Thursday, July 22, 2010

why iPad?

reminder: this is just my (a bit insane) thoughts. proceed at your own risk

1. why not? oke jawapan ini mmg mintak pelempang
2. IMHO, I get to save a lot on the classics. I just finished reading Dorian Gray. well not just but still, I do not have to buy it or download it and then print it out.
3. refer point no 2. I get to save space on books
4. unlike laptops, it takes just a split second to switch iPad on. or off.
5. it weighs less than a kilo (but still can cause injury if one is to bang it on a friend's head)
6. lazy to carry the laptop around in the house? iPad to the rescue
7. one can save data, photos, music and such on an iPad.
8. you do not need to sit in starbucks or such to surf. just stand outside their outlet and you are ready to read your favourite blog (evil laugh)
9. i can get obese on the games
10. you can pretend that you are jotting notes during a seminar while actually, you are just drawing something on the screen.

i know. i'm just bored. thus the review.


Bento-Hide said...

gerek ah. bila nak belikan aku satu? kohkohkoh :P

Unknown said...

hamboih ben(to). yang ada pun tak abeh bayar lagik