Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion. Proceed at your own risk.

The title itself is mushy and truthfully, boring. Why did i proceed to read? Because I want to see if it turns out to be different. i want to know whether Spencer is really Sally's knight in the armour, getting her out of the dump. In that sense, it is a page turner.

Story-wise? I'd say nothing special. A woman wants to have a better life for a kid, ex-boyfriend tries to win her back, new boyfriend comes, dashingly handsome, rich bla bla bla. Seriously, boring plot. Very predictable. You just need read like 15 pages and flip the backpage and look for another book. Maybe something from dilbert. That's be fun.

Can I give rating here? Anyways I want to. A half eaten, stale donut/ 5 freshly baked doughnuts.


Clarky Afif said...

How to Kill Your Husband
(and other handy household hints)


Unknown said...

ye ke? oke. dr sape?