Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I Wonder How My Friends Actually Tackle MCQ Questions

Well, multiple choice questions or in short, MCQ. Ah the legendary ways to answer multiple choice questions:

  1. Close your eyes and just jab your pencil.
  2. Recite Al-Fatihah to get the right answer (it will always be C. I wonder why)
  3. Some of my friends have these square erasers where they write A-D on each side. Anytime they have no idea what they should answer on the OMR, they will flip the eraser.
But, what if its not part of the exam paper?

Take for an example here. A want a new laptop. Being a caring and pretty kepochi kind of a friend, I asked A when he will be getting a MacBook Air.
A then replied;
‘ I would have to wait until this current laptop is spoilt’

Of course, being the very helpful friend, I offered to do A the favour:
‘ You want it to be spoilt? I’m more than happy to help you with that. Brick, hammer or shoes? You pick’

A replied: How about money? A guni of money of about RM 2k will do the trick just fine’

See? SEE? I wonder how A made it in school. I mean, imagine the teacher asking ‘What is an amoeba?’
A)    an animal
B)    my neighbour’s pet
C)    the scientific name of a butterfly
D)    a chant people say while doing yoga.
(OK I just made this one up so don’t judge me)

(But I know you are judging so here goes another one)

Mohenjo-Daro is
A)    A city
B)    A stationery brand
C)    The first married couple who decided to keep their names instead of changing it, thus the hyphen
D)    None of the above

So, what does he answer if he gets this type of question? Does he scribble
E)     A place that now exists in textbook only?

I wonder if he actually did that. I don’t think so. My best guess is he’ll just circle whatever he thinks is correct or remotely familiar or even leave it blank. And that I the very thing I expect him to do when it comes to my question. Just take a pick on the answers. Not offer another alternative. Stick to the rules, people.

Ah there goes. A totally pointless entry, just to make up for the hiatus.

P/S: It’s not as if I didn’t create a whole new answer for a question. I do that regularly too :P


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

haha. i bet so! :P

what are we but our answer?

p/s: tak pernah baling dadu. tapi selalu baca 'bismillah' sambil lompat-lompatkan pensel atas kertas OMR. ahaks

Unknown said...

kot tak larat dah bace fatihah ke dah lambat sgt syud, saya baca bismillah saja