First part So after checking in and watching the BBC News (ouh yeah, we did that. Because there was nothing good on TV), we decided to head to a place for makan because we feel like this:

" Lihat wajahku..laparkan?"
No pictures for the room we are staying in, sorry. Back to the story, we went to Portuguese Settlement for the seafood there. I have been persuaded by my colleague a week before I head to Melaka. So, here we are. Make sure you go to Stall Number 8 oke. Hafal gamba ini.

Zila said the price is cheaper here
Pardon for the difference in time line. Too busy thinking about food than taking pictures.

So we had buttered prawn (yg sgt fresh dan besar udangnye, nyam), kangkung belacan and that sambal ikan (don't ask me the name of the fish) . The prawn cost RM 7 per gram and I think it's worth it. But sorry, did not take note of the other prices. Heee

After eating, we decided to go to Eye on Malaysia (At the back of the picture) but first we went to this place that Azreen called Pan Pair (Fun Fair). It was actually the old bus stop in Melaka were I used to go to almost weekly to go back to KL. It's now replaced with a bridge and some entertainment facilities.

And here we are...Eye on Malaysia.
Try looking at it without me in the picture. much better. I was not able to go on it the first time we had it in KL because I just quit from my job without a backup plan and hence, no money either.

Actually, this is the picture after we got off.

I had to put up this picture because I was totally freaked out up there. It was so high and the thing was swaying. I freaked out. So, enjoy the calmness on her face.

Zila kindly got us to Jonker Walk. We nearly got chase by the dogs in some of the dark streets and me, being paranoid with dogs, we had to change parking lot (sorry girls) . The sale starts at 9pm and seriously, there were lots of things. Fon, drinks, bags, clogs (and stylish ones) , and all sorts of thinsg.
I bought a lot of dodol and other junk food. No picture of the dodol anyways.

We are going to this Red building the next day but we decided to go here because it's just within walking distance from Jonker Walk. So, heck. Why not?
And I was trying to commit suicide in the picture

Remember Robert Langdon trying to find the pope in the fountain? I was trying to relive the moment but of course, to no avail TSK.

So, that's all for the first day. Ada apa-apa soalan? (sambil muka meniru ekspresi orang yang tgh pegang kayu berikut)
Eye On Malaysia nampak sangat best disiang hari!! :D
Eh tersilap..malam :'(
ucu, saya nak naik pan pair waktu malam!! nak gakkkk
*sambil kesat air mata*
btw,i suke oke pic u nk terjun fountain tu..hehe
haha caption for the last picture so funny. sesuai.
ouh ye ke?
hahah oke
tu la susah kan skang nak cari fun fair?
haha terima kaseh sbb menyukai gamba itu
azreen: yes. masa tu nak muntah dah ketawa
wah!!! a very interesting moment captured by u... feel like to go to malacca tomorrow. hehehe... :)
ridh: ouh you should. provided that you go with your buddies or it'd be boring
saya dah naik dah eye on malaysia tu, tp saya rasa naik siang lg best kot,nampak pemandangan melaka. malam haprak pon taknampak..heee~sorry ucu..kohkoh..
fun fair tu pun dah g.
yang lom g, tu tempat ucu makan tu.hehehe..sokay2 nanti balik muar bole g lg.hee~~
waaaahhhhh! saya semakin jeles ngk sume org g bercuti!!
oh,saya belum naik lagi eye on malaysia itu..
mahu naik juga nanti~
ikan jenahak
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