Tuesday, January 05, 2010

day 5 - mental breakdown

Originally uploaded by uculer
parting ways with coffee is really not easy. i was nauseous the whole day, its just lucky that i still manage to put my brain to work.

my mouth is just full of saliva all the time and i have this crazy cravings for food. this is totally uncool.

apparently, i'm not imagining things. its normal for a person to experience some kind of withdrawal symptoms once they cut the coffee. the symptom can start as soon as 12 hours after the last cup of coffee and can last up to nine days (gulp! that's very far to go).

i'm trying green tea. hope it works.

one of it is get really irritable. that explains my blue mood until 11 am everyday. bwahaha! three hours of being extremely agitated.

check this (http://coffeetea.about.com/od/caffeine/a/symptoms.htm) for some of the withdrawal symptoms.


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

oh my..goodluck ucu! i know you can do it

ingat pesan therapist tau. jaga kulit :)

Unknown said...

ye baiklah, syud
lalu menangis air mata darah

Rizai Reeani said...

green tea is my favourite. walau rasanya agak kelat tapi it taste good.

lebihkan minum air masak, ingat lapan gelas sehari. boleh juga tambah perahan lemon untuk lebih sedap. (saya ikut martha stewart punya idea ni)

boleh punya ucu, i know u can do it! u go girl! cewah... ;)

Asmaul Juakhir said...

gambatte ucu!
you can do it!