Saturday, December 08, 2012

Accidental Shopping

It does exist, I can assure you. One moment you are humming to yourself, thinking of the lunch menus and before you know it BAM! You are several ringgit (or hundred) poorer but ouh! So much happier.

You think ' Nah, it would never happen. How is that possible? I am hungry and I really go out of the office to buy food, nothing else. Once I am full, I'd feel so much better. I wouldn't be looking at anything else.'

That is really not true. Once you are done with lunch and there is still time to spare, there will be so much walking around that you want to do. It does not matter where you are having lunch, as long as there are people selling stuff, it's just a catastrophe to happen.

I went to ge lunch, I end up with a purse. True, I need a purse but really not now. I know I have had my purse for nearly ten years and something are about to get faulty. The zipping mechanism now needs a lot of tugging but I honestly love it. You can no longer find a good leather purse at that price anymore.

Well, I should remember the inflation.

But I grabbed the purse, almost not thinking. It's on 70% off and I was unsure if there are more of the same range on rebate. It does not help with I have someone else beside you saying that i was a really good buy, you cannot possibly get anything from the same range at the same or almost similar price.

At the sound of the cash register, I can almost hear my heart sang. It was like music to my ears and the thought of having something new to open just made me happy. It was something new, something wrapped in a bag and the smell, ya..the smell. Who doesn't like the smell of new stuff. It's almost like getting a new breathe of 'fresh air' from snorting drug (metaphorically speaking. I never do drug except cough syrup).

As expected, guilt arrived a bit late. It must got delayed by the lunch traffic; foot or vehicle. It was panting at the door, gasping for breathe and I nearly missed it.

That was when it hit me; the guilt. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach while I was still holding the bag of my new purchase. There were sweat on my forehead while my face was still smiling. I know; a walking contradiction.

Despite the bad taste in my mouth, I still cannot let it go. I know I should at least selling it back but I cannot bring myself to it. And here I am, looking at the purse, wiping beads of tears out of my eyes. It's so beautiful.

Well, I just had to say this, regardless of how cliche it could be:

' If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.' There, I said it.

1 comment:

Asmaul Juakhir said...

I don't know if it's just me or what..I've always seen sales which is was never-to-missed-out, at the end of a month. To make it worse, I actually fall for it and there. Balik rumah macam menyesal tak hengat. Hahaha..