Sunday, May 02, 2010

We should be happy being a woman. Why?

  1. Crying is blackmail. This, you can learn from small kids. When they cry hard enough, they can get away with it. Try crying when your boyfriend is mad at you. It might work (I say might) but not your husband. Father? In certain situations.
  2. We get to wear (sometimes) ridiculous stuff. Example, we get to wear bubble dresses with bows on the waist (not that I’ve tried it). If you are really cute, then you can get away with it. You can die trying putting bows on any part of your attire if you are a guy. Even the one on your neck can make you ridiculous.
  3. PMS. Ah, the ever famous excuse. When mom is having a bad mood, she’s on PMS and other people don’t really talk about it that much. Lazy to smile? Use the PMS excuse. PMS seems to be the answer to almost anything and guys usually understand this. Mess with a woman on PMS is like waking a sleeping dragon having Monday Blues.
  4. Women can get away with being close to kids. It’s okay for women to get to close with kids. Have you noticed that this is not the case with guys? Try this and guys, you may be called as paedophile.
  5. Sad Card: Being blonde. When we use the ‘I don’t know’ excuse, guys will usually come to the rescue. I kind of used this a few times because I’m too lazy. Believe me, I’m not proud of it.
  6. We can get away with almost anything. Lost the parking ticket? There’s a huge chance we might not have to endure the RM50 fine. If this happen to guys, dream on. Just prepare the RM50 beforehand.
  7. We don’t have to fret too much about paying at eateries. Point, order and eat while the guy settles it. Even if you do not feel it’s appropriate for the guy to be paying for it, just shut up and smile. When you insist too hard on paying, it will be a huge blow to his ego. Just enjoy the moment and remember to go to Top Hat or somewhere really expensive next time. Nah, kidding.
  8. It is okay for woman to be emotional. Guys can never get away with this.
  9. Womens’ apparel is affordable. Guys’ shoes can easily cost RM 300. Women only need about 10% of that to get a cute stiletto in Vincci.
  10. Women are nice to look at. Come on. Even I ogle at girls.
  11. ‘Diamonds are girls’ bestfriend’. And yours guys? Something boring we suppose.
So girls, what do you enjoy most? 


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

I enjoy the most of having make up, lots of lipstick and baju rambu ramba. aik? (kenapakah macam bukan aku?) :))

I enjoy being a girl..because one day, I want to be a mother :">

Unknown said...

sikit lagi tu dressup la awak tu :P

Unknown said...

i is liking this post. hahaha. i enjoy them all. wahahha :))

Unknown said...

dayya: you is so cool :D