Sunday, July 04, 2010

senario's scenario

With all due respect, I think Senario should back out now. Why so?

1) I'm confused, are they speaking or are they shouting (refer to Mazlan Pet Pet's and Wahid voices). Talking at that tone is just pure annoying. 
2) Funny people do not have to makeover themselves to the point of making them look stupid. What's up with the blue and some off colour on Azlee's head? Are people trying to make him look like a clown? And he let them do that? Dude, where's your price? 
3) These days, Senario's jokes are not funny. Enough said. Even the ads on the TV look pathetic. 
4) I don't get it, these people are on the way to the 40's. Why did these actors let other people embarrass them? 
5) Good comedians know the difference between getting the audience to 'laugh with them' and 'laugh at them'. 

IMHO, Senario is still in denial. A few years ago, they denied the fact that they are getting unpopular. How can anyone say self-confess that he or she is still popular? Someone who is still clinging on the little string of hope that they are still popular. 

I do not know if any of the Senario members will come across this but I really think you guys should call it quits. Find some films or sitcoms that will make you people more respectable. There is no bad stories or scandals or stupid gossips about you guys yet so please, while you guys still have it, just make a clean exit. 

Btw, Azlee, your supposedly funny face is not funny. It's annoying. Only kids can pull it off and you don't.

btw, many people are interested in the wrod-smith seminar. i'm concerned that those who might want to take part will lose the chance if they wait to long. if you are unsure on what that seminar is about, click here


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

yap. agree with ucu.

i miss those days where hamdan and aliyas still with them.

and I'm not watching of their film by my own willingness! I was forced to see! HAHA

kekurang asaman adik2 yang dok ulang tayang lawak bodoh senario. tak best langsung :(

Unknown said...

sumpah sungguh annoying kan, syud? mcm tak paham ape yg kelakar sgt terjerit-jerit

Bento-Hide said...

yes, setuju dengan kau ucu. aku tambah sket, pelawak kena rajin membaca. alert dan pandai memanipulasikan isu semasa. senario bukan pelawak. mereka badut. tapi mereka tak mengaku. tapi tu lah, sepatutnya mereka sudah kena tukar profesion..

Unknown said...

i agree with you. especially about azlee.