Oke tetibe terasa lapar baliks ekalipun dah mkn mcm DBKL tadi.
This is how the love of my life (morning) looks. i went through a whole phase of eating those pau every single day for a whole straight week. Life has been better since. Ouh oke mungkin tag itu salah.
Yes, look at it. Feast your eyes upon it. There are no other pau in the whole wide world that can beat pau near Raja Chulan station. Ok that was a tad exaggerated but the reason why I love this white, fluffy this is it's fluffy. It's not like other pau that feel so liat. It's easy to tear, just look at the texture. Nevermind the plastic because that's just the way pau sold near Raja Chulan station is sold.
It's fluffy so the chance of it being as hard as rock (kalau baling kat dinding, dinding pun pecah) is a bit slim.
And look at the filling. I think for the price I paid for this pau ayam, which is RM 1.60, is worth it. It's tasty and it's fluffy and I can eat it at my table in privacy while it's still hot.
Mind you, the pau is selling like hot cakes so be prepared to be disappointed if you come at close to 9 because most of them are already gone. Look at the strategic location at Raja Chulan station so imagine the number of people getting it daily.
So, this is actually how my favorite pau looks like. Want to make me happy? Feed me with this (demand nampak)
sesungguhnya pau itu nmpak seksi..
ucu busuk!
(padehal dh mkn pau 2hr lepas tp i pose jd i lapar mlampau2 ble nmpk pau ini)
aaaa..my fav pau!! curry of courseee..hehe :)
maul: ouh ia sgt kacak oke
syud: masa pose kite jgn bukak oke blog ni? :P
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