Wednesday, June 30, 2010

baru sahaja eksaited nak beli kasut bila student bayar tuition fees

kedai kasut tutup 
itu tandanya...kena berjimat cermat

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

aku bukanlah seorang yang istiqamah dalam menjaga pemakanan. aku mengaku, bila sampai musim, tiba-tiba saja aku akan jadi begitu peka terhadap pemakanan yang sehat. seperti contoh, baru-baru ini aku giat membeli vitagin kurang gula untuk menjaga kesihatan perut.

btw, mengapakah vitagen kurang gula dijual pada harga yang lebih tinggi berbanding vitagen biasa. bukankah pembuatan vitagen kurang gula sepatutnya lebih murah kerana kurang gula dimasukkan di dalam minuman tersebut? ha tak paham tu buat-buatlah paham sebab aku pun dah tak paham apa aku tulis.

ouh, kembali kepada perkara pokok.

sekalipun aku tidaklah begitu menitik-beratkan pemakanan diri aku yang berat ini, aku cuba juga makan sayur setiap hari. kalau tidak 5 kali sehari, 1 pun sudah cukup bagus (gile tak seimbang). jadi, emosi aku sungguh terusik kalau buka tudung saji dan tidak melihat sayur. bagaimana dengan serat yang penting untuk penghadaman perut aku? ini sungguh tidak adil.

jadi, kalau tiada sayur di bawah tudung saji, selalunya aku akan tutup tudung saji dengan selamba sambil jadi ikan emas dengan minum air sebanyak mungkin. risau juga sebenarnya kalau-kalau paru-paru aku bakal tenggelam dek air tapi tak mengapalah, aku rela. aku perlu menipu diri yang aku sudah kenyang untuk mengelakkan aku daripada menyunyah saat burung hantu sahut-menyahut.

penipu haram. mana ade burung hantu dekat pantai valley (tiru sepupu yg nak masuk UTM bulan depan. belajar elok-elok douh. nnt petang rabu agak-agak bosan, roger ah kite tgk wayang kat KLCC).

ish. termelalut lagi.

hurm sebenarnya entri ini nak menceritakan perasaan kecil hari bila tiada sayur di bawah tudung saji, dengan harapan nenek membacanya. lupa pula beliau tiada komputer T_T

Monday, June 28, 2010

Word-smith Seminar

Originally uploaded by uculer
Why not? In my honest opinion, I can control my own time as I am my own boss. I can afford to be choosy (of course in the case of ‘beggars can’t be choosers’, this is not applicable). Let me tell you why. Well, it’s ok if you want to leave my article here. Although you know *kuis kaki I am kind of hoping you’d stay.

First, people like Yours Truly who have severe financial turmoil in her own purse, are able to get extra money. Be it for the new shoes (sales in Vincci), the new shirt (sales in MNG), new handphone (iPhone 4) or getting married (not to another wife). In my case, I do freelance work in campus to get extra money.

For undergraduates out there, freelancing will add to your resume. Imagine this; would a future employer look for a fresh graduate without experience or a graduate with some experience, even self-employed ones?

Second, we control our own time. Some people already have desk-bound jobs so they allocate certain time in a week to do some freelancing. Of course, this will need some time management skill. Well, we really cannot have workers blogging about a new iPhone 4 during working hour right?

Third, we can determine where to work. Ah, isn’t it nice to be sipping coffee in a kopitiam while typing away the latest project? Your office is anywhere; it does not have to be specifically at a designated office.

However, let us focus on writing as freelancing. I have good news for those who love writing and maybe, share some ways to get extra income.

‘Worldwide online advertising is expected to rise 12.4% this year to $61 billion, according to a new report from MagnaGlobal, the forecasting unit of advertising holding company Interpublic Group of Cos.

In addition, the report noted that paid search has become the most important component of online advertising; Magna expects pay-per-click ads to account for $29.8 billion in expenditures, up 16.5% over the 2009 total. All other online channels combined will grow 8.7% this year, the company said.’

Cited from BtoBonline.

More online spending means more online advertisement. This means that more money is being infused into online publishing, hurrah for bloggers! But no, there is no need for everyone to have a blog now although you can do so if you want to, nobody is going to stop you BUT that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are some other ways to get extra income through freelancing.

So, are you curious to know more about freelance writing? Want to know more on how to benefit from your talent? Here’s a perfect place to do so. Check out the ‘Wordsmith Seminar’ from Kapasitor, coming to you in July 2010.

Instructor: Siti Aishah bt Abdul Aziz
Fees: RM 80 (payable upon registration. Non-refundable)
Time: 9am-6pm
Location: FnD Mindspot, 103A, Jalan Aminuddin Baki, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 KL
What can be expected: How to stand out from other freelancers, how to come up with good resume, tips and tricks to freelance writing, among others
Target: Anyone interested in freelancing; students, housewives (with recommendable English)
Requirements: Participants will have to write an essay of between 150 words and 250 words for discussion session. Topic can include anything, including

Participants will get notes and materials during the seminar (other TBA). The speaker will also share some ways to earn extra income (not MLM and certainly not Skim Cepat Kaya ;).

Please do not hesitate to PM me or email me at uculer[at] for further enquiries :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

maka pasukan perancis pun pulang utk makan roti perancis
dan pasukan italy...oke malas ah ckp

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

attention to all translators
'take a leaf out of the book' should be translated as 'mengambil daun dari bukunya'
' come out of the closet' does not mean keluar dari almari 

i do not know how they hire these people but i personally think this should not happen. i mean, it is your job. if kak bedah bawak bas did this, i would understand but someone who does this for living cannot make such mistakes. 

i mean, if they really do it for a living

and an episode of criminal minds 
brunette translated to 'berambut perang'
some people may have forgotten about dictionaries

Saturday, June 19, 2010

si keletah

kerjakan teddy bear
Originally uploaded by uculer
i miss him. i really do. but this time around, when i say i'm busy, i really do.

miss his vice on the phone. mak must have misplaced her phone somewhere TSK

Thursday, June 17, 2010

10 Benefits of World Cup
Ya, I know. The time has arrived again when we will see our colleagues (or even bosses) stagger into the office at nearly noon. Bloodshot eyes and unkempt hair included in the package. Worried moms will be losing sanity looking at the kids camping in front of the TV but let's take a positive look on how the event can benefit us

1. For the girls out there, this is the perfect opportunity to go on a date with your crush. Ask him out for dinner to watch the live game or the rerun. And when you think it will be disastrous to see him screaming abuse to team playing on the screen, do not fret. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about him inside out.

But don’t forget to learn the rules and get to know who is playing. We are watching the game, not learning about the game. Trust me, the guy will have no time teaching you about free kicks, penalty kicks and stuff. Do you research and learn the rules, get paid lessons from your brother if you must. Guys think it is cool if chicks dig sports.

2. Again for girls; perfect time to get your boyfriend or partner with your friends. It will be even better if you can drag your father and brothers along. Cut all the hassle of getting to know him better by bringing him home for dinner, small family gathering etc. Just make sure you have the team right. We do not want bloodbaths and complications to your love life if you bring supporters of opposing teams together. .

3. Perfect time to test whether your partners love you (I say partners because some girls are S crazy about footballs as guys do. And some guys do not watch footballs). Text them when their favourite team is playing. See if they can take a time off howling with laughter when the players keel over and reply your text. Typing mindless tittle-tattle will be just perfect.

4. Perfect time to get the husband wake you up and take care of the screaming baby. Let’s not be too hopeful on him taking care of the baby, shall we?

5. Some bosses allow people to come in later than usual. Use this to your benefit. Never mind you don’t even know that Honduras made it into the game.

6. For those who are running a restaurant, this is a perfect time to start inviting everyone to your shop and make good use of the event. Benefit from it. Ouh throwing free drinks wouldn't hurt.

7. Woman, your partners would hardly care what you shop during this one month. They have other more important things in their mind. This is the time that you can get away with almost anything.

Don’t believe me? Brazil’s stock exchange was heavily interrupted during their game. Traders actually stopped trading to watch the game. See? I’m not making this all up?

8. It is still not too late to ask for another TV set or Astro account. Trust me.

9. This is perfect for those who have to wrestle their siblings to the ground when it comes to using the computer. There are three matches in a day so you will get about 6 hours on the computer. Just lure them with the promise of junk food in front of the TV.

10. If there is one thing people can accept, it is illogical reasons. 'Why do you look so glum?' 'Nani is not playing this time'.
Why the long face?
Answer: Spain lost
And they will go...'ouh...right'.
Nevermind that you do not know the first thing about penalty box or kicks. Just learn the teams playing in the game and the schedule. Easy peasy.

With that people, I invite you to lengthen the list. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the game.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

why you should get an iPad:

reason  number one: you can finish a whole article while queuing for a movie ticket


Saturday, June 12, 2010

From Marian Keyes. Yes, lately has become one of her fans. I managed to get two of her books at great prices. Apparently, the place where I rent her books has difficulty to stock her books bur never mind.

Watermelon is about Claire who lost her husband once she gave birth to a baby girl. She didn't see this coming, especially when the woman is someone living in their building, a woman is older than her and has three kids. However, it happened and she was left alone with her baby while her husband galloped off with ther other woman.

Then, Claire returned back to the Walsh residence with her dysfunctional family. She had to turn back to her normal size as she realized she is now the equivalent to watermelon (hence the title of the book).

Despite the insanity in the house with her other siblings, she managed to pull it off with the baby. Of course, the first two months were the hardest; that ease when it hit home that she is now a single mother. But then came the beautiful Adam, Helen's friends but someone who clearly  likes her.

At first, she couldn't believe it what with the baby and all but it turned out that Adam really interested in her. That was when her husband came down all the way from London to convince her to come back and try to win her back.

Well, not really win her back but actually putting her down so much that she start doubting herself.

' Was it really my fault that he left me to leave with our neighbor?'
' Am I the reason that he went with her?'
' Was I being so selfish during pregnancy that he had to get the love from someone else?'

You see, of course her husband is trying to win her back except that it wasn't done in a good way. He shifted all the guilt on Claire. And the problem is, Claire actually bought it. You know, Mammy Walsh doesn't believe in divorce. So, she tried to get back with her husband.

It was fun seeing how the story progress. How Claire handles the issues in a most hilarious way. And of course, meeting the Walsh for the first time.

The book is for light-reading of course a chick-lit. It is great if you just want to relax with a good book. I give 4 doughnuts.

Which reminds me, it has been sometime since I had a doughnut. Hurm...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

esok mulalah piala dunia
4 thn lps, aku penah duduk di ruang tamu bersama kawan2 di rumah sewa
kami tertanya-tanya di mana kami nanti pada piala dunia akan datang
dan hari ini, di sinilah kami
bertebaran di merata-rata tempat
ada yang di malaysia
ada yang di luar negara

series weh
besnye kalo dapat berjumpul balik tgk bola sama-sama
lps tu aku mcm marah sbb korang tido dgn jayanya tinggal aku sorang-sorang sedih tgk zidane kene buang padang (cis materazzi!)

dengan siapa korang tengok piala dunia tahun ni?
dengan siapa eh?

Monday, June 07, 2010

Sunday, June 06, 2010

banyak yang terlintas dalam kepala tapi sangat tak mampu nak jelaskan. or rather,malas nak jelaskan pun ada juga.
akhir-akhir ini memang sibuk. kalau tiba masa senggang, mesti berpesan pada diri sendiri 'nikmati saat-saat ini sebelum anda kembali sibuk seperti dua orang perdana menteri di negara membangun'. oke, saja je nak buat perumpamaan sendiri.
akhir-akhir ini sibuk sangat menulis untuk pelanggan sehingga lupa ada tanggungjawab yang perlu dilunaskan di heh, ingat senang ke dapat privilege yang diberikan (kenalah tgk kalau nak faham). tapi betullah, sibuk. biat sibuk, jangan tak buat apa. kemudian jadi bosan. kemudian tak tahu buat apa. kemudian simpan duit di shopping mall.
ada ipad boleh tulis novel? hah i wish! asyik buat research utk penuhi permintaan client je. mana nak ada masa sgt. sampai kadang-kadang termimpi ttg blinds design. sungguh. sumpah menakutkan. tapi itulah, kalau tak kerja, siapa nak bayar bil? siapa nak suap mulut sendiri? siapa nak isikan tabung yang penuh dgn angin?

Saturday, June 05, 2010

alhamdulillah. dah boleh bernafas dengan lega nampaknya. 
memang tak tau apa nak expect mula-mula melangkah dengan buku di celah ketiak
tapi lepas tu sudah oke

Thursday, June 03, 2010

cikgu sudah berjaya menyiapkan teaching plan
tidak seperti semalam di mana cikgu sudah tertulis sebuah puisi
buruk betul perangai cikgu

syuhada, nanti buat latihan cikgu nak rait (klasik gile)
oke? babai cikgu nak tido

p/s: dia cakap 'bye babe' sbb nak panggil ai babe ke atau samakan ai dengan babe dalam cite 'Babe'? eeee jahatnye

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

mcm tumor
sesuatu yang dormant itu selalunya kita tak tahu penangan dia macam mana
sampailah ada penyebab utk dia jadi aktif semula

kita takkan tau sejauh mana orang itu beri kesan pada kita
*urut dagu