Monday, September 28, 2009

looking for something
Originally uploaded by uculer

I am still reading the book about the qualities of the leader. Ouh no, I'm not planning to take over any major seats in the company that I'm attached with but the idea of taking over Richard Branson's company does not sound too bad. Yeah, wishful thinking.

I would like to share this part where the writer touches on loving what you do. Well, that's not the exact word in the book but I am too lazy to walk to my room and take the book so bear with me.

When we were young (I don't think small is appropriate because some people stay small and slim forever.nblasyfafbeufho. Lucky them), we have a lot of fantasies. I remember wanting to become a scientist (nowhere close), a teacher (no chance), a lawyer (loyar buruk bole la) and I may have the dream to become the person who discovers artifacts and fossils. I was driven, reading books after books upon my current fascination then and nothing seemed like a rouutine. Every day was filled with excitement, there never was a moment to feel bored because there's so much things to imagine. Like how I'm going to discover new viruses and teach my soft toys some idioms. Well, being the only girl has its own disadvantages like you'll end up a tree if you really want to push your brothers to play without.

Wait. Maybe I did ask them to climb the tree with me. Well, never mind.

But as we get older, we forgot how to imagine. And when we forgot how to imagine, there's no fun anymore. I personaly sometimes feel trapped. I go through this whole routine of waiting for the bus, walking to the office, pretend to be busy, do the job, read some work-related emails (well if not all the time, almost all the time then) and then go home. Repeat the steps like ten times and be ready to fall into a coma. I'm just painting the scenario though because I'm blessed with an office full of fun people. But I had the experience when I worked with other places. I feel there's nothing that iIcan do. I feel trapped. And I realised that it happened because I let go of the thing that I love to do.

Its good to be doing something that you like and good at. Like, some peope are good at playing the piano but sometimes they forgot to allocate the time to play it, citing reasons like busy, no time bla bla bla. But after reading the particular chapter, I realised that doing something that we love to do is a good way of de-stressing out selves. And doing something that we are good at and honing the skill might even become more satisying.

Go back to the root. Reflect back to the time when we are young (if can, innocent). What are the things that we spend hours doing that we forgot to sleep, eat or even play with other people. Playing hide-and-seek may not be applicable here. Find that activity and start doing it again. Break the routine of just going to work and returning home to sleep. Break it by doing the thing that we love. I love reading and I really can't wait to go back and read something. Reading is something that I love doing since I was a little kid and i can just get lost in the midst of the sea of books. Which reminds me that I didn't manage to get Time Traveller's Time *cries.

I don't know Zila. Maybe my Personal Legend is not teaching. Because I remember writing stories when I was young. A LOT. I spent hours writing and perfecting the characters. Maybe that's my Personal Legend because I enjoy it the most. But I do appreciate you trying to suggest what my Personal Legend is because I was blur. Maybe this is the path that I should take although I may not end up as JK Rowling (imagine having lunch in Buckingham Palace weih) or Stephen King (gile bes ni byk buku jadi movie).

I know what I need to do now. I know what gives me the satisfaction (apart from eating). So, why not go find the thing that you love to do to break the routine? And tell me how it feels.


Zila said...

i tot i've found my personal legend after reading the book (2chapters only) of "what should i do with my life? by po bronson". nanti i bagi u pinjam

but my health n way of living do not support my personal legend. i will end up offending the people involved

i am confused right now. i've been trying to find other personal legends, but all comes 2nd, 3rd, n 10th

maybe i should approach my no.1 differently. i have to try

jolie said "figure out what u personally love n go after it with everything you've got no matter how much it takes"

ok she tak cakap directly to me, but takpe la nak perasan kan

Unknown said...

i think that if you really want to pursue your personal legend, you have to go against the flow. but maybe you can try another tactic. good luck oke?

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

I miss the moment when I was a little girl. Oh best btol saat-saat itu!

What should I do with my life? Err..entahlah. Be happy. sambil mendoakan ucu berbahagia dengan flip-flop. :)

Unknown said...

takpe. cari slow-slow syud. tapi rengs doakan i dengan si tall-dark-handsome itu
aih gatai kau ni