Monday, July 20, 2009

right now i'm smiling
because sometimes, you have to lose to win
and i won

i received a text yesterday that made me smile
actually made me wonder what make the other person think that someone can be so forgiving?
forget that she was once treated like a doormat
an on-call friend
now that he has no girlfriend
he was wishing that she will continue to become his friend
the person who he threw away, he purposely forgot to tell that he is already with someone
she who helped him court a girl

no one can be that forgiving
and she thought he'd understand that the bridges between them were burned
but noooooo....he don't understand that she needed space (not MySpace)
he made the mistake of asking sympathy
and she had to tell the ugly truth
she didn't mind but she knows he will be sad
well, careful what you wish for


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

just give him a slap right on his face :)

nora ashikin said...

setuju dengan syud!
org itu sgtlah keji.

Asmaul Juakhir said...

plus a flying kick,
that would be naiss..

nora ashikin said...

tapi lagi setuju dengan mamau kalau flying kick kat tempat yang paling sakit kalau kene tendang! yang boleh buat 'mati' tu.

huh emo-emo..

Unknown said...

syud: siries patut langgar ngan treler 18 tayar je
kinkin: yes sgt!
mamau: yeah. lame tak tendang menendang.
kinkin: yes tengkiu atas cadangan (bersemangat)