Sunday, December 30, 2012


I don't have a blood-related sister. My cousin of the same age is the closest thing to a sister when I was a kid. Now, my good friend is the closest thing to a sister that I have. Because of that, I missed all the fun of bickering with sisters, fighting over stupid stuff, critisizing sisters' outfits and stuff.

I have to say I am jealous of people having a sister as they can exchange comments on clothes and stuff. Sometimes I want to change my style a bit but a bit hesitant as there are no one to refer to. What if the new outfit cramps my (non-existant) style? What if it looks totally hideous?

See? #FirstWorldProblem.

With the advent of technology, the misery of not knowing is no longer an issue. I feel like carrying my friends in my pocket these days. Pick an outfit, take a picture and send it to friend(s). Most of the time, I don't even have to wait long for the answer.

Shopping for clothes is no longer a burden now. I used to drag someone for their opinion but nay, I got my sisters on my phone right now, ready to rescue me.

I love you, lovelies. You know who uou are.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Romantic schmantic

We were very lucky that we were not thrown out of the cinema during Les Miserables. No, you do not need to know French in order to understand the title. Miserable is the operative word.

Despite the title, we were laughing most of the time, especially during the romantic songs. Especially me, I find it funny. Maybe I was too much of a skeptic to feel the heat.

It was a good movie. I like almost everything about it. Despite the fact that it was a musical, I actually enjoyed it especially with Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter. Of course, there's Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway. And Russell Crowe.

Ouh no. I won't spoil it for you. I just want to go find Victor Hugo's now. So bye!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Decision Making

Looking at the life that we are leading now, I truly understand why heart diseases are becoming more common among younger people. We had to make decisions every single second of our life. Now, I do understand that it is something that we have to do like choosing ketchup over chilli and stuff like that. Let me demonstrate to you. 

A coffee chain is a place for hardcore decision makers. I am talking about the chains like Starbucks, San Francisco Coffee, Coffee Bean and such. You walk into the store, humming to yourself thinking that 'Yeay! I am getting my dose of drug (which is absolutely what I have in mind every single time I go into one of those outlets)' and BAM! You end up staring at the walls, opening and closing your mouth like goldfish being out of the bowl. 

There, up on the walls are written an array of options for your coffee. Tall black, decaf, hot or cold. Wait, there's more to it. With full-cream milk, low-fat milk, with or without whipped cream (mine will always be minus the cream). I don't know about you but sometimes I do sweat for having to make such important decision within...say two minutes or I have this feeling of people behind me shouting profanities into my ears. As a fellow caffeine addict, I know how lack of such component may impair judgment. 

And yes, I treat coffee as serious business. 

A couple of minutes and we have to pick a combination of substance to become the beverage of the day. I understand that some of us need caffeine to kick start out day. Imagine having to make such an important decision first thing in the morning. What if we screw up? The whole day will be ruined!

It's not as simple as before where the choices are limited to coffee with milk, with sugar or without sugar. Not that way anymore. 

No wonder they charge us so much at Starbucks and such. It's part of a training to become decision makers. Hurm. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ladies, It Pays To Be Vigilant

This happened yesterday at the KL Convention Centre, at a place that I frequents on a daily basis. It never occured to me that this will happen but it did.

My friend coolly said that nowhere is safe when I recounted this story.

(reading instruction: please read with an echo. Thank you) I just came back from having tea with a friend, it was after 7pm, leaning towards 8pm. It was not that late and there were tonnes of people near the convention centre area. I felt safe (humming silently under my breath), thinking that it was near impossible to be attacked or anything, safe for the sharks in Aquaria. So, I went to the toilet, fighting againts the human traffic with the kids and the parents running after kids and all. A man walked in front of me, I was pretty sure he was a Malay.

Anyways, I saw someone with the complexion of a Bangladeshi standing outside the men's. Something told me that I'd better be careful. True enough, he approached me and asked if I am a Malaysia. Of course, I am fighting all my senses to reply with a sarcastic remark and waved my hand before heading to the toilet. I was so scared that he will do something like follow me home that I asked for the cleaner to accompany me outside once I am done with my business (and no, not telling). I was wearing baju kurung so that made it much more difficult to run, in case I had to. And I hate running so you can guess I am as a good runner as Garfield.

When both of us peaked outside, the man was not there anymore. I was literally sweating because of fear and I regretted the moment I once joked about being stalked means that you are popular. To anyone who heard me crack that one, please forgive me.

Back to the story, he was not in front of the toilet. I knew I brushed him off in quite a harsh way and yes, I was afraid he might do something to me. Seeing that he was nowhere to be seen, I walked straight with as much calmness that I can muster (I can assure you it was nearing the 0 level) when I saw him again. This time with a girl standing to his far right. She looked uneasy and something told me, this guy bothered her too.

I called the girl and asked if the guy bothered her. She did not reply yes straightaway but asked me if I was bothered before that. I pulled her aside before listening to her story. This was it:

Girl: The guy said he is a muslim convert and he wants to learn how to perform wudhu'

Me: Then why didn't he go into the surau and ask someone there?

And remember the guy I told you walked in front of me before I entered the toilet? He could have asked the guy.

Girl: He said nobody wants to talk to him. And he cannot speak Malay.

Oke that was weird beause he had no accent before that.

Me: Do you want to go and talk to him now? I mean, there are two of us.

(I felt guilty by then because if that was the reason, pity him for having me shoo-ing him off like that. But my suspicion was still high, hold that thought.)

Girl: No. He showed me a piece of paper, with sex as the content.

That was it then. My suspicions were true. Unlucky for the girl because she had to face it.

I knew something was wrong because first, he askEd me in Bahasa Malaysia if I am Malay. No accent, no nothing. So how come he said he cannot speak Malay? Second, why would you want to approach a girl when there are plenty of men over there. I mean, it will be difficult for women to show how to do it anyways. Third, I don't buy the trick nobody do not want to teach him how to perform ablution. He can just enter the surau and watch people do it.

I over-analyse stuff all day; it is a handicap my friends always point out. But I am glad I over analyse stuff yesterday.

It pays to be vigilant ladies, especially if you are alone. Of course it is good manners to help someone but if your instinct tells you otherwise, please follow it. Take in all your surrounding and analyse the data that was given; does it fit or not? It is oke to be a bit cautious. Be ready to scream your heart out in case anything happens. Avoid walking anywhere with earphones plugged in your ears.

Because like my friend said: nowhere is safe these days.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Accidental Shopping

It does exist, I can assure you. One moment you are humming to yourself, thinking of the lunch menus and before you know it BAM! You are several ringgit (or hundred) poorer but ouh! So much happier.

You think ' Nah, it would never happen. How is that possible? I am hungry and I really go out of the office to buy food, nothing else. Once I am full, I'd feel so much better. I wouldn't be looking at anything else.'

That is really not true. Once you are done with lunch and there is still time to spare, there will be so much walking around that you want to do. It does not matter where you are having lunch, as long as there are people selling stuff, it's just a catastrophe to happen.

I went to ge lunch, I end up with a purse. True, I need a purse but really not now. I know I have had my purse for nearly ten years and something are about to get faulty. The zipping mechanism now needs a lot of tugging but I honestly love it. You can no longer find a good leather purse at that price anymore.

Well, I should remember the inflation.

But I grabbed the purse, almost not thinking. It's on 70% off and I was unsure if there are more of the same range on rebate. It does not help with I have someone else beside you saying that i was a really good buy, you cannot possibly get anything from the same range at the same or almost similar price.

At the sound of the cash register, I can almost hear my heart sang. It was like music to my ears and the thought of having something new to open just made me happy. It was something new, something wrapped in a bag and the smell, ya..the smell. Who doesn't like the smell of new stuff. It's almost like getting a new breathe of 'fresh air' from snorting drug (metaphorically speaking. I never do drug except cough syrup).

As expected, guilt arrived a bit late. It must got delayed by the lunch traffic; foot or vehicle. It was panting at the door, gasping for breathe and I nearly missed it.

That was when it hit me; the guilt. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach while I was still holding the bag of my new purchase. There were sweat on my forehead while my face was still smiling. I know; a walking contradiction.

Despite the bad taste in my mouth, I still cannot let it go. I know I should at least selling it back but I cannot bring myself to it. And here I am, looking at the purse, wiping beads of tears out of my eyes. It's so beautiful.

Well, I just had to say this, regardless of how cliche it could be:

' If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.' There, I said it.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The Other Aishah

somehow, somewhere over the rainbow, I must have pen this down. this as in having another collague called aishah.

i worked in the company first so initially i wanted to kenakan her. like send some difficult work to her table and say 'someone gave this to aishah' (without telling my name of course). but it didn't materialise. something must have happened to me that I didn't pull the cheap trick.

anyways, I was sitting at my table, clicking away in the morning (very rare thing to see because i usually am more busy stuffing my face with food in the morning HA-HA) when suddenly my group leader came and said:

' 5, 6 and 7 December are oke, aishah.'

i went, yes, of course those dates were oke. i mean the mayans predicted the world would end sometime after and i planned to panic at around 19 december 2012 so of course i have nothing to worry about on those dates.

i turned my face to her say said 'huh?'

and she said: you asked about the leave, right?

innocently, i replied no. a look of comprehension dawned on her and she said something about 'siti emailed me bla bla.' I, on the other hand, was still having problem to comprehend what just happened. as usual, i used my feeble laugh to cover the story.

it was not until half midday i just found out that the other aishah emailed to ask for annual leave on those dates.

and i knew i should have said 'yes' when she asked if i requested for annual leave. i could have gone on leave using The Other Aishah's leave. darn it.