Sunday, February 07, 2010

i don't reply tags on my blog or anywhere. ouh except at the office when people start scribbling on the white board because its so much fun.

wait. that's not tagging.

anyways, back to the topic; i just don't. why? because some questions on the tag can actually aid identity theft or security breach.

who has recently registered for say E-bay, PayPal or any financial services recently? these sites gave you specific personal questions like 'What is you mother's maiden name?', ' Tell us the name of your favorite character', ' Tell us what you dream at night' or ' Share with us on your views on politics'. OK, i know i just made up the latter two but you get the drill. and the reason for these questions are to improve your security. And how can you tell the level of security when you blab about your mother's maiden name in blogs or social networks? doesn't that defies the purpose.

let's say you think that this will not impose a problem because you are just 16 and is currently not using other financial services. well, obviously you have an email right? imagine someone having control over the email and email everyone on your list for money. isn't that fraud?

and another thing; posting phone numbers over the Internet in wide open space. if you want to share your phone numbers, do it through personal message. it is extremely dangerous to post your numbers in blogs you know. people can just text you and claim that i'm the one who always comments on your shoutbox bla bla bla. and when someone wants to trick you, they study you and they study patterns. jadi janganlah dengan selambe yaya percaya yang org yang sedang text anda itu adalah kawan anda. it can be anybody. it can even make a joke:

  ' ala you ni. nak kawan dengan i pun takot. bukannye i gune org utk jadikan drug mule'
  funny? yeah, they know how to get into our heart just like that *feel free to snap your finger now.. 

  mereka boleh menanam tebu, membuat kilang tebu, malah menjual air tebu di pinggir bibir untuk menipu anda. and please please please girls, be very careful with this. you know that you can easily fall for someone when you talk to them very frequently. even twice in one week.

  so, the reason for not replying to any tags or telling more things about myself (which i think i have done so previously) is not because i'm lazy. i'm just wary of my own safety.

  OK I lied. i'm lazy BUT the other reason is stronger so there it is.

  it's nearly 11 am. got to go stalk other blogs. ta~

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