Monday, September 20, 2010

Handling Telemarketers

We understand that telemarketers have job to do. We really do. But sometimes, we are in a midst of a very important meeting or we really do not need the third health insurance. However, you have already picked up the phone although it shows random number. It is not your fault since you thought another customer (you own a successful blogshop-let's pretend). So, how to deal with telemarketers?


Here's a guide to all of us:


1.        Lie

' I need to go to the toilet. For Number 2'

' The offer is on 30th September 2010? Oh man, I can't make it. Flying overseas to further studies' (They do not have to know that you are an undergraduate in Melaka)

' I'm busy on that date.' (Sometimes they offer vacation and stuff)


2.        Pretend to be really busy. Put the mouthpiece as close as possible to the keyboard and types furiously. Insert hesitant pauses here and there for maximum result.

3.        Failing to do point number 2, keep asking them to repeat the information.

4.        ' If you can't beat them, be them'. Example:

' Hi Miss Lee, my name is Shamsul from Etiqa. We are now offering…'

*gasps dramatically and proceed to say ' Shamsul, what a coincidence! I've just started in Etiqa, Jalan Ipoh branch'

5. Breathe loudly into the mouthpiece.

6. Say nothing. Nothing at all. They will wonder what happened to you.


I hope my friend will benefit on this. And those with more tips, feel free to share.



PearlKaz said...

haha. i used to work as telemarketer before. wise advice, kalau nak tipu, be smart. sebab there's one person pernah cakap dia dekat toilet tapi bunyi kasut tengah turun tangga. haha. all of us just laugh.

Unknown said...

i like no 6!

Unknown said...

pearl: i used to be a telemarketer juga :D
rosazreen: silence is golden kan? ohohoho

Clarky Afif said...

this gonna be quite long. my ways:

1. Lie: "er...dah ada! i own a skyline oredy" eventho they are promoting Etiqa (ahahaahah!)

2. Pretend to be busy: I'm in a meeting (even tho im still damn well studying) and my boss is a french he could not even understand the words "excuse me i have to take this call"

3. if u cant beat them, be them:
"Oh, really? then lets make it even. i want to promote my own products, ..." drag your promo till he/she hangs up.