Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why I Like Conservative Board Games

I may not be good at chess but I really enjoy other board games. Of course, there was this Snake and Ladder, Sahibba and Monopoly (just quoting a few). I remember growing up with my siblings and cousins playing the games every time we meet. Of course, this was before the advent of the Internet. I mean it was made available at a cheap price for everyone to enjoy.

As we get older, getting together to play board games becomes harder. It was fun during school but once we started college and everything, it sort of become uncool I guess. We did try to recreate the moment but well, it was not easy. Something that is of th epast, should well stay as the past.

With the Internet, we don't have to sit in a same room to play board games. I used to play Dominoes with people about 500 miles (maybe more) from Melaka. All I need was a Yahoo! Play room and voila! No more boring days.

Now, it is even easier with tablets and smartphones. All we have to do is download the game and we can play with it anytime (although I have to admit that I get bored very easily with this thing). No more waiting to connect to a room, just play and the scores will be updated soon.

Despite this, I still find board games charming. I love the few minutes of bickering about bank notes while playing saidina. Or the few minutes of bickering of who should go make tea or something. All I get from playing with people across the world was 'faster, your move!' Like laju-laju ni nak pergi mana, bang?

Anyways, the thing that I missed the most of playing board games is the possibility of throwing a trantrum when we are about to lose and flipping the board. Imagine the feeling when we see houses and hotels flying down the table as well as money that belonged to your opponents.

We wouldn't get that with applications, right?

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