It's 10.30 pm, on a Saturday night, Syawal. You were sitting at home indulging on the TV shows that you missed while going beraya/ had to see those coming to your house. Your brother/ father/ mother/ auntie/ uncle were out, living you with a 13-year old kid at home. He was hooked on the computer and you were watching Tv with a whole plate of kerepek. Suddenly, the lights went off. So does the computer, fridge, fan and every electrical item. What would you do?
1. Instantly get on the phone while lighting the candles?
2. Go to the neighbour's house and ask for candles?
3. Go to the neighbour's house and beraya?
4. Scream for the kid and start asking him to fan you (Panas wo!)
5. Get creative and start lighting candles like you are in some sort of a castle?
4. Play with the shadows?
5. Play with the candles?
6. Decided that you need a haircut and trim your hair?
7. Take a bath again, as a precaution as you won't know how long the blackout will last and you don't want to be feeling hot?
8. Don't care for the world and sleep? (kes kulit biawak, tak lut gigitan nyamuk)
9. Curse a bit and call TNB?
10. Curse a bit and curse the other people who didn't report to TNB?
11. Get your mum's telekung. Lock the door, invite the kid for a prank to the girls in your neighbourhood?
12. Cry your heart out because you'll be facing an examination on Monday ? (Good luck to those taking the exams!)
13. Force yourself to read the book using candles?
14. Call McDonalds and decide today is the perfect day to have a picnic at night. Giving the literal mining to 'eating out'?
15. Start gathering your friends and unveil ghost-story telling night?
16. Flag a taxi and flee somewhere else? (and risked being skinned alive for leaving the home at times like that)
I am curious to know.
On a second note, Mum laughed her heart out when I told her I started planting cili padi. It was my cousin's and my project. I need to do something and waiting for a decision to make is just so killing me. So, I decided to try and see if I got green hands. Having my own garden will be great huh? But right now, I want to try vegetables. See if I can upgrade it to tanaman hidroponik.
The result can be seen in 10-15 days. Let's just hope the bloody kitten that is so naughty he created a mess in the kitchen when it played with the kuih bahulu will not be jumping up and down on the soil.
Have a nice day. I'm going to take a nap.
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