Thursday, June 25, 2009

they met at the lift lobby
they went down together
XX was talking on the phone while XY was looking at XX
looking and seemed to be wnting to engage with a conversation with XX
XX was busy on the phone

XX went down with XY on the elevator
then XX said hi to XY and proceeded to make small talk
'you are going back late huh?'
then they were having heated discussion about Putra or LRT or monorail
in the end XY managed to answer XY's own question
XX laughed in XX's head

they walked together to the monorail station
XY asked about:
'where you live?'
'where do you go off?'
'how do you go to work'
XY tried XY's best to give teh same question

conversation continued

XX managed to ask XY's nationality
XY asked:
'what do you study?'
'how's the slary?'
'what's your job like'
'why did you quit the last job?' ---> repetition repetition repetition
and in turn, XX gave name card to XY!
yeay for that

i watched transformers yesterday. it was seriously cool. i love it and i really do so hope dearest makcik will ajak me out next week. or the other week. it does not matter. i just want to go watch it again.

good and funny lines. love it. and cool robots. and hawt megan fox.

so, done with that
so long

XX= the girl
XY= the guy


Zila said...

i x phm on nationality ques.

so who is xx then? is he the same as ss?

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

XX: ucu?

XY: someone2..uhuk! haha

bumblebee is so cute ucu!!!

OMG! I wud marry him if I'm an autobot!

*mereng mode* :P

s.c.h.u.l.t said...
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Unknown said...

carrie: yes. no. maybe
syud: yes yes yes! bumblebee sgt comel