Sunday, November 10, 2013

If you are sick…

Sometimes we forget that work performance do not mean that we have to be in the office every single day. Our body is like a machine; sometimes it requires maintenance and time off (unless one of us is an android) like one or two days of being on holiday perhaps. It is actually surprising to know some people think otherwise.

Before we move on, some offices have remote working arrangements or permission to do so from the boss. I am one of those lucky ones.

For those who are lucky enough to enjoy this, I still find it hard to comprehend why some choose to come to the office although it is kind of obvious that you are unfit to do so. It is perfectly fine to be sitting at home a day a two just to make sure you are fine. It is perfectly normal to be sick, rest at home, get better and return to the office. How can we expect to be working at full capacity when we have runny nose or an upset stomach (this always include running to and fro the toilet)? How?

But sadly, sometimes we totally forgot about this. Sigh.

Airborne diseases may look pretty harmless to us. Ah, what’s a bit of a cough or sneeze? Well, if you have been doing so for the past month or two, please seek help. I’m not going to scare you or something but did you notice some abnormalities near your glands with that cough? It might be something.

Some people may want to get pregnant and really, why would you want to put her in jeopardy?

I know some offices offer monetary benefit for not taking any MCs but seriously, why would you want to put other people’s health on the line for that money? Consider giving the money to someone else if your decision actually affect others that causes them to be sick.

If you have working at home arrangement (and really need that money), please consider the option. Do not come to the office and spread your virus to other people. It is bad enough to be sitting in an office; a closed space for eight hours (bless those people with shorter working hours) with existing health hazard. Dust accumulates on the carpet for years and the closed window; that cannot be healthy. So, please don’t add your virus to it.

If you do not the option to work from home, take the day off and just sleep. A good shutdown is great for an ever active body. Think; if you are perfectly fine, why are you sick? It’s the way your body is telling you ‘please stop. I need rest.’

A one day or two would not hurt. And to add to it, if you have some sickness that have been day for a few months, don’t you want to go to the specialist? 

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