Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have to say that I am a creature of habits. This include (but not limited to) by the routine of falling asleep too late, dreaming of the alarm going off an hour after it actually is supposed to give a sound and having a specific method of turning the pages of the book.

Somehow, it got programmed in my head, enabling me to move in the auto pilot mode. This is the mode that is the most important when you are about to lose your mind because you are A) too tired B) too sleepy C) had to call the girlfriend or boyfriend before they go bonkers.

It might also be become a habit like you know exactly where your toothbrush is or where you last dropped your favourite shawl (this one I fondly call as 'organised mess'). Isn't it extremely useful to just walk into the bathroom and reach for the toothbrush without even stopping to think about its location?

Now, can you imagine the chaos that took place when someone changed the order of the shampoo and shower foam? I am already short-sighted as it is and sleepy. I cannot even be sure if I use shower foam on my hair or did I really use shampoo. It is hard to tell. I only realised what has happened when I was about to exit the bathroom. By then, I was too tired to even care.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kempen Derma Darah (#TwtupDarahCP 2.0)

Semalam telah berlaku satu kejadian di mana ramai orang yang selama ini memenuhkan susur masa Twitterjaya telah menghadirkan diri ke Sime Darby Medical Center (eh ke eja centre? My England is not powderful) utk menderma darah.

Macam biasa, malas nak mengarang maka kita tepek gambar sahaja.

ini adalah buku rekod anda. berlainan dengan report card di sekolah, kalau anda ada buku ini dan penuh komen, anda badass. oke maafkan penggunaan kata tersebut.

memperkenalkan, pengarah program. rasanya nama dia bell_on. oke maaf nabila. gurau sahaja.

sebelum derma darah, kita kene makan dulu tau. memperkenalkan sebahagian daripada yang terjebak dalam program ini.

nantikan, kalau awak tak makan sebelum menderma, akan jadi mcm ni, terpaksa didokong orang.

maaf, jika anda mempunyai tendency sebegini, anda tergolong dalam golongan orang yang tidak boleh menderma. ada dekat poster SDMC tau. bukan saya saja cakap.

perhatikan reaksi si tudung merah. ish ish korang ni. senonoh sikit.

btw, itu si syaiton atau azfar yang datang juga sebab tak tahan dibuli bahahha.

dah makan, setelah sudah pemikiran dijahanamkan, lek dulu, online. of course, sambil twitjeck org.

ala dramatik habis. cari urat je pun.

dia single dan dia juga single. email for enquiry. kbai.

dmekdy said 'it's a boy!'

inilah pemandangan dari luar. penuh kan? seronok tau.

baiklah, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada semua yang telah menyokong program ini. tak kiralah yang hadir atau tidak, yang menderma atau tidak dapat menderma, terima kasih. terima kasih banyak-banyak.

jumlah darah yang terkumpul semalam: lebih kurang 90++ beg :).

jadi, lain kali kalau ada lagi, nak datang tak?

Pictures: credit to @Mytheorem

Thursday, April 19, 2012



Now, I am pretty sure what the management of our office building is doing.

You see, it is nearly two weeks since one of the elevators in our tower broke down. There four elevators for our tower with I don't know how many millions of offices in that part alone.

Naming it just as tower is boring. Let's give a name to it like Titan. Oke that sounds good. Don't ask me why. I'm bored out of my skull.

Anyways, I was stranded at the ground floor for a good ten minutes, resulting in getting late to the office. Not really that late but I would want to have the option of going back early. And so I stood there, refreshing my mailbox (not work-related, of course) just to kill time. Not only I kill time, I do have a feeling that I might have killed myself too.

Standing there, I noticed a few things. One, I realised that there were many people in Titan. Second, this is the opportunity to get to know each other. After all, disasters bring us together right? Nothing beats that. This is the time to get to know who works on which floor (perfect exercise for singles who are looking for partners or those who wish to make new friends) and maybe, get to know your future bosses (maybe considering to move to ye lower floor perhaps?).

I do notice some people had enough of it and resorted to climbing the stairs. Now, this is part of an perfect plan too. I think you do realise that we are fighting this obesity problem worldwide. I am not implying that those working nearby are heavy; I am just trying to make you think that I was trying to imply that prevention is better than cure. Forget the gymnasium, forget the expensive fees. This is a great way to lose weight the free way. Walk down and up the stairs for two weeks and I am pretty sure there will be noticeable difference, especially near the waistline. Provided there were no intervention of nasi lemak, teh tarik or frappuchino (including but not limited to).

This bus trip is nearing to an end. Forget what ever I said on the top part, the building is just waiting for spare parts I think. And I am so going to flip if it is still down. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

You know the one that people talk about that when you thing about good stuff, it will come to you? Ah yeah. That.

I don't buy it. Let me explain.

I choose the bus as my main type o transportation daily. Just for fun. I love being packed in a bus every morning jut for the heck of it. Oke kidding. This place is so packed with cars that only one with willpower can wake up extremely early in the morning just to exit this place. I do 't have enough tenacity to try to push everyone off the road so I can move forward. Or I never try before. Whatever.

Anyways, the bus stop is not really far from my house. I can hear the engine everything it passes by. So, imagine the frustration when I run around in my room, trying to get hold of the bag, book, papers, documents (crap! I forgot my cheque) and sunblock (this was just thrown it just to make this paragraph longer) and.....wait for it.....the bus comes along. Not one, mind you, but can be several at times.

And then, when I am done doing the little dance routine in my room, I hear the last bus passes. Thinking positively that the trend will continue, I march down to pick my shoes. March calmly to the bus stop (while struggling with The Papers That Can Never Be Tamed) and wait.

Ten minutes before a single bus passes by. When I say a 'single bus', j pretty much mean it can either be a schoolbus or the shuttle to UM.

Why couldn't my positive thinking move another bus to pass at the front of my bus? So much for the Law of Attraction.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Ah remember the moment that you get so excited to spend the few remaining ringgit in your bank just so you can escape reality for a few moments? The elated feeling of seeing the 0s turning into 0. Isn't it exhilirating?

Obviously I was joking. Travelling, especially in groups with a tour guide, is just another way of tiring yourself. Imagine submitting to the long hours of sitting in the bus and going off and on the bus every few hours. Not much to do except just to stare out the windows (and missing the moments to capture the 'babi panggang' pictures) and try to carry out the conversation with a colleague that you talk to every once a week. Well, it my case it is very different. More like once a month just to see who is able to predict when is our paycheck going to come in.

It is the nature of the job, solitary thinking. I am no social hermit, no.

Anyways, back to the story, the days when you get so excited of planning what to bring and what to not bring during a trip is long gone. As long as you put something in the bag, there will be at least one thing that you will absolutely not use. Or touch. Or don't even know you bring. You will always end up having too much either you bring one jeans or two jeans.

Travel light? What is travel light? I have no idea how to do it, no matter how hard I tried too. My toiletries takes up nearly two third of my bag anyways. Yes, honey, I tried putting it in small bottles. I swear they get bigger once they get nto my bag. I have no idea how they do it.

I came back from Medan last week. It was part of my dream to visit Lake Toba so that is one place i am crossing off my list of 'Places To Visit (To Spend The Money That Was Supposed To Be For My Retirement)'.

I made the mistake of bringing a cardigan instead of a sweater (straight guys, thereis a definite difference between those two).

But i had fun. Kind of.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Buat Main

buat main ni kononnya macam berlawaklah. macam awak buat lawak dengan kawan-kawan awak.

kawan-kawan boleh buat main. anak raja jangan. macam mana pun awak kena mengaku juga kita tak duduk dalam zaman yang ideal. dia ada harta dan kuasa. awak ada apa?

sekarang pergi duduk di sudut dan fikirkan apa yang awak dah buat.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Unwanted Child

Ini apa yang dipersembahkan di dalam Freakonomics tetapi memang makes sense. Unwanted child bukan hanya bermaksud bastards tetapi anak-anak yang tidak diterima oleh keluarga. Contohnya, untuk keluarga yang masih belum sedia untuk menerima seorang anak tetapi dah pun ada seorang anak. Mungkin juga keluarga yang rasa keluarga sudah cukup besar tetapi terlanjur pula. Sebab dah 'berisi', takut nak buang.

Bayangkan hidup di dalam keluarga dengan tak dapat kasih sayang. Hidup di bawah bayang-bayang adik-adik dan abang-abang. Mungkin juga tidak dipedulikan ibu dan ayah. Sedih sangat bukan?

Jadi, apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk menarik perhatian ibu bapa? Selalunya kalau di dalam hal ini, unwanted kids will become troubled kids. Daripada troubled kids, upgrade lagi sikit jadi criminals pula.

Nampak atau tidak masalah sekarang? Nampak tidak bahawa kita mungkin ada masalah hang berat mungkin dalam 30 tahun akan datang. Betapa banyaknya unwanted kids (yang dibuang misalnya) yang ada potensi tinggi untuk menjadi troubled kids dan penjenayah nanti. Sekalipun mungkin ada keluarga yang akan mengambil bayi-bayi yang terbuang ini, masalah tetap aka ada.

Bukanlah nak cakap yang bayi yang tidak dibuang keluarga akan jadi orang baik-baik tetapi mengapa mesti tambah statistik? Risaukan kalau kalau statistik bayi terbuang yang bakal jadi troubled kids, teenagers dan kemudian adults.

Jadi, bagaimana? Bagaimana untuk membendung masalah ini? Apakah yang boleh kita lakukan sebagai sebuah masyarakat? Masalah yang mungkin nampak enteng sekarang tetapi bakal menjadi nanah satu hari nanti.

Penyelesaian yang diberikan dalam buku Freakonomics mungkin sangat ekstrem. Tetapi, it works. Bukanlah aku menyokong tteapi mungkin kita patut cari penyelesaian pada masalah ini.

Ini cuma kerisauan yang diterjemah di sini, itu sahaja. Penyelesaiannya mungkin tidak begitu mudah tetapi mungkin kita semua boleh berbuat sesuatu di masa depan.

Ye, busuk sebab bentangkan masalah tapi tak bagi penyelesaian. Bahahaha!