Thursday, June 17, 2010

10 Benefits of World Cup
Ya, I know. The time has arrived again when we will see our colleagues (or even bosses) stagger into the office at nearly noon. Bloodshot eyes and unkempt hair included in the package. Worried moms will be losing sanity looking at the kids camping in front of the TV but let's take a positive look on how the event can benefit us

1. For the girls out there, this is the perfect opportunity to go on a date with your crush. Ask him out for dinner to watch the live game or the rerun. And when you think it will be disastrous to see him screaming abuse to team playing on the screen, do not fret. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about him inside out.

But don’t forget to learn the rules and get to know who is playing. We are watching the game, not learning about the game. Trust me, the guy will have no time teaching you about free kicks, penalty kicks and stuff. Do you research and learn the rules, get paid lessons from your brother if you must. Guys think it is cool if chicks dig sports.

2. Again for girls; perfect time to get your boyfriend or partner with your friends. It will be even better if you can drag your father and brothers along. Cut all the hassle of getting to know him better by bringing him home for dinner, small family gathering etc. Just make sure you have the team right. We do not want bloodbaths and complications to your love life if you bring supporters of opposing teams together. .

3. Perfect time to test whether your partners love you (I say partners because some girls are S crazy about footballs as guys do. And some guys do not watch footballs). Text them when their favourite team is playing. See if they can take a time off howling with laughter when the players keel over and reply your text. Typing mindless tittle-tattle will be just perfect.

4. Perfect time to get the husband wake you up and take care of the screaming baby. Let’s not be too hopeful on him taking care of the baby, shall we?

5. Some bosses allow people to come in later than usual. Use this to your benefit. Never mind you don’t even know that Honduras made it into the game.

6. For those who are running a restaurant, this is a perfect time to start inviting everyone to your shop and make good use of the event. Benefit from it. Ouh throwing free drinks wouldn't hurt.

7. Woman, your partners would hardly care what you shop during this one month. They have other more important things in their mind. This is the time that you can get away with almost anything.

Don’t believe me? Brazil’s stock exchange was heavily interrupted during their game. Traders actually stopped trading to watch the game. See? I’m not making this all up?

8. It is still not too late to ask for another TV set or Astro account. Trust me.

9. This is perfect for those who have to wrestle their siblings to the ground when it comes to using the computer. There are three matches in a day so you will get about 6 hours on the computer. Just lure them with the promise of junk food in front of the TV.

10. If there is one thing people can accept, it is illogical reasons. 'Why do you look so glum?' 'Nani is not playing this time'.
Why the long face?
Answer: Spain lost
And they will go...'ouh...right'.
Nevermind that you do not know the first thing about penalty box or kicks. Just learn the teams playing in the game and the schedule. Easy peasy.

With that people, I invite you to lengthen the list. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the game.


blur12 said...


Unknown said...

thank you azrah :)