Sunday, December 26, 2010

KFC Fiasco

  It was a normal day, well… normal for my rate. This happened last month. I know, a tad too long but here it is again.

  It was the usual day at work on that day: go to the office with blurry vision, stop at KLCC to put on lenses, make breakfast at the office (trying very hard not to finish all the cheese in the fridge) and then proceeded to be busy. Busy, busy, busy until 11 something. 11, the usual time when my stomach started having a U2 concert, nudging me out of the seat.

Last month, the food court downstairs was still not opened so I head to Pavilion. I would very much love to go to KLCC but it was a bit too far (one of the joys of working there is having the luxury to choose which complex to have lunch while at the same time draining the almost non-existent money in the pocket). If I'm not mistaken, I had to run some errand on that day and I decided to go to KFC and get a takeaway.

You know the saying that one should not be allowed to buy anything when you are really, seriously hungry? Well, that was exactly what happened to me that day. I ordered the meal with the chicken and burger (which name I did not remember haha)  and head back to the office. I figured that if I eat at the office instead of having it Pavilion, the walking will make me really hungry and I can finish the meal.

So, I rushed back to the office and drop my purchase in the pantry. Rush as in checking my Facebook, what else?

Upon half way of eating the burger, I realised that I was nearly full and the time was just about 1 pm. It was really a battle you know because I had to choose whether to finish the meal or not. If I finish it, I might be very sleepy. If I don't I might throw it away. But in the end, I decided to keep it for my second lunch at 3pm. It looked like I won't be throwing it away anyways.

And the day proceeded again with me nearly forgetting the chicken in the KFC box. At about 3.45pm, I started getting hungry again. Well, it was the usual time for my snack anyways but this time, I had chicken with me. Unable to conceal my glee, I re-heat the chicken.

Setting the chicken to reheat for a few minutes, I head back to my place. There's no point of hanging around while it was not ready yet. And then, it started.

Suddenly, there was a significant change in the click-clacking of the keyboard. There was less sound and there were more people standing. The reason was easy; the smell of the chicken snaked all around the office. I felt bad almost instantaneously.

At the same time when I walked into the pantry to take out the chicken, my boss was in the pantry making drink. Believe me; I was tempted to pretend the food was not mine because she instantly made a remark on the strong KFC smell.

' Is that yours?'. I nodded, a bit guilty.

' Hah! You have to split it with me as a denda for disturbing the office. I just laughed and ran as fast as I can, which is not fast anyways.

And true, I surely did disrupt the office. People were murmuring " KFC, KFC' all around the office. A friend even came to my place and said:

' Ouh it was you. I was just thinking about texting my boyfriend saying that I was thinking about KFC and imagining it until I can smell itl.'

And people were walking around in the office asking the source of the smell and heard people saying my name.

Wow. I have certainly disturbed the dynamics of the office. Not using a bomb or something lethal but just.


So, there you go. Bosses, want to wak up the employees? You know what to do. Create a KFC Fiasco. 

P/S: This is my 500th post so, you people are invited to send an email to uculer[at] to win Neil Gaiman's M for Magic. I'm going to randomly pick the lucky person and get back to you. 

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