Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hi! yes i know it's 5 something in the morning but I can't sleep. maybe because i forgot that i was supposed to watch pendekar bujang lapuk yesterday. talking to an old friend on YM made me lose an hour just like that. yes, a good one hour.

so, what am i doing trying to ramble this early in the morning? well, i have no idea too! but i guess i will just come in early (if the bus doesn't buat lawak and come late).

I just don't understand. everyday i'll reach home at such a late time that i will just two hours to myself. and although you might think two hours is enough, think again. i barely have time for myself (merepek bla bla bla) and for my family. sometimes igo one week without seeing my auntie who lives in the same house. it's almost sad to think about.

and also my copusin. yesterday i gopt like 2 minutes to bully him only. and before i know it, he'll be lepaking in MV all day and I will not meet him at all.

ah time. they fly away so fast, it's almost unfair. and now i should go take a bath and try to race it to the office

hey! ni ape pagi-pagi pun broadband mcm gamp ni?

after ten minutes
ouh yeah, i woke up because i was too hungry


Asmaul Juakhir said...

5 in the morning?
patutla ade typo..

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

I sleep like nuts ucu. I miss u. (eh gile hape wat ayat2 jiwang cmnie?) :P

Zila said...

ucu ada gf? :-o

Unknown said...

maul: haha dah la tak pakai spek kan lps tu main tekan post je
syud: takpe. i rindu u jugak
zila: sbb u tanak tido sekatil ngan i, i cari la org lain