it was my birthday and ade brought me somewhere to eat in order to celebrate my birthday
we went here

this is me trying to look happy when actually, I have no idea what to say or pick

refillable corn chips!

ouh nyam!

this is our main course

apple juice
wow esah cantek
azurin: heh? ouh erm tq
yay! bestnyerrrr.. :D
syud: yes. time kaseh kpd org yg bermurah hati
makanan yang meriah!
birthday esah ke..? happy belated birthday, girl! betul kata RosAzreen, u look cantek. the last time u came to our house, kakta tanya "sape tu..?", she said "esah la".. and i said "pesal lain je, lawa!".. seriyes. tanya dia. xoxo
esah! cantiknya!
ucu! mahu makan makanan itu juga! di sini, tiada! huh!
maul: ouh yes. sgt. alhamdulillah
kak ta: time kaseh kak ta (menaip komen ini sambil menutup muka dengan beg kerana malu)
kinkin: kata kunci adalah- kita mesti pau org seramai mungkin utk hari lahir kita. hau hau hau
i rock :p but you rock more. hahaha.
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