I didn’t regret watching it and I do feel relieved that I decided to watch it alone. Else, I would have to resort missing a lot of things featured on the movie. What strikes me most is the everyday language we use being replayed in the movie like:
‘ Harga dia USD 4 juta termasuk kotak sekali ke? Kotak die nampak macam mahal’
The story is based on a thing that is so simple that I never thought it will be displayed on the screen. I collected stamps when I was in primary school (I think everybody I my school did) but as I grow older, I forgot the joy getting and exchanging stamps with friends. And this one made me remember those days.
A simple thing that turned everything into chaos involving a lot of people but it did not created chaos. The storyline or rather the way it was written was beautiful. Added with great actors, it was just splendidly funny and engaging ( by the end of the movie, I was sitting cross-legged on the cinema buat macam rumah sendiri).
The dialogue was funny, the characters are unique like Piranha Lim who speaks with Kedah accent; Ariyanto (who was actually from my university); Harun Salim Bachik, an Indonesian trying to speak as Malaysians do and Sidek; a thief with one principle, never be greedy.
The nicest touch would be the end of the movie when Afdlin (or Jo) said something like ‘katakan Tak Nak kepada Rokok’ or something. And if you are a supporter of 1Malaysia, do have a look at this movie. I just love it because its multi-racial apart from funny. And it actually (and finally) features those who can act.
Need some laugh? Go watch it though I think not many cinemas are still showing it. But if you have the chance to, please do.
serius tak rugi? huhu
tapi..nantilah..bulan ni poket macam kekeringan tahap gurun Kalahari ;))
syud; dah habis kot bln ni :D
best kan?! hehe. sgt seronok citer tuh. mmg puas hati! setuju dgn ucu, filem ni tunjuk muka satu malaysia :)
filem afdlin kebanyakannya menarik utk ditonton kan?
nk tgu papadom kluar..
kat sini nak ngk wayang kena g kuantan.
tak de org nak bawak.dulu selalu je ada org bawak.
bot: ye btol! mmg sgt tepat
maul: a ah. ucu mmg akan tgk filem die sahaja atau filem yang die belakon. lain salunye mmg ucu tak tgk
kinkin: alolololo sat je lg
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