Sunday, January 24, 2010

i have to thank Tim berners-Lee for bringing the Internet to our lives. i realised that somehow the family ties are getting closer than it used to be. some people may think that updating status 5 times daily on Facebook is totally annoying but i digress. that is actually how i somehow keep up with the family.

my cousin has just completed SPM and is currently going through what i went through after my SPM. i couldn't apply for a job, i was not allowed to apply for a license and i do not have a computer back then. Internet? what? yes, it's frigging boring. and she is going through the same thing. except for the internet part.

if she fells choked, that was exactly how i felt. i didn't find a solution but i pray that she will find hers. ouh how i prayed. i try sharing some things that i know of like Nuffnang for example because i know she has lots of friends who can visit her blog almost daily. i do not know the progress of it. hopefully she is doing ok with it.

but cousin, fret not. this is just going to last for like 3 months. if you are lucky (and i do pray you will), maybe you'll get shipped to a different country to study there. imagine learning a new language; you will soon forget the meaning of boredom.

however, for the mean time, just enjoy the frustration of not being able to do anything. want to get a license? i still believe you have so much more time after this. wants to attend a jamboree? prioritise. we have lots of wants but maybe we should just pay attention on needs.

so cousin, you are not alone. you are going the same thing as i did last time. but you are lucky that you can talk to your brother or even me on some things. me? i can never refer to anyone back then. at least you can talk about it to us. although, i may not be able to keep a serious face. yes, i sometimes laugh in my room when i chat with you.

if you miss the jamboree, who cares? its not the end of the world. there are other ways to achieve one goal. for example, one do not have to just drive to seremban. one can either go on a bus or go on board a train. of course, walking is another form of transportation but lets not go there.

talking of walking, i just felt my legs throbbing with pain. maybe i should stop now and call it a day.

gelpren-gelpren sekalian, esok je la ai upload gamba. itu pun kalau i ingat :P


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

goodluck for your cousin.

ah tak upload pic. tak ingatlah tu kan?

pic huduh i tamo! NGAHAHA

Unknown said...

bukan tak ingat tapi malas