I was out with syud today to Apun's place 9ha lps ni apun ko tak bole komplen sbb ade org siap masak ni tatahan). oke aku tau pedas tapi diam sudah.
pics will be uploaded later (read: two months from now silap-silap T_T)
btw i had a lot of fun and apart from that I got these from sya and syud. OMG tahank you so much

ok i promise i'll envy you pink box

ouh i love the smell. absolutely. dan sgt sayang nak pakai sbb super comel

tau tak syud? saye sgt suke dgn totebag ini (read: lipat dgn baik dan masukkan dlm almari untuk memuatkan barang kamera yg disayangi

ni apun kasi. eh ke aku amek tanpa perasaan malu? :D

bookmark nemo yang comel untukmenanda di mana sudah bace 'Good Man hunting'
thank you so much people. i heart this all XOXOXOXO
hehe..happy that you love it!
I noticed that it's labelled under buttercupp..butterfly terbang2 ek ucu? ;))
psstt..super penat sebab rasanya sama hyper macam hadhinah. maka tido tanpa rasa bersalah seperti bayi~ :D
hadiah yang indah!!
lagi2 tote bag dan perfume itu..
dan juge t-shirt yg cute..
suke perfume itu!
ha tshirt n tote bag tu pon sangat cute okeh!!
syud: of course la suke
maul: tu mintak dekat syud
kinkin: jeles kat org yg kasi senang s ikit kot
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