tahniah! sebab kau sudahpun jadi lebih kuat.

baguslah kalau ada orang risau sangat dan facebook membuang masa. tapi make sure la orang yang bercakap tu pun tak membuang masa, contohnya belajar siang malam sampai rupa pun dah jadi panda. dia barangkali lupa yang 'all work makes jack's a dumb boy'. elok la orang tu berkarya dan berfacebook (dengan cara elok) daripada dia pergi bakar tiang telefon di mana-mana.

masih lagi teringat akan kata-kata seorang kawan yang kononnya risau sgt tentang status aku. kerana bersungguh-sungguh menasihatkan aku mencari pasangan, aku berterima kasihlah. tapi sungguh yakin nampaknya dia bahawa jodohnya akan sampai ke tua. masalahnya, kita manusia, tak boleh menentukan. kesian tgk dia sekarang. sekarang, dia pula kata 'eloklah kau tak kawen lagi. nanti jadi macam ni'. hurmm

we define our own successes and we lead our own lives. we can get gold, money and assets but these are bound to be lost. what remains are our beliefs and principles. if we lose our principles, what else is there to define us?

remember, we dictate our own lives.

Monday, May 10, 2010

IMF mempunyai maksud lain selain daripada International Monetary Fund
apa dia?
jeng jeng jeng!

mahu buku elektronik percuma? ada review tentangnya di sini .

(oke fine syud dah edit :P)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

I remember (although not distinctly) that I used to gawk in awe at bus conductors. Why? Because they seem to have so much power on a bus. On the wheels, they have absolute authority, their voices command complete obligation while nobody can say no when they demand money. Imagine how I perceive the career then; absolute power. When the conductor say go in, people go in, when he or she wants you to sit at the back, you just do, when he wants you to go off into the street, you go. In short, on the bus, it becomes his kingdom.

Back then, conductors have this small device that goes ‘klik-klak’ (I think) when passengers pay for tickets. This, although I’m not proud to say, really enticed me. I never see that kind of device being sold everywhere back then. This signals that the device is extremely precious, a fact proven to be false, I discovered later. I remember vaguely that I made the request to Mak that I wanted the same thing, so I can play with it at home. Mak said nothing but now, I can imagine her horror.

‘ Why would my daughter wants to become a bus conductor?’

Mind you, I have nothing against bus conductors but even now, a woman conductor is uncommon, she must have taught it to be a very challenging job for me.

So please bus conductors, do not leave me at the side of the road because of this story. Where were we? Oh...

I discovered I was not the only one. A few of my childhood friends have the same adoration for bus conductors. How naïve can we be?
 Do you remember in primary school when the teachers ask about your ambition? I really, seriously contemplated to answer bus conductor during the first three years at during the primary school. But being in a girls’ school, I was never able to do so. I listened to my classmates’ ambitions; doctors, lawyers, accountants (yeah, those were unimaginative years) and decided to take the safe route. When I look back at the files, my ambitions did not vary; doctor, lawyer and teacher. I never had the chance to say tell my teachers the truth that I wanted to be a bus conductor. I wonder, how will she react if I happen to tell her just that?

To this day, I still look at bus conductors as very important figures. Without them, there will be total chaos on the bus. People will be standing anywhere (like RapidKL)  and people will spend nearly ¾ of their morning to wait for the bus.

So, am I the only odd one out, dreaming of becoming a conductor, or you also feel the same thing? 

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion, proceed at your own risk
Some may not find The Winner Stands Alone from Paulo Caelho as interesting but I do. The things that he wrote in there like fashion, saying things in fashion will be obsolete in the next six months, is interesting. The fact that he said the IT bigshots wear jeans and shirts should be an indication that the big cars, the glittery dresses and the fame are worthless.

This book is the latest book from Caelho and unlike his other writings, this is about us, about struggling in the world where money and fame triumph over personal development. Where over people with over inflated ego try to make the most out of everything to their own benefit.

The story starts with Igor who flew down to Cannes, not to see the renowned film festival but to get back his ex-wife, Ewa. He believes that destroying worlds (killing people) will send the message to Ewa that he still loves her. It doesn't make sense, of course, because a lot of things do not makes sense in this world.

Glimpses of the cruel truth about fame and glamour are available in this book. For those who look for an eye-opener, this is recommended. But those who hate authors who preach, stay as far as you can from this book.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 delicious, chocolate-filled doughnuts. The other half I intend to give it to my nephew.

Friday, May 07, 2010

kadang-kadang, susah nak percaya orang ada memori fotografik
bukanlah sebab orang itu tidak fotogenik tetapi macam susah nak percaya

tadi, pergi makan tosai sardin lagi
memang mudah kena racun kalau bab makan
maka makan pun dengan gembira, makan berdua macam makan untuk 3 orang
macam biasa, mesti ada tosai sardin terselit
tibalah masa untuk membayar
'eh mamat ni lagi?'

normal bagi pelanggan untuk ingat muka penjual
sungguh tidak pelik kerana berapa ramai sangat pelayan di kedai tersebut
'pi mai pi mai tang tu jugak'
yang tak puas hatinya
kenapa mamak tu ingat muke aku?
kenapa kenapa?
'akak, kali ni tosai sardin betul ye kak?'

sabo je aku

p/s: kami sudah menulis review tentang VSHub. sila berkunjung

Thursday, May 06, 2010

 So, here I am, taking (drugs) medicine and since I feel useless, why not promote Kapsule 2nd edition?

  Yes, it is here again for downloading, the Second Dosage. The second edition was the result of the blood, sweat and tears (or rather, coffee and sandwiches) of Kapasitor members. You can find the best poems, excellent stories and marvelous artworks, combined in one e-magazine. There are a lot of excellent pieces in kapasitor and the English team really tries hard to pick them and bring them together. Mind you, it is not easy.

  So how do you get to download Kapsule May 2010; Second Dosage? Try this link. Or here. Or this one too.

  Ok that was annoying.

  Anyways, moving on.

  Kapsule, as you know it, does not only focus on writing. In this edition, you can even watch a video from paktam85 and rama_rama, making it the first e-magazine from kapasitor to be featuring video from its users and we do hope so this will not be the last e-magazine in this website to do just that. Hence, we would like to welcome you to come up with your video to be shared with all of us. It can be about you, about someone else or anything.

 And, we would also like to call for submission under the theme 'blood'. There is something special in this edition but I really cannot give too much away because I think the drug effect is kicking in. With that, I leave you with the hope to see more of your contributions.  

p/s: it's not to late to checkout the place to get things for your wedding day. check out our review and wait for the ugly truth of VShub ;)

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

keypad tepon dia sudah elok gamaknya
maka sudah berjaya membalas sms
sungguh rasa bangga mengikut kata nasihat seorang kawan
Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion. Proceed at your own risk.

The title itself is mushy and truthfully, boring. Why did i proceed to read? Because I want to see if it turns out to be different. i want to know whether Spencer is really Sally's knight in the armour, getting her out of the dump. In that sense, it is a page turner.

Story-wise? I'd say nothing special. A woman wants to have a better life for a kid, ex-boyfriend tries to win her back, new boyfriend comes, dashingly handsome, rich bla bla bla. Seriously, boring plot. Very predictable. You just need read like 15 pages and flip the backpage and look for another book. Maybe something from dilbert. That's be fun.

Can I give rating here? Anyways I want to. A half eaten, stale donut/ 5 freshly baked doughnuts.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

We should be happy being a woman. Why?

  1. Crying is blackmail. This, you can learn from small kids. When they cry hard enough, they can get away with it. Try crying when your boyfriend is mad at you. It might work (I say might) but not your husband. Father? In certain situations.
  2. We get to wear (sometimes) ridiculous stuff. Example, we get to wear bubble dresses with bows on the waist (not that I’ve tried it). If you are really cute, then you can get away with it. You can die trying putting bows on any part of your attire if you are a guy. Even the one on your neck can make you ridiculous.
  3. PMS. Ah, the ever famous excuse. When mom is having a bad mood, she’s on PMS and other people don’t really talk about it that much. Lazy to smile? Use the PMS excuse. PMS seems to be the answer to almost anything and guys usually understand this. Mess with a woman on PMS is like waking a sleeping dragon having Monday Blues.
  4. Women can get away with being close to kids. It’s okay for women to get to close with kids. Have you noticed that this is not the case with guys? Try this and guys, you may be called as paedophile.
  5. Sad Card: Being blonde. When we use the ‘I don’t know’ excuse, guys will usually come to the rescue. I kind of used this a few times because I’m too lazy. Believe me, I’m not proud of it.
  6. We can get away with almost anything. Lost the parking ticket? There’s a huge chance we might not have to endure the RM50 fine. If this happen to guys, dream on. Just prepare the RM50 beforehand.
  7. We don’t have to fret too much about paying at eateries. Point, order and eat while the guy settles it. Even if you do not feel it’s appropriate for the guy to be paying for it, just shut up and smile. When you insist too hard on paying, it will be a huge blow to his ego. Just enjoy the moment and remember to go to Top Hat or somewhere really expensive next time. Nah, kidding.
  8. It is okay for woman to be emotional. Guys can never get away with this.
  9. Womens’ apparel is affordable. Guys’ shoes can easily cost RM 300. Women only need about 10% of that to get a cute stiletto in Vincci.
  10. Women are nice to look at. Come on. Even I ogle at girls.
  11. ‘Diamonds are girls’ bestfriend’. And yours guys? Something boring we suppose.
So girls, what do you enjoy most? 

Saturday, May 01, 2010

sekalipun kita sering dibantu dengan bermacam teknologi yang canggih-canggih, sangatlah penting untuk menerapkan sifat berjaga-jaga semasa menggunakannya
fokus kita pada hari ini: predictive text system (sumpah nak gelak pada ayat ini)

tadi, baru sahaja berbual dengan rakan tentang keinginan mereview VSHub tapi dia kata nanti dulu
ada sebab tersendiri di atas kejadian yang terjadi
baiklah tak mengapa
lalu, telefonlah emak kerana sudah rindu mahu dengan suara sallehudin imran
kemudian terdengar bunyi text notification tapi masih teruskan berbual dengan emak
bila habis sahaja berbual, tengok telefon kembali
buka peti masuk dan terlihat 'stupid predictive text'
tak faham
bila baca mesej terdahulu baru faham

kawan ingin suruh buat bertenang (sebenarnya bawa bertenang tapi maafkan dia, terlupa mungkin)
bila guna predictive text
jadilah 'bust bertenang'
sumpah gelak dengan sangat hebat di depan komputer, nasib baik tak kene jerit sebab memekak waktu malam

p/s: ini ada review terbaru di blog yang satu lagi tentang review, untuk sesiapa yang ingin cari informasi. saksikan di one-stop-review.