Yes, the third part. After finishing our walk near the museums and all 9in my case, it's more like sunbathing T_T), we head over to the river to go on a boat.

bankground: the river (do they call it Sg Melaka?)

We are actually quite tired already but still, never letting go the opportunity to camwhore!

Nice isn't it? This is Kg Morten, located along the river. There were lots of other nice houses near the bank

it may look like I'm posing for the camera. Actually, i was posing for the guy in green *blushes

Kincir angin yang tidak berfungsi

This is the fun fair site and how it looks in daylight

OMG. The bestest chicken soup ever. it is located in Jalan Bendahara beside BayView Hotel (terngiang-ngiang plis)

Zila under pokok Melaka

Azreen under pokok Melaka. I was at the room, busy watching Dodgeball. I had headache that night and I thought they were karaoke-ing like thousands of songs. sumpah jeles tanpa kompromi. they went somewhere else instead. how i wish i can follow them
Minutes before checking out. Me trying to look happy although was quite pissed since TV3 didn't show Spongebob Squarepants.
Next: Where it all begin..MMU Melaka
eh ituke pokok melaka ucu??
ooo..baru tau..hehehe..
*masih ada mood jeles sebab sume org g bercuti.*
wah, sup adelah sedap ye!
ape lagi ucu..
pasni watla entri pasal makanan kt sane lak..
dlu bot pnh prktkl kt melaka. tggl kt hostel laki student uitm. btl2 blkg cruise2 tuh. makanan sn sedap, tp kotor.huhu. tp rindulah milo tabur kat kg tepi sg tuh :)
lg satu, org melaka ni peramah :)
kinkin: hah hentah. ye la tu kot
mau: tak cukup gamba kot. tsk
bot: urm milo tabur tu hape?
saya pun baru tahu nama pokok tu pokok melaka. hehehe...
oh, milo tabur tu, adalah air milo yang ditaburkan serbuk milo di atasnya. kalau tak silap sayalah. hehehe... :)
betulla tu riri..
air milo ais,
pastu ditaburkan serbuk milo atas tu..
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