Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have a very good friend. We met during out foundation year in MMU and since then, we have been good friends. We went through a lot together; laughter, tears, student life, working lives...being aunties in the same year and lots more. We may talk about lots of stuff but one thing we didn't do, we did today. 

As in talking. Not something else. TSK. 

Finally, we approached the topic that we usually skirt around for years. The topic of significant other. I don't know why but with her, it doesn't come easy. It was never easy. I know how she feels. It is difficult to be talking about that topic. 

About the things that we went through, where do we really want this 'current relationship' with another good friend go. What we wish to do.

Our hopes and dreams. Somehow, we feel so embarrassed about it. 

I'm glad we had the talk. It has been hovering for years. After ten years, we finally do the 'chic talk'. 

Wonder why it never happened before. Hurm

P/S: I need a simple black cardigan. I really do not know how to wear those kimono-like cardigans, I'm afraid I might choke in it 


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

finally :)

Unknown said...

ye finally syud. finally jugak i reply komen ni