Friday, September 18, 2009

well, here's a game called 'Who's the Better Stalker' (as if stalking is a good thing aiudnfyf)

she observes him for half a year
kind of know how he is like
knows that his choice in neckties are kind of cool
how much of a workaholic he is
knows that he's getting better with the small talk and all

another she met her former schoolmate and in one day
less than one hour
she knows that he can stand up for his right
and she likes him

who's better than?

and selamat hari raya people. maaf zahir dan batin
enjoy your hols


Zila said...

the 2nd gal, noticed general things

the 1st gal, specific

1st gal la stalker

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

1st gal la stalker. ke 1st & 2nd gal adelah gadis yg same? ;))

eid mubarak too ucu!!

Unknown said...

zila: how come? she was observant for two whole months. tak adil oke
syud: org lain derang tu. deng. apsal yg first kene jadi stalker. adoi