Sunday, April 15, 2012


Ah remember the moment that you get so excited to spend the few remaining ringgit in your bank just so you can escape reality for a few moments? The elated feeling of seeing the 0s turning into 0. Isn't it exhilirating?

Obviously I was joking. Travelling, especially in groups with a tour guide, is just another way of tiring yourself. Imagine submitting to the long hours of sitting in the bus and going off and on the bus every few hours. Not much to do except just to stare out the windows (and missing the moments to capture the 'babi panggang' pictures) and try to carry out the conversation with a colleague that you talk to every once a week. Well, it my case it is very different. More like once a month just to see who is able to predict when is our paycheck going to come in.

It is the nature of the job, solitary thinking. I am no social hermit, no.

Anyways, back to the story, the days when you get so excited of planning what to bring and what to not bring during a trip is long gone. As long as you put something in the bag, there will be at least one thing that you will absolutely not use. Or touch. Or don't even know you bring. You will always end up having too much either you bring one jeans or two jeans.

Travel light? What is travel light? I have no idea how to do it, no matter how hard I tried too. My toiletries takes up nearly two third of my bag anyways. Yes, honey, I tried putting it in small bottles. I swear they get bigger once they get nto my bag. I have no idea how they do it.

I came back from Medan last week. It was part of my dream to visit Lake Toba so that is one place i am crossing off my list of 'Places To Visit (To Spend The Money That Was Supposed To Be For My Retirement)'.

I made the mistake of bringing a cardigan instead of a sweater (straight guys, thereis a definite difference between those two).

But i had fun. Kind of.

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