Saturday, February 23, 2013

On sharing

i believe everyone has friends, like different sets of friends. good friends (you grow up together), hangout friends (very close but not as close as the former), acquaintances and such. yes, there is a need for categorisation. you will see next. 

bless our friends who have been together with us for extremely long. Our families know each other, we talk about the silliest of stuff and get weird together. Private jokes are abundant and one simple word can send us to squeals of non-stop laughter. Without face-to-face interaction, you can detect something is wrong. You can even feel that the other person is unhappy about something. The bond is so strong that you will instantly pick up the phone when the other person is about to call you. It happens to my mother and I, as well as with a very dear friend. 

well, you get the point. 

anyways, for all the long years spent together, have you ever thought that there will be a day where your friendship will be changed a bit? maybe the other one has another good friend? a hangout friend, perhaps. what would you do?

or perhaps a boyfriend? this may mean that this will be an end to most of the late night talks (may or maybe not). the emergency lunches, dates, movie dates and the hot-guy scouting activities? how does it feel? 

so tell me, i know things have changed when good friends get married, for example. i know some of you have felt this too. 

nothing serious. this weather is making me think. that is all. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Along Came Polly

i have always wanted to watch this movie, particularly because of Jennifer Aniston and hey! I managed to.

Not going to bore you with the details, just going to point on something.

Live your life. Risk is everywhere. Of course we can calculate risks but not on everything. Like our chance with someone. A little bit of risk wouldn't kill.

Seize the opportunity, make the most out of the chance that we get.

And there is no coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. It might hurt for the moment but someday, when it has passed, we will realise its a lesson.