Tuesday, December 08, 2009

when you were young
you thought that not knowing it is normal
' i will know what it means when i'm older'
the 13th, 14th, 18th birthday came and still you do not know of it
you thought 'grown ups as in proprt grown ups will know it. i shall wait'
still, you find yourself not knowing
even when you are 24, 25 and so on

why can't it be like a mathematical equation like the ones derived by pythagoras?

*saya sedang sibuk dengar lagu earth, wind and fire secara tekun. sekonyong-konyong jadi peminat sekalipun tak lahi rlagi masa derang popular


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

makna apakah ucu? saya dah 22 n tatau pape gak :D

blur12 said...

ala 22 still young. i'm 26 going to 27 pon tak tahu juge

Unknown said...

syud: saya yg beberapa dekad lagi tue ni pon tatau oke
azrah: sep sket bebeh