Monday, September 13, 2010

One Thing We Should Not Do During Hari Raya

I believe that everyone is still having a good time with rendang lemang ketupat bla bla bla. You lucky people. I have been stuck at home, seeing that I don't have any kampong. Lucky that I managed to get out of the house just now, just a few hours to the office. See? This is the very reason I cannot take time off too long from work.


We live in an era where we live two lives; the real world and cyberworld. It is hard to just live in one world. I keep in touch with my family through Twitter or blog or Facebook. People have start sending cards and wishes through Facebook or email. Wedding invitations even. I admit it is easier to keep tab on who you have sent the invitations to and stuff. I look for recipes online, apart from gossips (yes, I do that once in a while. I'm human too), winner of America's Next Top Model (dang it. I accidentally got hooked on the show), search for the best deals for my holidays and stuff.


See? The Internet is a powerful tool.


I can tolerate people who constantly looking at their handphones to check and reply for Twitters or even SMSes. I have no problem with people who just have to upload their pictures on Facebook instantly using their BlackBerrys.


But, don't you think visiting peoples' houses with laptops and broadband have gone a bit too far? Look, that defies the whole purpose of visiting people during Hari Raya. I'm talking about yearly visits, not even monthly. If you really cannot do it, refrain from going out of your house. People do not need to see you sitting in their living rooms with your laptops or notebooks, pretending that you are way too busy when actually you are just updating your Facebook.


Don't get me wrong. I have Facebook account too but there's time and place for everything.


Here's a solution for people who really cannot resist being far away from the cyberworld while visiting people during hari raya.

  1. Get a smartphone.
  2. Don't bother going out for raya at all.
  3. Remind your cousins beforehand that you need computers and the like.


Seriously, I'm pretty pissed. Why do you even need to come to our house if you'd rather go online? Might as well organise an open house on your Facebook. 


Bento-Hide said...

uh, aku terlalu sibuk untuk beronline sepanjang perayaan. nak bukak laptop kejap pon dah kena marah. hahahahaha

PearlKaz said...

tak patut... tak patut... depa ingat depa je ke yang ade laptop, ada facebook?