Sunday, January 25, 2009

it almost felt like a sickness and addiction mixed in one concoction
and the feelings come in rushes that it became unstoppable and left me bewildered

darn it
life can be fun and thrilling
it also can be near killing

but i thank God for this
because it will eventually make me be stronger
let's keep our hopes high

Saturday, January 24, 2009

my throat is papery
due to the ice-blended drink race
i had brain freeze

it was good clean fun
i can't remember the last time i hang out with the younger ones
ok, i know that i do sound like i'm 48 now but in all honesty
it was really good fun

i'm still an insomniac
i hate this
it has nearly been more than two weeks
this shouldn't have happened

ok, i just found out that cousin is going for a camp
kem pengakap
i never thot i had that much influence on them when in true reality
they are greatly influenced
ok, got to behave and no hanky-panky

i'm having stomachache
note to self: must not consume too much ice-cream
and must update comrades on news

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

talking about being spontaneous
ok it kind of feel nice
having someone to talk to

it was totally accidental

but i just want to say thanks
for sharing a totally enjoyable two hours


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I’m utterly, honestly terrified. I’m stuck with my story and I can’t move anywhere. The deadline is approaching and barring its fangs at me. Those yellow fangs dripping with blood. And yet, I have no idea on what I’m supposed to be doing.

And I have no idea what I should be doing on 31 January 2009. Maybe I should seriously be thinking about migrating for real now. I have no idea whether I should be reading a poetry, a story or just roll up into a ball and cry piteously on the stage. And I don’t know where I should seek help from. This is maddening.

There’s this thump! Thump! Near my ribs too. I’m concerned if my heart is just going to leap out of the ribcage. As if something good will happen but I don’t know what.

Peti ais. This is even harder than having to learn Morse code. Maybe I should come up with my own Morse code because I’ve been browsing my blog and I was unable to understand what I wrote in the past entries. What’s the whole point of writing if I was not able to look back and re-live the terrible doom?

I’m like so scared right now. I really cannot think straight. And I cannot concentrate, can’t find inspiration and so on and so forth. This is so difficult I just feel the need of throwing myself out of the window. Except mine has grills so I won’t be able to do it. Woman, you are rambling.

I should stop before it gets worse/ Fini

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Let’s face it. I’m :
1. Not the brain of Malaysia, KL or anywhere on the map. I am thus, not a genius. I ask questions.

2. I’m not a mind reader. Mortal-to-mortal, I have the same limited ability like those of an average person. Not a person with Spidey-vision or Superman’s mind reading ability. If I ask a question, it would really honour me if the person can provide an answer. A black-and-white answer will be great. A ‘depends’ and ‘up to you’ will just make me fume and breathe fire.

3. Fine, I learnt that karma is for real. Silent treatment, please fly out of the window. I do not wish to use it again.

4. My idols range from Anthony Bourdain, Bill Bryson and Meg Cabot. Hence, I do sometimes have the tendency to copy their sarcastic remarks, which most of the time surprise me. If I ask whether you feel offended, it will make my day if you give a straight answer. Not ‘depends’.

5. I’m learning that ignorance is not bliss; it’s a recipe for disaster. I’m trying to learn new things and sometimes, I don’t even know me, let alone you. And I do believe that one of the ways to learn about things is through asking.

6. As a human, I sometimes forgot how to behave. Again, the same rule applies. If I ask, please answer me. And I would prefer an explanation that will really help me not to repeat mistakes. Don’t forget that to err is human (to forgive is absolutely divine)

7. I love sensitive people because they have empathy. They help ignorant people like me to notice little tiny, gritty, petty looking matters that can be amended and make someone’s day. It will be even nicer if the person don’t sulk on a … say, monthly or weekly basis. It drives me crazy and I feel somewhat like Ariel Sharon when they sulk. Never mind that Ariel Sharon might not even think he’s bad. I just feel like a bad person.

8. I don’t know how to pujuk others. As a friend nicely puts it, ‘ko pujuk orang macam ayam’.

9. I don’t read between the lines. I don’t even know how. I secretly think that my best friend is my personal secretary for reading the lines thingy. It will take me months, even years to realize what happened or was happening. Although you think I posed a question because I was trying to be cheeky and have just read between the lines; here’s news: I ask because I genuinely do not know what it means. And I’m always up for an explanation because I know things happen for a reason.

10. I communicate through words, understand things through words and analyze things through words. If you don’t supply this medium, don’t expect me to understand you immediately. I’m a bad bad judge of expressions.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

my hands are clammy
in the morning
at noon
and Gosh!
they still do

what is this?

i'm having difficulties to sleep at night
and no appetite

what is happening to me?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Marry Me by Carey Marx (book review)
Caution: For those who are really ticklish and will laugh heartily at the mention of the word ‘funny’, please make sure that you have signed up for insurance programme(s) before proceeding to read the book.

The story is about a comedian trying to find a perfect wife in the span of six months. It’s a true story, with the author making himself as the most eligible person in the said during and advertising it during his gigs and also going through online dating sites.
His plan, which was called ‘Marry Me’. comes with a proposal for a book to be written hence the girls he dated knew what they were getting themselves into.
The writer sets off with dates after dates, email after email of potential brides along with other potential brides from his friends as well as girls offering themselves to marry him after his performances. He was in for a journey that he never thought he will enjoy and looked at the insights of people on the topic of dating and marriage. He met nutters, non-nutters, funny-hot-eligible women with dark sense of humour.
Before he knew it, it seems that everybody already labeled him as ‘the lad who wants to get married’. Some appear to be amused, concerned, cynical and some motivated him that he will be able to do it. Girls experienced emotional roller-coaster about what he does and he was also in the danger of losing his social life due to his mission. He was also said to be unethical to be doing so.
The author learnt a few things along the way; that romance is everyone, that he is romantic, what qualities he wants in his wife and learning to be better dressed. He organized a murder date and a party with zombies in a graveyard that were both funny in a creepy and dangerous kind of way. I mean, how many times do you come across a guy who really go all out to arrange a murder date when you saod an adventurous date will be interesting.
The book and proposal changed people’s perspective on marriage. A few of the 100-something girls he dated got engaged and even got married during the mission. People clap him on the back, admiring his work and he married his audience (which is like really funny I nearly barfed by brain out).
Marx included email correspondence he had with the girls (with their permission of course) and really witty and funny ones too.
The book is entertaining to see a guy going on a self-discovery mission at the age of 38 with the knowledge that the mission may or may not be fulfilled.
Did he get married anyways? Well, that was not the most important point in the book but the whole in the story, or the journey through the book was what I enjoyed most.

Friday, January 09, 2009

maybe it's the weather
maybe it's the heat
or it's the whatever that's there
but i'm having fever

not just fever
flu and sore throat in a package

resting at home?
not an option
finished all pending jobs
catch up with all the friends
and will go on a meeting during lunch
a bliss?
more than that baybeh

pening off..ta

Monday, January 05, 2009

Well, hi 2009. Yes, I’m slow on the update nevertheless, Happy New Year!

Getting out of my comfort zone. Wow, that will be difficult. Of course, I thought it was not going to be. I thought that I how hard can it be going back to camping, eating cheap stuff and skip the malls? It takes a lot, seriously a lot.

My first test was, avoid the fast food.

For nearly a whole month, I was able to avoid the fast food outlets that serve food rich with trans-fat. Until the fateful day that my cousin bought pizza to celebrate his first paycheck. What do you expect from a true Malaysian? Say no? you must be kidding. Free food are good food. But I managed to eat just half of the slice. Just enough to signal “ Thanks for the treat.” I’m now ready to resume my whole cycle of avoiding the fast food after consuming whole big chunk of burger this morning. If I keep this up, I will resort to wearing raincoats (which is to conceal all the fat around my waist) in no time! What a comforting though (yeah right).

IMHO, I have always thought that it was extremely easy to have access to fast food when in reality it’s too expensive and eats up most of my expenses monthly. What my friend and I are going to do (we believe the word ‘try’ does not exist) is to avoid the fast food outlets, eat at the food court or buy pastry. Not from fancy pastry houses like BreadTalk or the sort. Something more cheaper. See if we can really survive it.

As far as the small trips are concerned, we are looking at some parks at the moment. Of course, we be having picnic there, eating home=made sandwiches and stuff. And my dear friend has perfected the art of making really good garlic bread (yeayness for that).

I think the biggest challenge this week was to refrain from buying any books for myself. I went out a few times to get some revision books for my baby cousin and it took all my strength not to buy the cheap bargain corner book (1 book for RM9) and not to give in to temptation to just buy the French language course. It really takes a lot. Seriously.

I’m embracing another week and this week challenge is to just wish my expanding waist away. I wish I can do that. Ugh. So, have a happy day ahead. I know we all will.

“Start by starting” – Meryl Streep