Monday, January 04, 2010

day 4 - coffee withdrawal syndrome

tired feet
Originally uploaded by uculer
i'm a coffee addict. see? declaring your illness (in my case addiction to coffee), is the first step of healing.

it all started when i started working. in my mind, coffee is the perfect stimulant and a great way to start a day. and since the habit has been ingrained for more than two years, its very difficult to shoo away.

i started seeing the effect of coffee because sometimes its too difficult to monitor water intake and resulted in my skin being very dry. to make it worst, my skin is already easily irritable and the result is not pretty.

hence, i make it a point to stop taking caffeine this year.

omg, this is not easy. moi without coffee is cranky, grumpy and just moody. this is not easy. walking to the pantry sans-coffee felt weird. i kind of lost myself a bit (yah me being the drama queen). but seriously, i keep thinking about coffee.

i keep having cravings throughout the day. my mouth is full of saliva when i think of coffee (i'm actually drooling right now, trying hard not to drool all over the keyboard). and i nearly, literally jumped at every chocolate i see.

if this is how someone goes through when they stop smoking, gosh this is not easy.


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

ciok ucu! kasut cantek ;)

Unknown said...

ye doakan kejayaan saya. maseh maseh tp sbnrnya nak moss green

Unknown said...

i stopped taking caffeine once upon a ramadhan a few years ago. but then, after raya..well..old habits die hard. i start drinking coffee again...

Unknown said...

wish me luck, azureen
T_T susah oke

Rizai Reeani said...

ala, kesiannya... tak pe ucu, kuatkan semangat! kalau rasa nak minum kopi tu, cepat-cepat minum air masak.

em, rasanya gula-gula kopiko okey juga. ehe... ;)