Monday, December 27, 2010

In less than two week, the pupils will start flocking back to the schools. At my place, the bus will be full students and working adults alike.

For those who will be using the public transportation for the first time, you have come to the right articles. I would hereby share with you some very useful tips that will bring togetherness in the community who travel on public transportation.

The last line added to give the impression that I’m writing longer article when in reality, I’m just babbling.

First, people travelling on public transport need to go to the extreme. Meaning; there’s no such thing as in the middle in terms of time. Either you go really early or very late. If you go in the middle, you will also be standing in the middle of a very pack bus like a smashed tuna. Like I’ve said before, a packed bus is very unlike a tin of Tsar-dines I mean sardines. Sardines can move in a tin but not smashed tuna.

Again, missing the point.

My point is you have to go really early to reach office early and travel in comfort. Travelling really late will result in you travelling not in style and guaranteeing the Monday blues to go on for the whole week. Leaving home really late will ensure you travel in comfort but the situation may change drastically at the office. Please proceed to use ‘really late’ at your own risk.

Two, be nice. Most young people are not early risers. If you rise early, that…urm…I’m going to leave you to fill in the blanks.

If we are going off the train at Gombak, refrain from standing smack in front of the door from Kerinchi up to Pasar Seni (if you are using Putra). Unlike Star, Putra does not have a driver so anyone is bound to miss their stop. This is especially true if we refuse to budge although you are in danger of being trampled with court shoes and stilettos.

Three, hygiene. Very, very important. A clean body gives us confidence, seriously. Nice smelling body, clothes, sans bad breathe; we will be comfortable and so do the people around you.

Four, be nice and do not hug the pole. A few people need to hold on to the pole to be balanced and leaning on it does not help. I usually poke these people with something and faked an insincere ‘Sorry!’ without even looking at them (Putra-like apology).

Five, it is somewhat like the survival of the fittest. When people step on our toes, just forgive them. They might or might not say sorry. Just don’t expect one because everybody is rushing-rushing-rushing. But do not follow this example. Just say sorry when anything like this happens.

Six, be careful of your belonging. Not only people can take put things from your bag, they can also put things in it. I usually separate the ID card from my money (not going to tell where I put those haha) but as an extra protection, maybe you can consider Card Protection Plan.

Seven, girls, stand up for your right. If people start doing funny funny stuff, scream. Too scared? Carry a long umbrella and when people start doing that, hit them wit it. And now, where’s my umbrella.

Eight, have you considered touch and go? Seriously, I hate travelling without the card. It saves a lot of time in the morning.

Nine, if it is private, maybe your conversation should only take place at home or your room. I’m sure people have seen such videos about conversation on the train being put up on YouTube.

Ten, if we are sitting on a seat, be very ready to give it up. I find it disturbing to see other passengers not wanting to give up their seat for the elderly, pregnant women and the less fortunate. Put ourselves in their shoes (regardless the size) and imagine how it feels having to stand so far.

These are just ten of public transportation guideline that I can think of. Anything to add?

p/s: M for Magic is still up for grabs people 

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