Friday, July 30, 2010

Then The Train Delays

So, the sun is not to bright; just the kind of day that you wish you could have every single day. And you have an hour to arrive to the office.

You were thinking about the assortment of sandwiches that you can grab all the way from KLCC to the footsteps of your building. You may consider spicing it up a bit with the different variety of fillings like chicken, tuna or eggs. Or, you might want to make it a special occasion and thus order something heavy like nasi lemak.

Special occasion indeed. Putra was delayed by about 1 hour something this morning. On the day that I wish to arrive early, I got stuck in the train. Luckily I got a seat in Bangsar.

I was agitated and I tried concentrating on the book that I was reading. But in the middle of the sentences, I would wonder when is the train's doors going to close. It was frustrating, a tragedy in the making.

Nevertheless, I didn't want this to dampen my spirit. If my spirit is a blanket, you'd have to throw it in the machine and air it by 8.30 am. I was so hungry but I focused on my reading. It was Nanny Returns from Nicola Kraus and Emma McLaughlin; the sequel to The Nanny. Usually, I can only finish 20 pages top in a train but this delay gave me extra time to keep up with the reading. And it has been a while since I managed to get my hands on books like this so I'd better savor it.

See? Every cloud has a silver lining. So, why not come up with a list of things to do if this kind of delay happens again?

Take this time to exercise. Walk from the back of the train to the front. Even better if the train is full. In order to avoid them, run out of the coach and try to get onto the cab at the other end, racing with buzzer. See? Who says you cannot move your muscles when you enter university life?

It took the train this morning more than an hour to be ok. I was stuck in Pasar Seni for a good 30 minutes. Sometimes it is hard to get different breakfasts daily so use this opportunity wisely. There's a mamak restaurant down the station. Run down and order roti canai or two; something that is not conveniently available near KLCC, and run straight up. Or, you can just glance up and if you notice that the platform is still full, just eat there. Enjoy your breakfast hassle-free once in a while.

Maybe you are not the type of person who takes breakfast. Fret not.  Take this time to go on the Internet and take a good look at your Facebook. Keep in touch with your friends (well, we might need them someday). Shout, poke or tag them on pictures. Preferably pictures of the roti canai you took during breakfast. Find out who just gave birth to a baby and who is currently in need for Restaurant City.

Better still, use Twitter to inform the situation to people who are thinking to go on the train. This is the perfect time to be of use to the community.

Compose the long letter that you have been wanting to send to your significant other or your sister/ mother or whatever. You can use the time wisely to sort out the clutter in the cyber-world. I know I do. No offence but as of late, I prefer to add someone who looks familiar to me or at least tell me who they are. And most probably with usernames that sounds logical or familiar.

There are many things that we can do during delays like that but this is not the reason why RapidKL should not improve their service. I mean, it is ok to have breakdown once in a while but we had a breakdown already yesterday, do we need another one today? Time is money people, I know those working in the company knows that too. When the train comes late, many things go haywire, we know, you guys suffer too.

Having said that, please, I want to arrive at least on time next week. Can we do that RapidKL?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have a very good friend. We met during out foundation year in MMU and since then, we have been good friends. We went through a lot together; laughter, tears, student life, working lives...being aunties in the same year and lots more. We may talk about lots of stuff but one thing we didn't do, we did today. 

As in talking. Not something else. TSK. 

Finally, we approached the topic that we usually skirt around for years. The topic of significant other. I don't know why but with her, it doesn't come easy. It was never easy. I know how she feels. It is difficult to be talking about that topic. 

About the things that we went through, where do we really want this 'current relationship' with another good friend go. What we wish to do.

Our hopes and dreams. Somehow, we feel so embarrassed about it. 

I'm glad we had the talk. It has been hovering for years. After ten years, we finally do the 'chic talk'. 

Wonder why it never happened before. Hurm

P/S: I need a simple black cardigan. I really do not know how to wear those kimono-like cardigans, I'm afraid I might choke in it 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

budak U

hari ini aku cuba untuk tak mengadap komputer sangat. mata letih dan selain itu, aku perlukan face-to-face human interaction. tapi sejak selepas maghrib, tercongok juga aku depan laptop mengadap kehidupan online aku pula. 

sepupu menaip twitter tak berhenti sambil membuat assignment (i assume). bagaimana dia menceritakan facebook telah menyebabkan dia distracted. 

secara tak sengaja, aku pun terlontar kembali ke zaman itu. zaman di mana mengadap laptop bukan nak buat kerja sangat. kejap-kejap, window YM! muncul. bercerita benda-benda yang tak penting. sambil  merungut kerja tak siap. sampailah ke garisan hujung, kami dapat siapkan juga. itupun dengan hikmat apatah. 

dengan seluar kotak-kotak, selipar jepun, lari sekeliling hostel untuk dapatkan penyelesaian assignment (atau esenmen). tak tido jugaklah satu malam nak siapkan beberapa soalan sebelum dihantar. itu blom lagi bersusah-payah shoot video untuk esenmen sekali kamera hilang. ini memang tak boleh lupalah. sorang kena bayar beberapa ratus sebulan nak setelkan kes itu. 

malam peperiksaan computer application, aku baru nak print nota. oke yang ini mmg boleh buat beginilah sebab subjeknya senang, carry marks pula cukup cantik. ini kejahilan zaman silam, kepada sepupu; pls jgn ikut. menyesal siot. kalo belajar betul-betul tak payah susah-payah bayar wang PTPTipu. 

itu belum masuk bab assignment programming. aku mmg tak reti programming. kalau suruh tulis tentang stereoscopic display, monitor, latest invention in multimedia, tadehal beb (memang sepatutnya amek something to do with writing dari dulu T__T). kalo tang programming, berbuih mulut kat situ. nak buat Hello World!' pun terkial-kial. maka, memang sangat berusaha untuk mendapatkan carry marks yang tidak menyeksakan sangat. 

sebelum aku tukar kos, memang senak nak lulus. tapi alhamdulillah, lepas tukar kos, rasanya dah tak fail kecuali satu paper lepas accident. masa tu baru aku rasa nikmatnya belajar, besnye kalau tau jawapan tutorial. masa tu baru berusaha lebih sikit, outcome pun lebih sikit. tapi dean's list tu masih jauh juga. 

lepas tukar majoring tu la aku susun sendiri jadual belajar. i mean, aku tak ikut sangat apa yang ada dlm guide. subjek susah aku pairkan dengan yang mudah untuk kasi seimbang. macam kelakar la kan kalau nak ambik eletronics 3, electromagnetics, engineering maths dgn microprocessor. semua pun subjek susah-susah. memanglah ada orang bole bawak tapi bukan semua orang. lps tu berapa ramai pulak yang kene repeat. 

bila dikenang-kenangkan balik, memang kelakar. masa belajar, apa je yang nak difikir? bil telefon mungkinlah tapi itupun bole buat-buat lawak nak minta dari famili. tak payah bayar bil letrik, travel jauh-jauh termasuk bawah ketiak orang semua cih. masa tu dok fikir nak siapkan esenmen tapi malas, nak study tapi sebenarnya nak dating, nak pegi beli buku nota lps tu nak usha mamat hensem mana tah tak tau nama pun (ini semua contoh yang diambil daripada keadaan sekeliling, tidak terbatas pada diri penulis semata-mata). 

sekarang? 'adults are defined by bills'. lebih daripada separuh gaji boleh terkorban untuk bil sahaja kalau tak hati-hati. 

kepada sepupu, toksahla malas-malas sangat. pensyarah ni pun manusia juga. kalau kau rajin buat esenmen die dengan sedikit usaha (sehingga esenmen tu jadi hasil kerja tangan, bukan hasil cakar kaki), dia akan ingat kat kau dan hati dia lega nak tanda kertas. tak payah bodek lebih-lebih, siapkan esenmen dengan elok, cuba siapkan tutorial, insyaAllah dia akan ingat kau. dan mood lecturer yang baik ketika menanda kertas adalah penting. kalau tak, sila bersiap-sedia dengan tisu untuk menangis sebab mengulang. 

ouh oke maaf sepupu. terbeleter pula. 

ah monday. here comes the monday blues. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Why I Cannot Go on Trans-Siberia

For years, I have been dreaming of going on Trans-Siberian, a network of railway that connects sea of Japan, China, Mongolia and Russia, among others. Three years ago, I even tried to save for the trip (but alas invested on several pair of shirts bwahaha!).

However, I really do think that I cannot go on that railway network, which is divided into four parts. Because….

1. The red bag with flower motives was the bag that I carried during island hopping and snorkelling. Just imagine, that was just the bag that I carried around for the few hours. Please imagine me going on Trans-Siberian that will obviously take weeks perhaps. I might as well attach a cargo to the train to fit all my things.
2. I’m extremely worried when it comes to things associated with bathrooms. I nearly burst in happiness when I arrive in any places and I see nice restrooms. I almost wept but managed to control myself before any of my friends noticed. Imagine going for days on the train, backpacking style. Say bye-bye to nice restrooms.
3. The very issue of bathrooms. Yikes.
4. I will not be able to sleep. And me not having enough sleep is nightmare. Ask my office mates when I come to the office in the morning. An unknown person nicknamed Calvin (haha!) asked whether I would like the title ‘Minah Brutal’ or ‘Minah Garang’. Neither. ‘Aishah yang cool’ will do.
5. Language barriers. If I want to do this Trans-Siberian thingy, I would have to speak at least 5 languages since the train will go pass North Korea, Beijing and wait…where is Kiev located?
6. The very issue of money. Like of course it’s backpacking but going past several countries, experiencing different temperatures. I should be thinking about different clothing and back ups if I need food. What with me and being fragile shessh!
7. I will be itching to go online. With the clothes and essentials, I don’t think I can fit my laptop. And not even my iPad.

Seven points that made me drop my plan to go all independent and travel on that thingy. I just recently discovered that my good friend also wants to go on the same thing but we will need a guy to accompany us too.

But alas, the biggest obstacle for me is having to live on the train. I don’t think I can do that. So, the solution is now just to head to Perhentian. Yes, I know. Again. And arrangement has been made. This time, I will be chilling on the beach only, on the hammock and taking pictures; sunrise and sunset.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

why iPad?

reminder: this is just my (a bit insane) thoughts. proceed at your own risk

1. why not? oke jawapan ini mmg mintak pelempang
2. IMHO, I get to save a lot on the classics. I just finished reading Dorian Gray. well not just but still, I do not have to buy it or download it and then print it out.
3. refer point no 2. I get to save space on books
4. unlike laptops, it takes just a split second to switch iPad on. or off.
5. it weighs less than a kilo (but still can cause injury if one is to bang it on a friend's head)
6. lazy to carry the laptop around in the house? iPad to the rescue
7. one can save data, photos, music and such on an iPad.
8. you do not need to sit in starbucks or such to surf. just stand outside their outlet and you are ready to read your favourite blog (evil laugh)
9. i can get obese on the games
10. you can pretend that you are jotting notes during a seminar while actually, you are just drawing something on the screen.

i know. i'm just bored. thus the review.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ouh pls rain, just go away

My friend is sitting in front of me, waiting to flee to pavilion to do his mystery shopper assignment. I tried to apply for the job and didn't get it and he got it? And this is his second job, can you believe it?

I'm so green with envy right now because come on, who doesn't want to get paid to shop? I dooooo

Anyways, we are stuck here in meal station because of the rain. And he's sitting in front of me with a device which name i do not know. So i blog.

And here come's the bill

Sent from my iPad

Monday, July 19, 2010

hikmat air tawar

Originally uploaded by uculer
gambar ini bukan menunjukkan pendaratan PATI-PATI ke malaysia mahupun perkumpulan penjual pati semalaya. ini merupakan gambar yang diambil semasa orang-orang bukan dari perhentian dihantar mandi ke tempat air tawar ini. aktiviti dimandikan dengan air bukit ini mmg telah termasuk dalam jadual pelencongan (intended) maka kami nak tak nak, mestilah mandi di sini.

mesti itu nampak sangat tipu. kami tidak diugut langsung utk dicampakkan ke shark point jika tidak mandi di sini. kami saja gatal-gatal pergi.

apapun, air dia sejuk dan tak pernah berhenti. maklumlah, air bukit. dan beliau juga berkata:
'siapa-siapa yang tak kahwin lagi, kalau mandi kat sini, dapatlah jodoh'

bidaah sungguh. bajet kami mudah tertipu la tu. ces. oke sebenarnya tau dia melawak je.

cerita ini telah diceritakan kepada seorang rakan bernama wan yang comel. saya telah melawat dia di rumahnya dan di sana terdapat dua anak buah beliau yang comel-comel. saya telah memegang anak buahnya yang besar sedikit bernama afif. nasib baik dah 5 bulan, kalau kurang, mesti cuak.

dan seperti episod-episod sebelum ini, mesti akan dimuntahkan bayi. first time jumpa imran begitu. addin pun begitu. jemima sahaja tidak. beginilah nasib, selalu dimuntahkan bayi.

kawan saya cakap: efek muntah bayi tu macam mandi kat air bukit tu la.

cis. nasib baik anda tidak sihat. kalau tidak, mmg sudah kene debik.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


i wonder if this is the end to my search
its huge step and a lot is at stake
i mean, i am thinking of leaving all this behind but am i that brave?
or actually

it doesn't mean that i have to end up with somebody
i just want to be there

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Originally uploaded by uculer

I really have no heart to talk about my latest retreat to Pulau Perhentian. Its not that I hate it, I think I may have left something there and there’s no way for me to get it back. Well, at least not just yet.

We went on a bus although it would be really nice if we could have other means of transportation. The about 8 hours journey was better buried somewhere at the very back of my mind. It was like going on a rodeo; never mind that I’ve never experienced it ever in my whole life. But sitting at the very back of the bus, going through the streets in the East Coast was nightmare while I was still very much aware of what was going on.

The trip started with a movie called Cliffhanger, which was truly a cliffhanger because the bus operator didn’t show the rest of the movie. Yes, my mood was already not that good and leaving me hanging on what was going to happen on Slyvester Stallone was not good.

For the remainder of the night (we departed from KL at about 10pm), sleep didn’t come easy. A few winks but when we arrived in Kelantan, I had trouble closing my eyes. It has been nearly a decade since I’ve been there so I was really excited although of course, there not much to see, being awake at about 5am. And was not able to determine whether anyone was snoring or not.

Once we arrived in Kuala Besut, the paint at my joints and of course because of sitting down for too long kind of vanished. The place looked a bit like Kuala Selangor but I especially like the place that we had breakfast. To heck with toothpaste and toothbrush, nasi dagang here we come!

The boat ride was fun, I can never ride a rollercoaster but boat rides I can do. I was so glad that nobody was seasick; I think we are too excited to think what was waiting on the island.

The moment I stepped down on the beach, I fell in love with the island. For a start, the water was so clear and blue. There were not so many seagulls but still the waves brought music to my ears.

We milled around while taking pictures here and there and of course, there were no people in the pictures. I was too engrossed with taking the pictures of the environment.

From then on, I was focused on snorkelling. Although we can opt for special goggles for short sighted people like me, I still put on my lenses. I was stingy because the special goggles cost RM 20 per day.

I was so lucky that I was able to snorkel. The biggest concern was not about drowning but getting salt water into my eyes. We were so lucky that our guides were very helpful. They brought clown fishes and helped us to look at all the interesting things in the sea. We even spotted turtles during the snorkelling session.

Snorkeling does not require one to necessarily able to swim but it can be of absolute advantage. The one thing that you do not want to do is to laugh in the sea (which happened to me a few times) so swim away as far as you can from the clowns.

For me, everything was worth it. Losing one of the lenses, experiencing dehydration and getting sick were all worth it. I especially loved the laid back nature on the island. The only regret was I was unable to take pictures during sunsets and sunrises. I was also unable to get down at the shark points.

So, it is suffice to say that I will go back and will now resort to counting the coins in my tabung. Heh.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

tidak tersangkakan

serius, memang menjejakkan kaki ke perhentian berbekalkan perasaan yang sedikit jengkel kerana terpaksa duduk di dalam bas selama sembilan jam. ada yang kata 'alah malam. boleh tidur'. itu kalau boleh tidur, kalau tak boleh, macam mana? 

tapi hati terus jatuh sayang pada perhentian sebaik sahaja kaki menjejak pantai (bukan pantai dalam). dan sampai hari ini, sudah tiga hari..btullah cakap syuhada...

cintaku tertinggal di perhentian

hep. jangan ada spekulasi. 

entahlah. rasa tenang sangat tempat tu. ada kawan tanya, kenapa tak redang? sebab redang sudah jadi tempat tumpuan semua pelancong. hilang daya tarikannya. 

sudahlah baru-baru ini selalu sangat rasa tertekan. doktor pun suruh berehat. bila dah sampai sana, mestilah lagi seronok jadinya. tak perlu hotel 5 bintang, kalau ada rumah papan dengan kipas angin lama pun dah lebih dari cukup. petang-petang berebut hammock di pokok. malam pula pakat curi tikar entah siapa, pandang bintang di langit. 

subhanallah, besarnya keagungan Tuhan. 

rasa nak duduk sana. sungguh, tak tipu. sedang merangka pelan macam mana nak jadi penduduk sana. sungguh, tak tipu. malah sekarang sudahpun ada teman untuk melawat perhentian tahun depan, lepas musim tengkujuh. 

setiap kali teringat perhentian, denyut jantung jadi tenang. tak pernah jadi macam ni. 

lps tu tulis blog pun dah jadi macam orang lain T__T

i left my heart in perhentian

and so that explains the lack of entries
i am drained of my energy

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

babai :(

babai :(
Originally uploaded by uculer
penulis sedang berkemas-kemas (menyumbat semua barang ke dlm beg) utk bercuti esok ke pantai timur

p/s: maaf. kiriman utk kopok losong tidak diterima. sila dapatkan di pasar-pasar malam yang berdekatan

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

peringatan kpd yang bekerja

ye la
deskmate kau berhati busuk
sungguh dengki dan khianat sehingga kau rasa benjamin netanyahu pun sedikit jengkel dgn dia
kalau betul kau nak marah, kutuk, umpat, keji, cela, sumpah
tolong angkat telefon, hubungi kawan baik yang tidak sama tempat kerja utk sesi mengumpat. 

marah mcm mana sekalipun,
tolong elakkan daripada cerita pada kawan-kawan di tempat kerja. 

kalau kawan saya cerita pasal jiran dia kat saya
saya tak kesah sbb dia cukup bijak memilih orang yg tak kenal jiran dia
maklumat itu saya tak boleh guna utk blackmail dia ke ape

habis, kalau cerita pada kawan yang duduk sebelah printer ttg deskmate yang selalu makan roti tak ajak (ini cth sahaja)
kalau dia bocorkan rahsia
di facebook, bersedia utk dimaki dgn semua kata-kata kesat
mungkin boleh jadi dalam 16 bahasa dengan bantuan google translate 

kawan saya sudah dua kali tweet, dia kata 'silence is golden'
saya kata 'setuju!'

Monday, July 05, 2010

t-shirt itu

'macam jersi jerman la'
nak ucap, tapi tak terluah. 

sabarlah. kan syud dah pesan suruh sabar

Sunday, July 04, 2010

senario's scenario

With all due respect, I think Senario should back out now. Why so?

1) I'm confused, are they speaking or are they shouting (refer to Mazlan Pet Pet's and Wahid voices). Talking at that tone is just pure annoying. 
2) Funny people do not have to makeover themselves to the point of making them look stupid. What's up with the blue and some off colour on Azlee's head? Are people trying to make him look like a clown? And he let them do that? Dude, where's your price? 
3) These days, Senario's jokes are not funny. Enough said. Even the ads on the TV look pathetic. 
4) I don't get it, these people are on the way to the 40's. Why did these actors let other people embarrass them? 
5) Good comedians know the difference between getting the audience to 'laugh with them' and 'laugh at them'. 

IMHO, Senario is still in denial. A few years ago, they denied the fact that they are getting unpopular. How can anyone say self-confess that he or she is still popular? Someone who is still clinging on the little string of hope that they are still popular. 

I do not know if any of the Senario members will come across this but I really think you guys should call it quits. Find some films or sitcoms that will make you people more respectable. There is no bad stories or scandals or stupid gossips about you guys yet so please, while you guys still have it, just make a clean exit. 

Btw, Azlee, your supposedly funny face is not funny. It's annoying. Only kids can pull it off and you don't.

btw, many people are interested in the wrod-smith seminar. i'm concerned that those who might want to take part will lose the chance if they wait to long. if you are unsure on what that seminar is about, click here