Thursday, October 29, 2009

tulisan budak derjah empat

tulisan budak derjah empat
Originally uploaded by uculer
someone wants her to edit things on paper
look at her handwriting (which her grandfather thought was her cousin's handwriting. her cousin was then 9 years old. thanks atok!)
the person asked,' takkan tulisan tak paham kot?'

look at her handwriting
it goes up and down, swayed right and left
sometimes she couldn't even understand what she was scribbling
actually, most of the time

look at the picture
do you seriously think her handwriting can be read?

apparently, she doesn't think so


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

budak derjah 4 dgn tulisan pusing2. hehe :D

nora ashikin said...


Unknown said...

syud: sbb tulis atas dinding
kinkin: yes buruk i know. hoh