Friday, October 09, 2009

Starter for 10 - book review

Seriously I could not remember why i bought this book. but i personally think its worth the monet.

brian jackson was 19 and he got to college. he imagined about having a don quixonte moustache, starts smoking, among others. but things are a lot harder than what he thinks it would be like.

jackson struggles with adjusting, trying not to be a prick to his friends, to be more in touch with his mother, to set things straight with a few female friends, trying to study, party hard, make it to the University Challenge and a few others.

as usual, the book is full of dark humour and getting drunk that i can nearly feel the hangover that was never there. it was entertaining to see jackson stammer when he apologised to rebecca and then confessed he wasn't sure what he was apologising for. it was like reading into a guy's mind, literally.

things went out of hand during a university challenge qualifying round. somehow brian tried too hard and ruined everything. he did patch up things with his mum and soon-to-be-dad uncle des. but things got awry and in the end brian chose to start things over; his studies, his love relationship, his relationship with his mum.

if you like dark humour, then this is something that maybe something you should look for. but of course, i like stephen clark's merde happens more.


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

oke. sekarang hobi membaca reviu ucu je.

I still didn't managed to finish all my novels. Huwaaaaaaaaa T___T

Too busy with life. Sobsob. Ucu, I miss you~

Unknown said...

ouh tengs syud
rindu anda juga
nnt kita jumpe oke?