Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mengeji zionis

Mengeji zionis

Ye kadang-kadang aku keji juga zionis tapi penggunaannya terhad.

Ceritanya begini, siang tadi, aku bukak satu laman web seorang istaz ni. Die bercerita tentang 'orang awam' dan ilmu. Bagi aku, betullah. Kalau kita tak cukup ilmu, tak payahlah pandai-pandai nak berhujah. Takut jadi fitnah. Memanglah 'sampaikanlah walau satu ayat' tapi mesti sedar diri sendiri.

Yang itu, aku faham. Lepas tu, ada pulak suara-suara kat bawah tu yang ckp 'saya tak setuju dgn kata-kata ustaz'. Entri itu berbincang tentang perkara yang rumit, perbankan islam.

Benda pertama aku buat adalah gelak, kau siapa nak sangkal kata-kata orang yang berilmu? Senang cakap, sedarlah diri sikit. Perbankan islam bukan setakat murabahah dan mudharabah sahaja.

Ada pulak komen kat bawah- bawah ckp bank koknvensional tak mahu bank islam maju. Perluke saya ingatkan tolong guna internet tu dgn lebih berfaedah dan cari berita tentang sukuk? Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand dan Korea Selatan samada telah ataupun sudsh mengadakan sukuk bond sale.

Turunbawah lagi, lagi rasa mcm kene geletek. Ada orang komen tentang bank konvensional adalah trap zionis. Aku memang gelak tahap tgk hantu kak limah balik rumah.

Pertama, well, isn't that old news? Mcm dia sorang pulak yang tau itu trap zionis. Abeh, lagu yg dgr kat radio tu ko ingat bukan trap zionis ke?

Kedua, aku tak pahamlah kenapa kene kutuk zionis tahap beria-ria mcmlah akan datangkan kudis kat derang tu. Aku bukanlah suruh puja kekejian derang tu tapi setau aku, senjata orang mukmin yang paling ampuh adalah doa. Bukan kejian. Memanglah aku tau kata-kata tu doa tapi perlu ke kau berkokok kata zionis tu kejam which is duh! Obvious gile kot.

Ketiga, jadi baik perbankan konvensional itu perangkap zionis? apa pulak usaha kau nak kasi perbankan islam secara hebat dan pesat? Jangan jadi orang suka bercakap je. Cari jalan selesaikan masalah. Jangan bagi alasan takde saluran bagai. Kalau kau betul-betul niat nak bangunkan islam, kau akan buat mcm-mcm. Persistence pays, dude. Pergi ketuk pintu peguam, tulis surat dekat suratkhabar berkoyan-koyan. Tubuh persatuan pengguna ke ape-apelah, sampai orang celik mata.

Aku mmg terengsa sgt dgn derang ni sbnrnya. Kalau orang islam jatuh sikit, salahkan zionis. Tapi, apa penyelesaian dia? Zionis jahat tu aku nampak tapi apa yang ko buat sebenarnya? Ada kau bangun tengah malam berdoa selamatkan Palestin? Ada kau kejut kawan-kawan sebelah rumah kau sembahyang subuh berjemaah dan berdoa untuk kesejahteraan Malaysia? Ada?

Nak bercakap tu, bukan susah. Tapi nak janganlah sampai orang dpt tau yang ilmu kau cuma sejengkal.

Contoh aku bagi senang je. Kalau kau nak tanya pasal pentadbiran sekolah, kau tanya dekat guru besar ke jaga sekolah? Jaga sekolah mungkin ada dalam kawasan sekolah tapi adakah itu bermakna dia arif akan selok-belok pentadbiran?

P/S: zakat tu, tujuan dia BERSIHKAN harta. Faham ke tidak? Kalau selama ini kita pakai perbankan konvensional, bersihkan harta tu. Melainkanlah kau pegi buat satu negara yang ada matawang perak dan emas. Lalalala

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Monday, December 27, 2010

In less than two week, the pupils will start flocking back to the schools. At my place, the bus will be full students and working adults alike.

For those who will be using the public transportation for the first time, you have come to the right articles. I would hereby share with you some very useful tips that will bring togetherness in the community who travel on public transportation.

The last line added to give the impression that I’m writing longer article when in reality, I’m just babbling.

First, people travelling on public transport need to go to the extreme. Meaning; there’s no such thing as in the middle in terms of time. Either you go really early or very late. If you go in the middle, you will also be standing in the middle of a very pack bus like a smashed tuna. Like I’ve said before, a packed bus is very unlike a tin of Tsar-dines I mean sardines. Sardines can move in a tin but not smashed tuna.

Again, missing the point.

My point is you have to go really early to reach office early and travel in comfort. Travelling really late will result in you travelling not in style and guaranteeing the Monday blues to go on for the whole week. Leaving home really late will ensure you travel in comfort but the situation may change drastically at the office. Please proceed to use ‘really late’ at your own risk.

Two, be nice. Most young people are not early risers. If you rise early, that…urm…I’m going to leave you to fill in the blanks.

If we are going off the train at Gombak, refrain from standing smack in front of the door from Kerinchi up to Pasar Seni (if you are using Putra). Unlike Star, Putra does not have a driver so anyone is bound to miss their stop. This is especially true if we refuse to budge although you are in danger of being trampled with court shoes and stilettos.

Three, hygiene. Very, very important. A clean body gives us confidence, seriously. Nice smelling body, clothes, sans bad breathe; we will be comfortable and so do the people around you.

Four, be nice and do not hug the pole. A few people need to hold on to the pole to be balanced and leaning on it does not help. I usually poke these people with something and faked an insincere ‘Sorry!’ without even looking at them (Putra-like apology).

Five, it is somewhat like the survival of the fittest. When people step on our toes, just forgive them. They might or might not say sorry. Just don’t expect one because everybody is rushing-rushing-rushing. But do not follow this example. Just say sorry when anything like this happens.

Six, be careful of your belonging. Not only people can take put things from your bag, they can also put things in it. I usually separate the ID card from my money (not going to tell where I put those haha) but as an extra protection, maybe you can consider Card Protection Plan.

Seven, girls, stand up for your right. If people start doing funny funny stuff, scream. Too scared? Carry a long umbrella and when people start doing that, hit them wit it. And now, where’s my umbrella.

Eight, have you considered touch and go? Seriously, I hate travelling without the card. It saves a lot of time in the morning.

Nine, if it is private, maybe your conversation should only take place at home or your room. I’m sure people have seen such videos about conversation on the train being put up on YouTube.

Ten, if we are sitting on a seat, be very ready to give it up. I find it disturbing to see other passengers not wanting to give up their seat for the elderly, pregnant women and the less fortunate. Put ourselves in their shoes (regardless the size) and imagine how it feels having to stand so far.

These are just ten of public transportation guideline that I can think of. Anything to add?

p/s: M for Magic is still up for grabs people 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

KFC Fiasco

  It was a normal day, well… normal for my rate. This happened last month. I know, a tad too long but here it is again.

  It was the usual day at work on that day: go to the office with blurry vision, stop at KLCC to put on lenses, make breakfast at the office (trying very hard not to finish all the cheese in the fridge) and then proceeded to be busy. Busy, busy, busy until 11 something. 11, the usual time when my stomach started having a U2 concert, nudging me out of the seat.

Last month, the food court downstairs was still not opened so I head to Pavilion. I would very much love to go to KLCC but it was a bit too far (one of the joys of working there is having the luxury to choose which complex to have lunch while at the same time draining the almost non-existent money in the pocket). If I'm not mistaken, I had to run some errand on that day and I decided to go to KFC and get a takeaway.

You know the saying that one should not be allowed to buy anything when you are really, seriously hungry? Well, that was exactly what happened to me that day. I ordered the meal with the chicken and burger (which name I did not remember haha)  and head back to the office. I figured that if I eat at the office instead of having it Pavilion, the walking will make me really hungry and I can finish the meal.

So, I rushed back to the office and drop my purchase in the pantry. Rush as in checking my Facebook, what else?

Upon half way of eating the burger, I realised that I was nearly full and the time was just about 1 pm. It was really a battle you know because I had to choose whether to finish the meal or not. If I finish it, I might be very sleepy. If I don't I might throw it away. But in the end, I decided to keep it for my second lunch at 3pm. It looked like I won't be throwing it away anyways.

And the day proceeded again with me nearly forgetting the chicken in the KFC box. At about 3.45pm, I started getting hungry again. Well, it was the usual time for my snack anyways but this time, I had chicken with me. Unable to conceal my glee, I re-heat the chicken.

Setting the chicken to reheat for a few minutes, I head back to my place. There's no point of hanging around while it was not ready yet. And then, it started.

Suddenly, there was a significant change in the click-clacking of the keyboard. There was less sound and there were more people standing. The reason was easy; the smell of the chicken snaked all around the office. I felt bad almost instantaneously.

At the same time when I walked into the pantry to take out the chicken, my boss was in the pantry making drink. Believe me; I was tempted to pretend the food was not mine because she instantly made a remark on the strong KFC smell.

' Is that yours?'. I nodded, a bit guilty.

' Hah! You have to split it with me as a denda for disturbing the office. I just laughed and ran as fast as I can, which is not fast anyways.

And true, I surely did disrupt the office. People were murmuring " KFC, KFC' all around the office. A friend even came to my place and said:

' Ouh it was you. I was just thinking about texting my boyfriend saying that I was thinking about KFC and imagining it until I can smell itl.'

And people were walking around in the office asking the source of the smell and heard people saying my name.

Wow. I have certainly disturbed the dynamics of the office. Not using a bomb or something lethal but just.


So, there you go. Bosses, want to wak up the employees? You know what to do. Create a KFC Fiasco. 

P/S: This is my 500th post so, you people are invited to send an email to uculer[at] to win Neil Gaiman's M for Magic. I'm going to randomly pick the lucky person and get back to you. 

Friday, December 24, 2010

hi u'olls. i feeling-feeling la nak hadiahkan M is for Magic tulisan Neil Gaiman. ia adalah sebuah buku young adults. ada orang minat tak?

p/s: pemenang akan dipilih secara sukahati atau melalui soalan kuiz. oke nampak sgt tak buat keputusan lagi bwahaha

update: hadiah bersempena entri ke-500 yang akan datang. pemenang akan dipilih secara rambang sebab kalau buat pertandingan nanti, rambang mata pula. terima kasih

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


BMI bukanlah British Malaysian Institute. Ia adalah Body Mass Index. Jangan tanya terjemahan, tidaklah saya tahu. Kang salah alibahasa jadi Index Jisim Tubuh badan.


Oke kene tidur dah lewat esok terjaga lewat lafi. Janganlah marah i penat u

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Perihal disket

Waktu itu, aku masih belajar lagi. Tapi lepas sekolahlah. Maaflah, orang tua nak walking down memory lane. Bukan walk, macam merangkak maklum dah tua kan.

Eh termelalut plak.

Anyways, waktu itu aku berusia 18 tahun. Lokasi, Melaka. Waktu: waktu main-main di kuliah oke itu jahat i mean, sedang Cuba menjelma sebagai seorang manusia dewasa.

Pada tahun 2000, disket adalah in oke. Kelas asas komputer memerlukan disket 3.5-inci. Masa tu, disket memang pentinglah. Kau nak sumbat dokumen semua kat dalam itulah. Konon mcm penting gilalah. Tapi siapa ingat yang disket tu, memori dia kecik amat sampai lagu 1.2MB pun tak muat. Ingat tak?

Pegi kelas kene bawak disket yang besar tapak tangan tu. Kalau hilang, mcm kene bawa lagi satu. Sebeban jugalah kene beli disket kan?

Sekarang? Thumbdrive tu mana dah mcm awal 2000, 164 MB. Gelak-gelak je boleh beli 4GB. Itu kire keciklah tu. Ade lagi yang lebih besar. Kalo external tu, huih tak payah ceritalah.

Sejujurnya, aku rindu disket. Aku rindu bunyi yang terhasil bila kita sumbat disket dalam dalam pemacu dia (disk drive amenda translation dia?).

Dah lama aku tak tgk disket. Satu hari nanti kalau anak-anak buah aku dh besar, kalo tunjuk disket kat mereka pun, mesti tak kenal. Entah-entah derang buat alas cawan.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Perkara yang bole dibuat di pejabat (2)

Tetapi boleh mengundang kemarahan jiran:

Bersandar di kerusi yang diletakkan sebelah partition hingga menyebabkan partition jatuh.

Maaflah jiran, siries tak sengaja T___T

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gold Investment

Gold is nice to look at. I'm talking about the gold bars. Oke that may sound a bit of a lunacy so might want to bring it down a bit.

I like bracelets. I'm a fan of them. I love looking at bracelets outside Habib Jewels (because too afraid to come in and buat muka orang kaya to ask the prices). Jewelleries as accessories are nice, I admit that. But apart from that, gold is also good as an investment.

Well, if you are looking for investment avenues or those who love skim cepat kaya, maybe you can proceed from this point onwards.

During May 2009, the price of gold is about RM 117 per gram. Two months after that, the price went up to RM 127. During July-December 2010, the price was around RM 133-RM 140 per gram.

That was just a little comparison; I do not have to go in further although further comparison will reveal the same thing: gold price usually goes up. And this is the reason why gold makes a good investment choice (IMHO).

There are a lot of available choices now, not just buying gold necklace and bracelets. Well, I think not just now but for sometime. We can get gold bullions from Maybank and Public Bank or even Kuwait Finance House. Not necessarily to be turned into accessories but for rainy days in the future or even life after retirement. Public Bank offers physical gold while only certain Maybank branches offer kijang emas or physical gold.

Unlike money, gold value usually appreciates, not depreciate. Try going to jewellery outlets and ask the value of gold that maybe you have purchased like in the last five years. Ask, don't go and sell it. I didn't ask you to pawn it.

' I am a guy, I cannot but jewellery'. No worries, like I said just now, head to banks for gold accounts. As I refer up there, those three financial institutions offer gold accounts. But, if you are planning to open an account with Maybank, please do it in the morning. Opening the account will take some time and usually gold is available in the morning.

The initial investment may go up to about RM 2,000 with Kuwait Finance House, the amount might be a bit lower for Maybank. Subsequent purchases will be lower than that. But IMHO, definitely more worthy than paying RM 500+ for some dodgy businesses. And I would keep it at the bank, thanks.

Do you know that gold can become currency itself?

Taken from Wikipedia: In an international gold-standard system (which is necessarily based on an internal gold standard in the countries concerned)[14] gold or a currency that is convertible into gold at a fixed price is used as a means of making international payments. Under such a system, when exchange rates rise above or fall below the fixed mint rate by more than the cost of shipping gold from one country to another, large inflows or outflows occur until the rates return to the official level.

This may be a little bit boring but I think this will be a good choice for those who are using PTPTN rather than joining some MLMs that are just waiting to collapse.

So, girls, you know what to ask for your birthday? 

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Apakah sepatutnya buat stayback 30minit tapi tersilap lalu buat 40minit? I blame it on the ants near my mug at home.

But to be fair, maths and me are never best buds

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aplikasi; Expense Manager

Anda malas mahu login maybank2u cek akaun hari-hari? Anda malas cek baki simpanan di dalam bank melalui ATM? Anda mahu kawal perbelanjaan tetapi malas bawa buku 555 ke hulu ke hilir? 

ah apa guna telefon pintar anda selain daripada tangkap gambar di dalam tandas ataupun tangkap gambar kaki secara berjemaah. ataupun tangkap gambar sendiri dan photoshop mcm Clarky ini. 

kalau anda berminat untuk mencatatkan setiap perbelanjaan anda, usah tunggu lama-lama. muat turunlah aplikasi Expense Manager untuk telefon cap HTC, iPhone atau BlackBerry. alah tiada gambar pula tapi tidak mengapa, ini ada link untuk android

menggunakannya cukup mudah. anda cuma masukkan pendapatan anda dan kemudian masukkan perbelanjaan anda setiap hari. terdapat pelbagai kategori seperti makanan, perjalanan, utiliti dan kesihatan (setelah dialihbahasa). 

Secara peribadi, saya dapati aplikasi ini amat berguna kerana saya dapat beringat (sedikit) dalam berbelanja. bukan itu sahaja, kita juga boleh menetapkan masa bila kita harus membayar duit kutu eh maksud saya bil letrik atau telefon. ini bagus untuk mengingatkan orang yang terlupa di mana dalam kes ini, semua orang boleh lupa, bukan bangsa melayu sahaja. 

Dengan aplikasi ini juga saya dapati bahawa saya dapat melihat setiap perbelanjaan saya, dengan syarat saya masukkanlah. kalau tak masukkan lepas tu icon dia buat hiasan dengan telefon bimbit tu nak buat apa pulak kan? jadi, ianya efektif jugalah. tidaklah berbelanja macam tak ingat dunia, macam kad debit itu kad gores dan menang dalam bungkusan mamee pulak kan. 

eh lama la tak makan mamee. mana eh nak cari?

ye itu sahaja. sekian sahaja dulu. jangan marah tade gamba cube cari tak jumpe hihi. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Malam pertama

Malam pertama Ada wifi connection lah. Ha mulalah fikir mcm-mcm. Oke kene off auto-correct sumpah annoying.

Baiklah sudah off, yeay. Sebab sudah ada connection, senanglah mahu mengupdate apa-apa sebab takperlu on laptop hari-hari, boleh update kat sini. Tapi itu tak begitu penting sebenarnya. Yang penting adalah:

Tadi pergi Jobs Ad Network (JaNE) briefing. Konon nampak eye-candy, tapi hati remuk ada awek cun kat sebelah. TSK.

Oke itu sahaja update nak testing connection. Mari tidur dan abaikan perut yang super lapar. Nanait

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Monday, December 13, 2010

bawak-bawaklah berehat

1. bila anda cuba swipe kad keahlian kedai buku times di putra LRT semasa balik kerja. swipe tiga kali, hingga menyebabkan orang beratur dengan ramai di belakang

2. dengan konfiden dan penuh angkuh marah-marah bila tidak boleh masuk opis. menyumpah-seranah pihak pengurusan bangunan sedangkan cuba menggunakan kad touch and go untuk masuk ke pejabat. 

3. apabila anda mula mengatakan ' jap nak pegi mcD. nak tgk apa ada.' sedangkan anda tahu menu tidak pernah berubah. kerana malu, pergi tmpt lain. 

silalah tidur. atau bersenam lebih sikit

Thursday, December 09, 2010

MLM? Bluergh



MLM is starting to be like the other oldest occupation in the world. Why? Because regardless of its form, the reasons ' Why you should take part in an MLM?' are still the same.


I encountered the scheme long ago, during my university days (somehow that part of my life seemed to be  in 1800s). And I was genuinely surprised to know that their mantra is still the same.


  1. They will scare the hell out of you with speculation. Like ' You cannot be sure that you will continue being in employment for the next five years.'


Hello…of course nobody can be sure what will happen in the next five years. For example, the business cycle is between 5-8 years (sometimes ten) meaning that usually, there will be some disruption to the economy. That is why we have recession all the time.


Of course no one can guarantee what will happen. Even strong banks can fall; the easiest example would be Lehman Brothers. And these over-confident MLMers will keep saying' we can secure you with a sure future bla bla bla (feel free to puke here) when in reality, the system is just waiting to collapse. It will collapse at certain point because the market will be saturated eventually.

Anyways, nobody can tell what is going to happen in the next five minutes.


  1. ' We will help you generate income. HUGE income'

Ya right. The bigger your target, the more zeroes you will have to add to the check that you are about to hand it to your upline. Trust me. I see this a lot. Years, after I forgot it ever happened, the same thing happens again and again.


Imagine pouring RM 10k for a RM 360 profit? Any warning bells ringing in your ears? Come on, you don't need a calculator to see this is a loss-making business.


  1. ' What you need is money, not education'

Of all the reasons that these so-called rich people give, I find thing truly irritating; we do not need education. Students must hand over their money to MLM businesses to get more money because that is what we need. Not qualifications.


I think this is just a bit too cruel. Albeit the fact that Bill Gates did not earn a degree, he was a Harvard dropout. That, my friend, carries weight. But imagine if I drop out from MMU, do you think people would want to look at my qualification?


Any anyways, there's only one Bill Gates in the world. That shows that becoming another him is not easy-peasy.


A qualification is like a key. You may not become what you want to be but at least you have a choice. You did not become an engineer when you studied Mechanical Engineering but at least you have a choice. Without a degree or any qualifications, do you honestly think that you can make a choice?


Remember the saying ' Beggars cannot be choosers.'


  1. Money is the most important thing.

Really? Think again. Would you rather lose your family and friends because of MLM?


  1. ' The price is higher because we share the profits among us and so on and so forth'

Earlier, when you first started your ' business', they said that they cut the middle-man, packaging and etc. But how come the product price has gone higher? An easy example is those 'magnetic accessories', which name I would not say haha. Well, do I need to elaborate?


6. ' 9 out of 10 ways to earn a living is through business'

When they start using this excuse, demand to see their zakat slips, including zakat fitrah. Failure to do so might be a huge give away that these people are just fakers. And I am not responsible if anyone changes the spelling of the last word in the previous sentence.


I bet that they use at least one of these excuses. I'm not saying that working is the best solution; you can always start your own business but please, be realistic. There's nothing easy about accumulating wealth. We all have to work for it.


Regardless of whether you want to start your own business or investing, patience is the key. Remember, Rome was not built in one day. And I am sad that a lot of Malays (especially), fall into this trap. We get mad when people say we are lazy but our excitement over these stuff just proves the stereotyping to be right.


So I leave you with a simple physics formula


Work = Time x Distance. If you are not doing this, then you are probably not working. Even guards walks here and there a few times a day. 

Sunday, December 05, 2010

bunyi apakah?

pagi tadi, makan nasi lemak. selalunya pasti akan makan dengan tumpuan yang penuh. 

tetapi tidak pagi tadi. 

tengahari, tonton televisyen dengan rakan-rakan. tetapi entah mengapa, tumpuan hilang. terbang melayang.

petang, makan goreng keledek. hari ini tidak sekreatif selalunya. kalau tidak, rajin cari gula untuk cicah gula. 

tetapi, tidak hari ini. 

malam, semalam sedang berbaring di katil, baru aku perasan sesuatu. 

sepanjang hari ini, tumpuan aku betul-betul terganggu dek satu bunyi. bunyi seperti kaca pecah satu demi satu. bukan terhempas ke lantai tetapi bunyi kacah pecah seolah-olah terlalu lama terdedah pada cahaya matahari. 

ouh. rupanya bunyi hati aku pecah jadi keping-keping kecil. bila aku teringat hari ini, kau yang akan duduk di atas pelamin biru. 

p/s: ini cerita sahaja. maklum, bersempena musim orang kahwin. sesiapa yang bakal dan sudah jadi raja sehari, saya mendoakan rumahtangga anda dirahmati Tuhan. Amin

pencapaian hari ini

dengan magisnya, sudah berjaya mendownload aplikasi yang membolehkan multitasking di iPad. wheeeeee!

dan juga sudah memesan p1 max. sakit hati la dengan berukband sekarang. 

p/s: dari RM 199 ke christchurch? mcm bes je. tp sudah ada rancangan lain T_T

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Aplikasi iPad: Reader's Digest

u'oll semua ada baca reader's digest tak? i'olls bace tau. eh kenapa cakap macam ni? mesti sbb baca blog si cantik ni. 

anyways, bertemu lagi kita pada hari ini. saya baru lepas makan, mana boleh terus tido. jadi marilah kita membuat karangan dulu sambil tengok cerita buat-buat baju ni. hari ini saya nak cerita tentang satu lagi aplikasi untuk iPad. 

adakah anda suka membaca? saya suka. suka sangat. cita-cita dalam hidup ini adalah untuk memiliki sebuah kedai buku sendiri. bukan sahaja buku, saya juga membaca majalah kadang-kadang. ah bukan remaja kerana saya bukan lagi remaja tetapi reader's digest. adakah anda juga begitu? 

adakah anda pergi ke kedai buku dengan bersemangat, melangkah ke kedai buku dengan senyuman sambil berlagu riang, membayar reader's digest dan berlari-lari anak kembali ke rumah dan kemudian terasa ingin koyak majalah tersebut untuk buat origami? adakah anda membuka sehelai demi sehelai muka surat dan anda mula terasa terganggu kerana ia dipenuhi dengan survey-survey yang panjang berjela menyamai lebuhraya persekutuan? adakah anda kini menjadikan reader's digest anda sebagai mouse pad kerana kualitinya sudah tiada?

oke itu mcm over sangat. 

walau bagaimanapun, suka saya kongsikan di sini bahawa majalah yang sudah lebih kurang 70 dalam penerbitan, kini boleh dimuat turun secara percuma bagi pengguna iPad. setakat yang saya tahu, edisi ini adalah edisi UK. tapi okelah kan, jimat tak payahlah bayar RM 15 lepas tu darah tinggi sebab byk iklan. 

anda boleh memuat turun majalah-majalah ini (kalau tidak silap, ia mula ditawarkan secara percuma bermula jun 2010) dan disimpan di dalam iPad anda tanpa memerlukan talian Internet. ia sungguh berguna untuk orang-orang seperti saya yang iPad hanya versi WiFi. masa mula-mula baca tu, macam tak puas juga. ada juga gaya macam nak selak mukasurat tapi nak selak hapenye dah tunjuk atas skrin sahaja. 

apa yang saya dapati, reader's digest versi UK mempunyai lebih 'jokes' page. ia juga mempunyai pertandingan seperti 100-word story di mana cerita yang ditulis mesti untuk 100 patah perkataan, tidak lebih tidak kurang. malah, mereka banyak berkongsi akan cerita-cerita yang mempunyai kisah teladan yang cukup menarik. 

namun, jika anda mahu memuat turun setiap edisi, anda memerlukan halaju internet (apsal rasa macam salah ni ah belasah) yang stabil, bukannya seperti hidup segan, mati tak mahu. jika anda memuat turun di cawangan-cawangan kedai kopi ataupun old town white coffee, eloklah anda bersedia dengan minuman dan makanan untuk menunggu ia habis memuat turun. 

jadi bagaimana? selepas ini kalau nampak banyak iklan pun tak mengapa kerana percuma. heh. 

p/s: saya belum update iTunes untuk membolehkan multi-tasking pada iPad T__T. adakah anda sudah?