Saturday, October 18, 2008

if there's one thing that I should realize by now is the fact that not everything is within my reach. There's a limit to everything and certainly wanting to commit to everything is not the right thing.

I'm releasing some of my responsibilities in Kapasitor. I have to, seriously. I kow that it will be much burden for me and I just want to take a break, before I reach my breaking point. No not going insane or anything. I'm just worried of being too tired. I wish to be focused on the website (although I still haven't gotten the chance), not really on the management or anything.

Let's just see if the coming months will see me in a better position. I'm going to go for my dreams this time and seriously will be thinking to go for a holiday or something of the sort.

It's Saturday. I should be watching TV. And I just got Shrek, the complete collection. yey!


Unknown said...

i, too, have to let go of something. which is my job. drastic kan keputusan aku?
i have given my resignation letter on friday. i am still not sure whether it was a wise move or not. if i still fail my papers this december, i am going to commit suicide for sure.

Unknown said...

oi. jgn la commit suicide. tak baek. baik ko jual je identiti ko kat ebay.

i hope its for the best. amin